7 research outputs found

    Scheduling with Bus Access Optimization for Distributed Embedded Systems

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    In this paper, we concentrate on aspects related to the synthesis of distributed embedded systems consisting of programmable processors and application-specific hardware components. The approach is based on an abstract graph representation that captures, at process level, both dataflow and the flow of control. Our goal is to derive a worst case delay by which the system completes execution, such that this delay is as small as possible; to generate a logically and temporally deterministic schedule; and to optimize parameters of the communication protocol such that this delay is guaranteed. We have further investigated the impact of particular communication infrastructures and protocols on the overall performance and, specially, how the requirements of such an infrastructure have to be considered for process and communication scheduling. Not only do particularities of the underlying architecture have to be considered during scheduling but also the parameters of the communication protocol should be adapted to fit the particular embedded application. The optimization algorithm, which implies both process scheduling and optimization of the parameters related to the communication protocol, generates an efficient bus access scheme as well as the schedule tables for activation of processes and communications

    Schedule-Aware Performance Estimation of Communication Architecture for Efficient Design Space Exploration

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    In this paper,we are concerned about performance estimation of bus-based communication architectures assuming that task partitioning and scheduling on processing elements are already determined. Since communication overhead is dynamic and unpredictable due to bus contention, a simulation-based approach seems inevitable for accurate performance estimation. However, it is too time-consuming to be used for exploring the wide design space of bus architectures. We propose a static performance-estimation technique based on a queueing analysis assuming that the memory traces and the task schedule information are given. We use this static estimation technique as the first step in our design space exploration framework to prune the design space drastically before applying a simulation-based approach to the reduced design space. Experimental results show that the proposed technique is several orders of magnitude faster than a trace-driven simulation while keeping the estimation error within 10% consistently in various communication architecture configurations.This work was supported by the National Research Laboratory under Program M1-0104-00-0015, Brain Korea 21 Project, and the IT-SoC project. ICT at Seoul National University provided research facilities for this study

    A Framework for Cosynthesis of Memory and Communication Architectures for MPSoC

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    Model-based symbolic design space exploration at the electronic system level: a systematic approach

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    In this thesis, a novel, fully systematic approach is proposed that addresses the automated design space exploration at the electronic system level. The problem is formulated as multi-objective optimization problem and is encoded symbolically using Answer Set Programming (ASP). Several specialized solvers are tightly coupled as background theories with the foreground ASP solver under the ASP modulo Theories (ASPmT) paradigm. By utilizing the ASPmT paradigm, the search is executed entirely systematically and the disparate synthesis steps can be coupled to explore the search space effectively.In dieser Arbeit wird ein vollständig systematischer Ansatz präsentiert, der sich mit der Entwurfsraumexploration auf der elektronischen Systemebene befasst. Das Problem wird als multikriterielles Optimierungsproblem formuliert und symbolisch mit Hilfe von Answer Set Programming (ASP) kodiert. Spezialisierte Solver sind im Rahmen des ASP modulo Theories (ASPmT) Paradigmas als Hintergrundtheorien eng mit dem ASP Solver gekoppelt. Durch die Verwendung von ASPmT wird die Suche systematisch ausgeführt und die individuellen Schritte können gekoppelt werden, um den Suchraum effektiv zu durchsuchen

    Synthesis of system-level communication by an allocation-based approach

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    International audienceCommunication synthesis aims to transform a system with processes that communicate via high level primitives through channels into interconnected processes that communicate via signals and share communication control. We present a new algorithm that performs binding/allocation of communication units. This algorithm makes use of a cost function to evaluate different allocation alternatives. The proposed communication synthesis approach deals with both protocol selection and interface synthesis and is based on binding/allocation of communication units. We illustrate through an example the usefulness of the algorithm for allocating automatically different protocols within the same system