196,189 research outputs found

    Understanding the Diffusion of a Mobile Application for Supply Chain Management: A System Dynamics Approach

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    An appropriate information and logistics structure is of paramount importance for the local fresh food supply chain, which is characterized by market fragmentation and little coordination among suppliers and customers. Mobile communication technologies can help meet this goal because of their large diffusion and real time information management. In this context, a System Dynamics model is developed to study the diffusion pattern and the impacts of a new application for mobile devices supporting supply chain operations. To this end, a reference supply chain in Northern Italy has been considered. The base application and the integration of three additional features assisting in the management of product traceability, electronic payments, and time-sensitive deliveries are analyzed. Simulation results provide insights into the dynamics of adoption of the mobile service and help derive business policies to disseminate its diffusion

    System Dynamics Modelling and System Analysis Applied in Complex Research Projects - the Case of VALUMICS

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    VALUMICS is a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission (2017-2021). The project structure is highly integrated and transdisciplinary, building on the expertise of over 30 specialists in various fields of research including knowledge integration through systems analysis and system dynamics modelling, food science, supply chain management, life cycle assessment, logistics, economics and social science. The aim of the project is to analyze the dynamics of food supply- and value chain systems using a structural analysis including system analysis and perform system simulations using system dynamics. The VALUMICS research approach and the project design are explained and it is justified why system analysis is needed to obtain an understanding of the complex connections and interactions of the distinct parts of food systems. Patterns will be recognized and thus causes and effects of complex relations within the selected food supply system and networks will be identified. This understanding of the functioning of the system can in turn be used to identify policy interventions

    System Dynamics Simulation to Test Operational Policies in the Milk-Cheese Supply Chain Case study: Piar Municipality, Bolivar State, Venezuela.

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    With the purpose of detecting the impact that variations of demand cause in the milk-cheese supply chain, and determining how the operational policies of capacity, inventories or labor force can mitigate this impact, a system dynamics simulation model has been designed based on a survey conducted on a sample of cheese manufacturers and their links with milk farms, transportation companies and cheese distributors. This supply chain will be consolidated when a milk center that will collect the raw milk is completed. From this center, and after adequate treatment, milk will be distributed to the different cheese manufacturers in the supply chain. Managing adequately the milk-cheese supply chain represents an important challenge due to the short life of these products. Although this study was done in a region in Latin America, its results can be applicable to food supply chains by introducing some modifications. The milk-cheese supply chain in this case study contemplates three milk producers, one milk center, five cheese producers and several distributing agents. These companies operate individually under normal conditions, but they have understood that their integration in a supply chain improves the competitiveness of all its members. That is to say, the sum is greater than the parts. For its initial design a simulation software model is used in which the resources of the supply chain are optimized. Later the product of this optimization facilitates some initial values to be used in the system dynamics model in which causeeffect or influence relationships have been previously established considering the most representative variables. Finally, changes in operational policies that can reduce the level of pending orders in the supply chain are tested using other simulation software. The main contribution of this research is that it can serve as support or contribute to reduce the uncertainty in the decision making process of the supply chain management due to the speed with which individual or combined policies can be analyzed. In response to a variation of demand the most adequate policy may be selected and that can be done before the policy is implemented

    Development of a dynamic simulation model for inventory level optimization through supply chain

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    System dynamic is an approach to understanding the behavior of complex systems over time. Current research on system dynamics modeling in supply chain management focuses on inventory decision and policy development, time compression, demand amplification, supply chain design and integration, and international supply chain management. Less attention has been devoted on the inventory level improvement with fuzzy demand controller in dynamic simulation model. This study is aimed to consider customer demand fluctuation to improve the finished goods inventory level of Electronic Company by using dynamic simulation model. Dynamic and changes in demand and corresponding excess during time through the product life is considered as serious problems in supply chain. Data collection and analysis have been considered to find the current problems of the company. Dynamic model has been constructed by ITHINK software to represent the inventory level of company. The stock and flow diagrams are become visible to represent the structure of a system with more detailed information. Three different variables have been applied in Fuzzy controller to give the better level of inventory by MATLAB SIMULINK. Generated results have been compared by current company inventory level in ITHINK software and the best alternative was selected to suggest the company management

    Supply chain dynamics

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    Thesis (M. Eng. in Logistics)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-123).The strong bargaining power of major retailers and the higher requirements for speed, service excellence and customization have significantly contributed to transform the Supply Chain Management. These increasing challenges call for an integrated and dynamic Supply Chain Management and for a better integration and alignment with key customers, in order to reduce the firm's time-to-market and build competitive advantage. The thesis aims at providing the partner company, a major player in the consumer goods industry, with a more robust and efficient vendor managed inventory practice, so that the partner can determine the optimum inventory level to satisfy turnover, service level and lead time requirements, whereas minimizing lost sales and total costs in the system. The team developed a Supply Chain Dynamics framework to help the partner to establish new service level strategies, strongly oriented to the strategic importance of its products and customers, and to map the key system-wide drivers that impact the overall number of inventory turns, service level and total costs. Additionally, in order to run simulations and estimate the outcomes of the proposed recommendations, the team developed a "Multi-Echelon" simulator and used a commercial "Supply Chain Dynamics" simulator.by Ricardo Wagner Lopes Barbosa [and] Edward Fan.M.Eng.in Logistic

    Applying System Analysis and System Dynamics Modelling In Complex Research Projects - The Case Of VALUMICS

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    VALUMICS is a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission (2017-2021). The project structure is highly integrated and transdisciplinary, building on the expertise of over 30 specialists in various fields of research including knowledge integration through systems analysis and system dynamics modelling, food science, supply chain management, life cycle assessment, logistics, economics and social science. The aim of the project is to analyze the dynamics of food supply systems using a structural analysis including system analysis and perform system simulations using system dynamics. The VALUMICS research approach and the project design are explained and it is justified why system analysis is needed to obtain an understanding of the complex connections and interactions of the distinct parts of food systems. Patterns will be recognized and thus causes and effects of complex relations within the selected food supply system and networks will be identified. This understanding of the functioning of the system can in turn be used to identify policy interventions

    Applying System Dynamics Approach to the Fast Fashion Supply Chain: Case Study of an SME in Indonesia

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    The fashion industry is the biggest contributor among the 14 creative industries in Indonesia. Nowadays many apparel companies are shifting toward the vertical integration. Since speed is everything to be successful in the apparel industry, fast fashion retailers must quickly respond to the market demand. This papers aims to develop a model of the supply chain of a small and medium scale enterprise (SME) of an apparel company in Indonesia and to propose a decision support system using System Dynamics (SD) and helps the management to identify the best business strategy. Simulated scenarios can help the management to identify the most appropriate policy to be applied in the future. Case study method was used in this research where data were collected from a typical fast fashion firm in Indonesia that produces its own wares ranging from raw materials to be ready-to-wear clothes, has three stores, a warehouse and is running online sales system. We analyses the result of many simulations in a fashion company from an operational point of view and from them we derive suggestions about the future business strategy in a small and medium fashion company in Indonesia. Keywords: system dynamics, fast fashion, supply chain management, SME, Indonesi


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    The Kaduna State supply chain transformation initiative aims to integrate all state-fragmented supply chains to improve medicine availability performance. Supply chain integration enables organisations to collaboratively work with medicine suppliers and customers to achieve cost savings and improve service delivery, lead times, and performance. This study empirically assesses public healthcare supply chains and builds a dynamic theory of integrated healthcare supply chains based on systems dynamics. Underpinned by systems engineering theory and the system dynamics integrative paradigm, this study used interplay paradigm crossing in a mixed-method multiple case study to measure the availability of medicines in five public healthcare supply chains and developed a dynamic hypothesis from the mental models of system actors to increase the Medicine Fill Rate (MFR). Constraints in each supply chain were analysed to understand the perception of the structure, feedbacks, and dynamic behaviours that drive medicine availability. A network conceptual model was used to design a three-tiered stock-and-flow model for an integrated supply chain. Policies for financial management, government funding, order management, and inventory management were developed and tested to achieve a 90% MFR. The findings of this study show that the five supply chains can benefit from integration by forming strategic alliances with suppliers for pooled procurement. Sharing resources, risks, and benefits through the adoption of digital platforms to improve communication, visibility, and trust serves as a fulcrum for network integration. The use of supply chain finance and a performance-driven approach by the integrated network assists in breaking the capability and bailout trap of resource dependency on government funding. This study enriches the development of a dynamic theory of supply chain integration that will benefit managers, essential medicine stakeholders, donors, and policymakers by developing network-revolving fund model policies to reduce medicine stockouts and increase essential MFR for the treatment of diseases

    Penerapan Konsep Manajemen Rantai Pasok pada Produk Unggas

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    EnglishMarketing and logistics experts pay great attention to the concept of supply chain management and try to operationalize in agricultural development especially for high-value products, such as poultry products. The supply chain management concept is interpreted from various perspectives including marketing and logistics perspectives. This paper aims to analyze (1) a conceptual review of supply chain management; (2) the dynamics of production and consumption of poultry products; (3) performance of supply chain management on poultry products; and (4) integrated supply chain management strategy formulation for poultry products. This study applies analysis of review from various sources of literature, primary journals, research results, and text books. A review of the conceptual aspects of supply chain management has identified the different concepts of marketing with supply chain management. Supply chain management analysis on poultry products can improve poultry product distribution efficiency through product process integration among the actors. Production and consumption performance of poultry products showed a high increase, but its trade position is still deficit. In order to realize an efficient distribution system of poultry products, it is necessary to implement integrated supply chain management. In this context, the government needs to facilitate growth and development of poultry agribusiness partnership through integrated supply chain management approach.IndonesianPakar pemasaran dan logistik memberikan perhatian besar terhadap konsep manajemen rantai pasok dan mencoba mengoperasionalkan dalam pembangunan pertanian, terutama pada produk bernilai ekonomi tinggi, seperti produk-produk Perunggasan. Konsep manajemen rantai pasok dimaknai dari berbagai perspektif, antara lain perspektif pemasaran dan logistik. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk (a) meng-analisis konsep manajemen rantai pasok; (b) mengkaji dinamika perkembangan produksi dan konsumsi produk unggas; (c) mengkaji kinerja manajemen rantai pasok produk unggas; dan (d) merumuskan strategi manajemen rantai pasok produk unggas secara terpadu. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis review dari berbagai sumber pustaka, baik jurnal primer, hasil penelitian, dan buku-buku terkait topik tulisan. Tinjauan dari aspek konseptual manajemen rantai pasok telah berhasil mengidentifikasi perbedaan konsep pemasaran dengan manajemen rantai pasok. Penggunaan analisis manajemen rantai pasok pada produk Perunggasan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi distribusi produk Perunggasan melalui keterpaduan proses produk dan antarpelaku dalam rantai pasok. Kinerja produksi dan konsumsi produk Perunggasan menunjukkan peningkatan yang tinggi, namun posisi perdagangannya hingga kini masih defisit. Dalam rangka mewujudkan sistem distribusi produk Perunggasan yang efisien diperlukan penerapan manajemen rantai pasok secara terpadu. Dalam hal ini, pemerintah perlu memfasilitasi bagi tumbuh dan berkembangnya kemitraan USAha agribinis Perunggasan melalui pendekatan manajemen rantai pasok secara terpadu

    Gestión de la cadena de suministros desde la dinámica de sistemas. Aproximación al mejoramiento de la toma de decisiones

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer un estudio sobre la cadena de suministros en organizaciones empresariales desde la Dinámica de Sistemas y como esta puede aportar al desempeño y el control de las cadenas de suministros. Se buscará Abordar el cocimiento sobre tres perspectivas de Supply Chain y su relación con la dinámica de sistemas. También se buscará identificar los tipos de integración en las actividades de la gestión en la cadena de suministros y sus horizontes de planeación. Por último, se pretende analizar las aplicaciones de Supply Chain Management que se han basado en el uso de la metodología de dinámica de sistemas. Para esto, la investigación empezará por definir la problemática alrededor de unir estas dos áreas y definirá el marco teórico que fundan estas dos disciplinas. Luego se abordará la metodología usada por la Dinámica de Sistemas y los diferentes aspectos de la cadena de suministros. Se Ahondará en el acercamiento de las dos disciplinas y como convergen ayudando la SD a la SCM (Supply Chain Management). En este punto también se describirán los trabajos en los diferentes enfoques que se han hecho a partir de uso de la dinámica de sistemas. Por último, presentaremos las correspondientes conclusiones y comentarios acerca de este campo de investigación y su pertinencia en el campo de la Supply Chain. Esta investigación abarca dos grandes corrientes de pensamiento, una sistémica, a través de la metodología de dinámica de sistemas y la otra, lógico analítica la cual es usada en Supply Chain. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura sobre las aplicaciones de dinámica de sistemas (SD) en el área de Supply Chain, sus puntos en común y se documentaron importantes empleos de esta metodología que se han hecho en la gestión de la cadena de suministros.The objective of this work is to make a study on supply chain business organizations from system dynamics and how it can contribute to the performance and control of supply chains. It seeks to address knowledge on three perspectives of Supply Chain and its relation to the dynamics of systems. It will also seek to identify the types of integration in the activities of management in the supply chain and planning horizons. Finally, it aims to analyze the Supply Chain Management applications that are based on the use of the methodology of system dynamics. For this, the research will begin by defining the problem around these two areas and define the theoretical framework that founded these two disciplines. The methodology used by the system dynamics and the different aspects of the supply chain is then addressed. It will deal with the approach of the two disciplines and as helping the SD to converge the SCM (Supply Chain Management). At this point the work will also describe the different approaches that have been made from the use of system dynamics. Finally, we present the relevant conclusions and comments about this field of research and its relevance in the field of Supply Chain. This research covers two major currents of thought, a systemic, through the methodology of system dynamics and the other analytical logic which is used in Supply Chain. There was a review of the literature on the applications of system dynamics (SD) in the area of Supply Chain. Also their common ground and the important jobs of this methodology that have been made and have been documented in the management of supply chains.Universidad del Rosari