253 research outputs found

    Final Report to NSF of the Standards for Facial Animation Workshop

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    The human face is an important and complex communication channel. It is a very familiar and sensitive object of human perception. The facial animation field has increased greatly in the past few years as fast computer graphics workstations have made the modeling and real-time animation of hundreds of thousands of polygons affordable and almost commonplace. Many applications have been developed such as teleconferencing, surgery, information assistance systems, games, and entertainment. To solve these different problems, different approaches for both animation control and modeling have been developed

    Lipreading a naturalistic narrative in a female population : Neural characteristics shared with listening and reading

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. Brain and Behavior published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.Introduction: Few of us are skilled lipreaders while most struggle with the task. Neural substrates that enable comprehension of connected natural speech via lipreading are not yet well understood. Methods: We used a data-driven approach to identify brain areas underlying the lipreading of an 8-min narrative with participants whose lipreading skills varied extensively (range 6–100%, mean = 50.7%). The participants also listened to and read the same narrative. The similarity between individual participants’ brain activity during the whole narrative, within and between conditions, was estimated by a voxel-wise comparison of the Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) signal time courses. Results: Inter-subject correlation (ISC) of the time courses revealed that lipreading, listening to, and reading the narrative were largely supported by the same brain areas in the temporal, parietal and frontal cortices, precuneus, and cerebellum. Additionally, listening to and reading connected naturalistic speech particularly activated higher-level linguistic processing in the parietal and frontal cortices more consistently than lipreading, probably paralleling the limited understanding obtained via lip-reading. Importantly, higher lipreading test score and subjective estimate of comprehension of the lipread narrative was associated with activity in the superior and middle temporal cortex. Conclusions: Our new data illustrates that findings from prior studies using well-controlled repetitive speech stimuli and stimulus-driven data analyses are also valid for naturalistic connected speech. Our results might suggest an efficient use of brain areas dealing with phonological processing in skilled lipreaders.Peer reviewe

    Generation of realistic human behaviour

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    As the use of computers and robots in our everyday lives increases so does the need for better interaction with these devices. Human-computer interaction relies on the ability to understand and generate human behavioural signals such as speech, facial expressions and motion. This thesis deals with the synthesis and evaluation of such signals, focusing not only on their intelligibility but also on their realism. Since these signals are often correlated, it is common for methods to drive the generation of one signal using another. The thesis begins by tackling the problem of speech-driven facial animation and proposing models capable of producing realistic animations from a single image and an audio clip. The goal of these models is to produce a video of a target person, whose lips move in accordance with the driving audio. Particular focus is also placed on a) generating spontaneous expression such as blinks, b) achieving audio-visual synchrony and c) transferring or producing natural head motion. The second problem addressed in this thesis is that of video-driven speech reconstruction, which aims at converting a silent video into waveforms containing speech. The method proposed for solving this problem is capable of generating intelligible and accurate speech for both seen and unseen speakers. The spoken content is correctly captured thanks to a perceptual loss, which uses features from pre-trained speech-driven animation models. The ability of the video-to-speech model to run in real-time allows its use in hearing assistive devices and telecommunications. The final work proposed in this thesis is a generic domain translation system, that can be used for any translation problem including those mapping across different modalities. The framework is made up of two networks performing translations in opposite directions and can be successfully applied to solve diverse sets of translation problems, including speech-driven animation and video-driven speech reconstruction.Open Acces

    MirrorMirror:A Mobile Application to Improve Speechreading Acquisition

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    Hidden Markov Models for Visual Speech Synthesis in Limited Data

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    This work presents a new approach for estimating control points (facial locations that control movement) to allow the artificial generation of video with apparent mouth movement (visual speech) time-synced with recorded audio. First, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are estimated for each visual speech category (viseme) present in stored video data, where a category is defined as the mouth movement corresponding to a given sound and where the visemes are further categorized as trisemes (a viseme in the context of previous and following visemes). Next, a decision tree is used to cluster and relate states in the HMMs that are similar in a contextual and statistical sense. The tree is also used to estimate HMMs that generate sequences of visual speech control points for trisemes not occurring in the stored data. An experiment is described that evaluates the effect of several algorithm variables, and a statistical analysis is presented that establishes appropriate levels for each variable by minimizing the error between the desired and estimated control points. The analysis indicates that the error is lowest when the process is conducted with three-state left-to right no skip HMMs trained using short-duration dynamic features, a high log-likelihood threshold, and a low outlier threshold. Also, comparisons of mouth shapes generated from the artificial control points and the true control points (estimated from video not used to train the HMMs) indicate that the process provides accurate estimates for most trisemes tested in this work. The research presented here thus establishes a useful method for synthesizing realistic audio-synchronized video facial features

    Phonetic recalibration in audiovisual speech

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    Applications of Face Analysis and Modeling in Media Production

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    Facial expressions play an important role in day-by-day communication as well as media production. This article surveys automatic facial analysis and modeling methods using computer vision techniques and their applications for media production. The authors give a brief overview of the psychology of face perception and then describe some of the applications of computer vision and pattern recognition applied to face recognition in media production. This article also covers the automatic generation of face models, which are used in movie and TV productions for special effects in order to manipulate people's faces or combine real actors with computer graphics

    Changes in the McGurk Effect Across Phonetic Contexts

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    To investigate the process underlying audiovisual speech perception, the McGurk illusion was examined across a range of phonetic contexts. Two major changes were found. First, the frequency of illusory /g/ fusion percepts increased relative to the frequency of illusory /d/ fusion percepts as vowel context was shifted from /i/ to /a/ to /u/. This trend could not be explained by biases present in perception of the unimodal visual stimuli. However, the change found in the McGurk fusion effect across vowel environments did correspond systematically with changes in second format frequency patterns across contexts. Second, the order of consonants in illusory combination percepts was found to depend on syllable type. This may be due to differences occuring across syllable contexts in the timecourses of inputs from the two modalities as delaying the auditory track of a vowel-consonant stimulus resulted in a change in the order of consonants perceived. Taken together, these results suggest that the speech perception system either fuses audiovisual inputs into a visually compatible percept with a similar second formant pattern to that of the acoustic stimulus or interleaves the information from different modalities, at a phonemic or subphonemic level, based on their relative arrival times.National Institutes of Health (R01 DC02852