25,347 research outputs found

    Synthesis of poly(vinyl ether)s with perfluoroalkyl pendant groups

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    2-Perfluoro(alkyl)ethyl vinyl ethers, F(CF2)nCH2CH2OCHCH2, (n = 6 or 8), were synthesized and polymerized by means of cationic initiators (HI/ZnI2 and CF3SO3H/(CH3)2S). The perfluorohexyl-substituted poly(vinyl ether) is completely amorphous. The polymer with perfluorooctyl segments shows side chain crystallization with a disordering transition. For the corresponding perfluorooctyl monomer a liquid-crystalline phase was observed before melting. Copolymerization experiments of the flurocarbon-segmented monomers with a vinyl ether containing a cyanobiphenyl group in the side chain did not give homogeneous copolymers. This is attributed to the slower rate of polymerization of the fluorinated vinyl ethers as compared with the liquid-crystalline comonomer

    Pulsed Laser Deposition of Rocksalt Magnetic Binary Oxides

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    Here we systematically explore the use of pulsed laser deposition technique (PLD) to grow three basic oxides that have rocksalt structure but different chemical stability in the ambient atmosphere: NiO (stable), MnO (metastable) and EuO (unstable). By tuning laser fluence, an epitaxial single-phase nickel oxide thin-film growth can be achieved in a wide range of temperatures from 10 to 750 {\deg}C. At the lowest growth temperature, the out-of-plane strain raises to 1.5%, which is five times bigger than that in a NiO film grown at 750 {\deg}C. MnO thin films that had long-range ordered were successfully deposited on the MgO substrates after appropriate tuning of deposition parameters. The growth of MnO phase was strongly influenced by substrate temperature and laser fluence. EuO films with satisfactory quality were deposited by PLD after oxygen availability had been minimized. Synthesis of EuO thin films at rather low growth temperature prevented thermally-driven lattice relaxation and allowed growth of strained films. Overall, PLD was a quick and reliable method to grow binary oxides with rocksalt structure in high quality that can satisfy requirements for applications and for basic research

    Weak ferromagnetism in cobalt oxalate crystals

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    Microcrystals of diaquocobalt(II) oxalate have been synthesized by the coprecipitation reaction of aqueous solutions of Cobalt (II) bromide and oxalic acid. Chemical analysis and thermal experiments revealed that there is only one phase present. X-ray powder diffraction studies show that this compound is orthorhombic with space group Cccm. Molar susceptibility versus temperature measurements show the existence of an antiferromagnetic ordering, however, the hysteresis measured in magnetization measurements as a function of magnetic field reveals a weak ferromagnetic behavior.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Connection between charge-density-wave order and charge transport in the cuprate superconductors

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    Charge-density-wave (CDW) correlations within the quintessential CuO2_2 planes have been argued to either cause [1] or compete with [2] the superconductivity in the cuprates, and they might furthermore drive the Fermi-surface reconstruction in high magnetic fields implied by quantum oscillation (QO) experiments for YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+δ_{6+{\delta}} (YBCO) [3] and HgBa2_2CuO4+δ_{4+{\delta}} (Hg1201) [4]. Consequently, the observation of bulk CDW order in YBCO was a significant development [5,6,7]. Hg1201 features particularly high structural symmetry and recently has been demonstrated to exhibit Fermi-liquid charge transport in the relevant temperature-doping range of the phase diagram, whereas for YBCO and other cuprates this underlying property of the CuO2_2 planes is partially or fully masked [8-10]. It therefore is imperative to establish if the pristine transport behavior of Hg1201 is compatible with CDW order. Here we investigate Hg1201 (TcT_c = 72 K) via bulk Cu L-edge resonant X-ray scattering. We indeed observe CDW correlations in the absence of a magnetic field, although the correlations and competition with superconductivity are weaker than in YBCO. Interestingly, at the measured hole-doping level, both the short-range CDW and Fermi-liquid transport appear below the same temperature of about 200 K. Our result points to a unifying picture in which the CDW formation is preceded at the higher pseudogap temperature by qq = 0 magnetic order [11,12] and the build-up of significant dynamic antiferromagnetic correlations [13]. Furthermore, the smaller CDW modulation wave vector observed for Hg1201 is consistent with the larger electron pocket implied by both QO [4] and Hall-effect [14] measurements, which suggests that CDW correlations are indeed responsible for the low-temperature QO phenomenon

    Synthesis for circuit reliability

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    textElectrical and Computer Engineerin

    SBE-type metal-substituted aluminophosphates: detemplation and coordination chemistry

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    The detemplation process in Me-SBE (Me = Co^2+, Mg^2+, and Mn^2+) aluminophosphates was studied to elucidate materials stability and framework characteristics. In addition, the hydrothermal synthesis conditions were optimized to obtain materials with minimal phase impurities. This was accomplished by means of decreasing reaction temperature and increasing aging periods. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of the Mg- and Mn-SBE as-synthesized samples revealed square plates with truncated corner morphologies grown in aggregated fashion and contrasting with the previously reported hexagonal platelike morphology of Co-SBE. Cautious detemplation in vacuum, using an evacuation rate of 10 mmHg/s and a temperature of 648 K, resulted in surface areas of about 700, 500, and 130 m^2/g for Mg-, Co-, and Mn-SBE, respectively. Thermal gravimetric analysis and in situ high-temperature powder X-ray diffraction analyses indicate the frameworks for all of the SBE variants experienced collapse upon treatment with helium at temperatures above 700 K and subsequently formed an aluminophosphate trydimite dense phase. Detemplation in air at all times resulted in framework destruction during detemplation. In situ differential scanning calorimetry−powder X-ray diffraction data showed that the SBE frameworks experience breathing modes related to specific endothermic and exothermic scenarios during air treatment. Decomposition and elimination of the organic template during vacuum treatment was verified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that most of the Co atoms in vacuum-treated samples are in tetrahedral coordination, while the Mn atoms exhibit various coordination states. Ultraviolet-visible, electron paramagnetic resonance, and magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy corroborated the latter result in addition to providing evidence for the formation of Mn extra framework species. ^(27)Al MAS NMR spectra for vacuum-detemplated Mg-SBE samples prior to and after dehydration confirmed the reversible formation of aluminum octahedral sites. This, however, did not affect the porous nature of detemplated Mg-SBE samples as these are capable of adsorbing 19 water molecules per super cage at 298 K

    Mixed Valence Europium Nitridosilicate Eu2SiN3

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    The mixed valence europium nitridosilicate Eu2SiN3 has been synthesized at 900°C in welded tantalum ampules starting from europium and silicon diimide Si(NH)2 in a lithium flux. The structure of the black material has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis (Cmca (no. 64), a=542.3(11) pm, b=1061.0(2) pm, c=1162.9(2) pm, Z=8, 767 independent reflections, 37 parameters, R1=0.017, wR2=0.032). Eu2SiN3 is a chain-type silicate comprising one-dimensional infinite nonbranched zweier chains of corner-sharing SiN4 tetrahedra running parallel [100] with a maximum stretching factor fs=1.0. The compound is isostructural with Ca2PN3 and Rb2TiO3, and it represents the first example of a nonbranched chain silicate in the class of nitridosilicates. There are two crystallographically distinct europium sites (at two different Wyckoff positions 8f) being occupied with Eu2+ and Eu3+, respectively. 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy of Eu2SiN3 differentiates unequivocally these two europium atoms and confirms their equiatomic multiplicity, showing static mixed valence with a constant ratio of the Eu2+ and Eu3+ signals over the whole temperature range. The Eu2+ site shows magnetic hyperfine field splitting at 4.2 K. Magnetic susceptibility measurements exhibit Curie-Weiss behavior above 24 K with an effective magnetic moment of 7.5 μB/f.u. and a small contribution of Eu3+, in accordance with Eu2+ and Eu3+ in equiatomic ratio. Ferromagnetic ordering at unusually high temperature is detected at TC=24 K. DFT calculations of Eu2SiN3 reveal a band gap of ∼0.2 eV, which is in agreement with the black color of the compound. Both DFT calculations and lattice energetic calculations (MAPLE) corroborate the assignment of two crystallographically independent Eu sites to Eu2+ and Eu3+

    Magnetic properties of the S=1/2 quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CaCu2O3

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    We report single crystal growth and magnetic susceptibility and neutron diffraction studies of the S=1/2 quasi-1D antiferromagnet CaCu2O3. The structure of this material is similar to that of the prototype two-leg spin-ladder compound SrCu2O3. However, the Cu-O-Cu bond angle in the ladder rungs in CaCu2O3 is equal to 123 deg, and therefore the magnetic interaction along the rungs is expected to be much weaker in this material. At high temperatures, the magnetic susceptibility of CaCu2O3 can be decomposed into a contribution from 1D antiferromagnetic chains of finite-size chain segments together with a weak Curie contribution. The intrachain magnetic exchange constant, determined from the magnetic susceptibility measurements, is 2000 K. CaCu2O3 undergoes a Neel transition at T_N=25 K with ordering wavevector of (0.429(5), 0.5, 0.5). The magnetic structure is incommensurate in the direction of the frustrated interchain interaction. Weak commensurate (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) magnetic peaks are also observed below T_N. Application of a magnetic field induces a metamagnetic transition at which the incommensurability of the magnetic structure is substantially reduced. The material possesses only short-range magnetic order above the transition field.Comment: 12 pages, 10 embedded figure
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