18 research outputs found

    Building a sign language corpus for use in machine translation

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    In recent years data-driven methods of machine translation (MT) have overtaken rule-based approaches as the predominant means of automatically translating between languages. A pre-requisite for such an approach is a parallel corpus of the source and target languages. Technological developments in sign language (SL) capturing, analysis and processing tools now mean that SL corpora are becoming increasingly available. With transcription and language analysis tools being mainly designed and used for linguistic purposes, we describe the process of creating a multimedia parallel corpus specifically for the purposes of English to Irish Sign Language (ISL) MT. As part of our larger project on localisation, our research is focussed on developing assistive technology for patients with limited English in the domain of healthcare. Focussing on the first point of contact a patient has with a GP’s office, the medical secretary, we sought to develop a corpus from the dialogue between the two parties when scheduling an appointment. Throughout the development process we have created one parallel corpus in six different modalities from this initial dialogue. In this paper we discuss the multi-stage process of the development of this parallel corpus as individual and interdependent entities, both for our own MT purposes and their usefulness in the wider MT and SL research domains

    Intérprete de lenguaje de signos en español multidispositivo

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    Versión electrónica de la ponencia presentada en Conferencia Ibero-Americana IADIS WWW/Internet 2006, celebrado en Murcia en 2006En este artículo presentamos un transcriptor de texto a lenguaje de signos distribuido y multidispositivo. La presentación al usuario final del lenguaje de signos es realizada por un personaje animado en tres dimensiones. Este transcriptor está creado para adaptar su salida a la capacidad de proceso del dispositivo receptor. Por lo que puede ser utilizado por un usuario en un ordenador personal para transcribir una página Web, o en un teléfono móvil para transcribir una conversación (utilizando un reconocedor de voz). La flexibilidad del sistema permite adaptarlo a varios idiomas o usarlo como un simple elemento para mejorar una interfaz multimedia


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    While there has been research on computerized communication facilities for those with hearing impairment, issues still remain. Current approaches utilize an avatar based approach which lacks the ability to adequately use facial expressions which are an integral aspect to the communication process in American Sign Language (ASL). Additionally, there is a lack of research into integrating a system to facilitate communication with the hearing impaired into a clinical environment, namely an emergency room admission scenario. This research aims to determine if an alternate approach of using videos created by humans in ASL can overcome the understandability barrier and still be usable in the communication process

    The Efficacy of the Eigenvector Approach to South African Sign Language Identification

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    Masters of ScienceThe communication barriers between deaf and hearing society mean that interaction between these communities is kept to a minimum. The South African Sign Language research group, Integration of Signed and Verbal Communication: South African Sign Language Recognition and Animation (SASL), at the University of the Western Cape aims to create technologies to bridge the communication gap. In this thesis we address the subject of whole hand gesture recognition. We demonstrate a method to identify South African Sign Language classifiers using an eigenvector approach. The classifiers researched within this thesis are based on those outlined by the Thibologa Sign Language Institute for SASL. Gesture recognition is achieved in real time. Utilising a pre-processing method for image registration we are able to increase the recognition rates for the eigenvector approach

    The design of a generic signing avatar animation system

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    Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: We designed a generic avatar animator for use in sign language related projects. The animator is capable of animating any given avatar that is compliant with the H-Anim standard for humanoid animation. The system was designed with the South African Sign Language Machine Translation (SASL-MT) project in mind, but can easily be adapted to other sign language projects due to its generic design. An avatar that is capable of accurately performing sign language gestures is a special kind of avatar and is referred to as a signing avatar. In this thesis we investigate the special characteristics of signing avatars and address the issue of finding a generic design for the animation of such an avatar.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ons het ’n generiese karakteranimasiestelsel ontwikkel vir gebruik in gebaretaal verwante projekte. Die animasiestelsel het die vermo¨e om enige karaktermodel wat met die H-Anim standaard versoenbaar is, te animeer. Die animasiestelsel is ontwerp met die oog op gebruik in die South African Sign Language Machine Translation (SASL-MT) projek, maar kan maklik aangepas word vir ander gebaretaalprojekte te danke aan die generiese ontwerp. ’n Karaktermodel wat in staat is om gebare akkuraat te maak is ’n spesiale tipe karaktermodel wat bekend staan as ’n gebaretaal avatar (Engels : signing avatar). In hierdie tesis ondersoek ons die spesiale eienskappe van ’n gebaretaal avatar en beskou die soektog na ’n generiese ontwerp vir die animering van so ’n karaktermodel

    The efficacy of the Eigenvector approach to South African sign language identification

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    Masters of ScienceThe communication barriers between deaf and hearing society mean that interaction between these communities is kept to a minimum. The South African Sign Language research group, Integration of Signed and Verbal Communication: South African Sign Language Recognition and Animation (SASL), at the University of the Western Cape aims to create technologies to bridge the communication gap. In this thesis we address the subject of whole hand gesture recognition. We demonstrate a method to identify South African Sign Language classifiers using an eigenvector ap- proach. The classifiers researched within this thesis are based on those outlined by the Thibologa Sign Language Institute for SASL. Gesture recognition is achieved in real- time. Utilising a pre-processing method for image registration we are able to increase the recognition rates for the eigenvector approach.South Afric