310 research outputs found

    Modeling and Design of Digital Electronic Systems

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    The paper is concerned with the modern methodologies for holistic modeling of electronic systems enabling system-on-chip design. The method deals with the functional modeling of complete electronic systems using the behavioral features of Hardware Description Languages or high level languages then targeting programmable devices - mainly Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) - for the rapid prototyping of digital electronic controllers. This approach offers major advantages such as: a unique modeling and evaluation environment for complete power systems, the same environment is used for the rapid prototyping of the digital controller, fast design development, short time to market, a CAD platform independent model, reusability of the model/design, generation of valuable IP, high level hardware/software partitioning of the design is enabled, Concurrent Engineering basic rules (unique EDA environment and common design database) are fulfilled. The recent evolution of such design methodologies is marked through references to case studies of electronic system modeling,simulation, controller design and implementation. Pointers for future trends / evolution of electronic design strategies and tools are given

    Multimedia terminal system-on-chip design and simulation

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    This paper proposes a design approach based on integrated architectural and system-on-chip (SoC) simulations. The main idea is to have an efficient framework for the design and the evaluation of multimedia terminals, allowing a fast system simulation with a definable degree of accuracy. The design approach includes the simulation of very long instruction word (VLIW) digital signal processors (DSPs), the utilization of a device multiplexing the media streams, and the emulation of the real-time media acquisition. This methodology allows the evaluation of both the multimedia algorithm implementations and the hardware platform, giving feedback on the complete SoC including the interaction between modules and conflicts in accessing either the bus or shared resources. An instruction set architecture (ISA) simulator and an SoC simulation environment compose the integrated framework. In order to validate this approach, the evaluation of an audio-video multiprocessor terminal is presented, and the complete simulation test results are reported

    FPGA design methodology for industrial control systems—a review

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    This paper reviews the state of the art of fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) design methodologies with a focus on industrial control system applications. This paper starts with an overview of FPGA technology development, followed by a presentation of design methodologies, development tools and relevant CAD environments, including the use of portable hardware description languages and system level programming/design tools. They enable a holistic functional approach with the major advantage of setting up a unique modeling and evaluation environment for complete industrial electronics systems. Three main design rules are then presented. These are algorithm refinement, modularity, and systematic search for the best compromise between the control performance and the architectural constraints. An overview of contributions and limits of FPGAs is also given, followed by a short survey of FPGA-based intelligent controllers for modern industrial systems. Finally, two complete and timely case studies are presented to illustrate the benefits of an FPGA implementation when using the proposed system modeling and design methodology. These consist of the direct torque control for induction motor drives and the control of a diesel-driven synchronous stand-alone generator with the help of fuzzy logic

    Optimization of DSSS Receivers Using Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations

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    Over the years, there has been significant interest in defining a hardware abstraction layer to facilitate code reuse in software defined radio (SDR) applications. Designers are looking for a way to enable application software to specify a waveform, configure the platform, and control digital signal processing (DSP) functions in a hardware platform in a way that insulates it from the details of realization. This thesis presents a tool-based methodolgy for developing and optimizing a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) transceiver deployed in custom hardware like Field Programmble Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The system model consists of a tranmitter which employs a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation scheme, an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, and a receiver whose main parts consist of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), digital down converter (DDC), image rejection low-pass filter (LPF), carrier phase locked loop (PLL), tracking locked loop, down-sampler, spread spectrum correlators, and rectangular-to-polar converter. The design methodology is based on a new programming model for FPGAs developed in the industry by Xilinx Inc. The Xilinx System Generator for DSP software tool provides design portability and streamlines system development by enabling engineers to create and validate a system model in Xilinx FPGAs. By providing hierarchical modeling and automatic HDL code generation for programmable devices, designs can be easily verified through hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. HIL provides a significant increase in simulation speed which allows optimization of the receiver design with respect to the datapath size for different functional parts of the receiver. The parameterized datapath points used in the simulation are ADC resolution, DDC datapath size, LPF datapath size, correlator height, correlator datapath size, and rectangular-to-polar datapath size. These parameters are changed in the software enviornment and tested for bit error rate (BER) performance through real-time hardware simualtions. The final result presents a system design with minimum harware area occupancy relative to an acceptable BER degradation

    A systematic approach for integrated product, materials, and design-process design

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    Designers are challenged to manage customer, technology, and socio-economic uncertainty causing dynamic, unquenchable demands on limited resources. In this context, increased concept flexibility, referring to a designer s ability to generate concepts, is crucial. Concept flexibility can be significantly increased through the integrated design of product and material concepts. Hence, the challenge is to leverage knowledge of material structure-property relations that significantly affect system concepts for function-based, systematic design of product and materials concepts in an integrated fashion. However, having selected an integrated product and material system concept, managing complexity in embodiment design-processes is important. Facing a complex network of decisions and evolving analysis models a designer needs the flexibility to systematically generate and evaluate embodiment design-process alternatives. In order to address these challenges and respond to the primary research question of how to increase a designer s concept and design-process flexibility to enhance product creation in the conceptual and early embodiment design phases, the primary hypothesis in this dissertation is embodied as a systematic approach for integrated product, materials and design-process design. The systematic approach consists of two components i) a function-based, systematic approach to the integrated design of product and material concepts from a systems perspective, and ii) a systematic strategy to design-process generation and selection based on a decision-centric perspective and a value-of-information-based Process Performance Indicator. The systematic approach is validated using the validation-square approach that consists of theoretical and empirical validation. Empirical validation of the framework is carried out using various examples including: i) design of a reactive material containment system, and ii) design of an optoelectronic communication system.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Allen, Janet K.; Committee Member: Aidun, Cyrus K.; Committee Member: Klein, Benjamin; Committee Member: McDowell, David L.; Committee Member: Mistree, Farrokh; Committee Member: Yoder, Douglas P

    Embedded DSP Processor Design using Coware Processor Designer and Magma Layout Tool

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    A Digital Signal Processing (DSP) application can be implemented in a variety of ways. The objective of this project is to design an Embedded DSP Processor. The desired processor is run by an instruction set. Such a processor is called an Application Specific Instruction Set Processor (ASIP). ASIP is becoming essential to convergent System on Chip (SoC) Design. Usually there are two approaches to design an ASIP. One of them is at Register Transfer Level (RTL) and another is at just higher level than RTL and is known as Electronic System Level (ESL). Application Description Languages (ADLs) are becoming popular recently because of its quick and optimal design convergence achievement capability during the design of ASIPs. In this project we first concentrate on the implementation and optimization of an ASIP using an ADL known as Language for Instruction Set Architecture (LISA) and CoWare Processor Designer environment. We have written a LISA 2.0 description of the processor. Given a LISA code, the CoWare Processor Designer (PD) then generates Software Development tools like assembler, disassembler, linker and compiler. A particular application in assembly language to find out the convolution using FIR filter is then run on the processor. Provided that the functionality of the processor is correct, synthesizable RTL for the processor can be generated using Coware Processor Generator. Using the RTL generated, we implemented our processor in the following IC Design technologies: • Semi-Custom IC Design Technology Here, the RTL is synthesized using Magma Blast Create Tool and the final Layout is drawn using Magma Blast Fusion Tool • Programmable Logic Device IC Design Technology Here, the processor is dumped to a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The FPGA used for this purpose is Xilinx Virtex II Pro

    Modeling and Mapping of Optimized Schedules for Embedded Signal Processing Systems

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    The demand for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in embedded systems has been increasing rapidly due to the proliferation of multimedia- and communication-intensive devices such as pervasive tablets and smart phones. Efficient implementation of embedded DSP systems requires integration of diverse hardware and software components, as well as dynamic workload distribution across heterogeneous computational resources. The former implies increased complexity of application modeling and analysis, but also brings enhanced potential for achieving improved energy consumption, cost or performance. The latter results from the increased use of dynamic behavior in embedded DSP applications. Furthermore, parallel programming is highly relevant in many embedded DSP areas due to the development and use of Multiprocessor System-On-Chip (MPSoC) technology. The need for efficient cooperation among different devices supporting diverse parallel embedded computations motivates high-level modeling that expresses dynamic signal processing behaviors and supports efficient task scheduling and hardware mapping. Starting with dynamic modeling, this thesis develops a systematic design methodology that supports functional simulation and hardware mapping of dynamic reconfiguration based on Parameterized Synchronous Dataflow (PSDF) graphs. By building on the DIF (Dataflow Interchange Format), which is a design language and associated software package for developing and experimenting with dataflow-based design techniques for signal processing systems, we have developed a novel tool for functional simulation of PSDF specifications. This simulation tool allows designers to model applications in PSDF and simulate their functionality, including use of the dynamic parameter reconfiguration capabilities offered by PSDF. With the help of this simulation tool, our design methodology helps to map PSDF specifications into efficient implementations on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Furthermore, valid schedules can be derived from the PSDF models at runtime to adapt hardware configurations based on changing data characteristics or operational requirements. Under certain conditions, efficient quasi-static schedules can be applied to reduce overhead and enhance predictability in the scheduling process. Motivated by the fact that scheduling is critical to performance and to efficient use of dynamic reconfiguration, we have focused on a methodology for schedule design, which complements the emphasis on automated schedule construction in the existing literature on dataflow-based design and implementation. In particular, we have proposed a dataflow-based schedule design framework called the dataflow schedule graph (DSG), which provides a graphical framework for schedule construction based on dataflow semantics, and can also be used as an intermediate representation target for automated schedule generation. Our approach to applying the DSG in this thesis emphasizes schedule construction as a design process rather than an outcome of the synthesis process. Our approach employs dataflow graphs for representing both application models and schedules that are derived from them. By providing a dataflow-integrated framework for unambiguously representing, analyzing, manipulating, and interchanging schedules, the DSG facilitates effective codesign of dataflow-based application models and schedules for execution of these models. As multicore processors are deployed in an increasing variety of embedded image processing systems, effective utilization of resources such as multiprocessor systemon-chip (MPSoC) devices, and effective handling of implementation concerns such as memory management and I/O become critical to developing efficient embedded implementations. However, the diversity and complexity of applications and architectures in embedded image processing systems make the mapping of applications onto MPSoCs difficult. We help to address this challenge through a structured design methodology that is built upon the DSG modeling framework. We refer to this methodology as the DEIPS methodology (DSG-based design and implementation of Embedded Image Processing Systems). The DEIPS methodology provides a unified framework for joint consideration of DSG structures and the application graphs from which they are derived, which allows designers to integrate considerations of parallelization and resource constraints together with the application modeling process. We demonstrate the DEIPS methodology through cases studies on practical embedded image processing systems

    Hardware Design and Implementation of Role-Based Cryptography

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    Traditional public key cryptographic methods provide access control to sensitive data by allowing the message sender to grant a single recipient permission to read the encrypted message. The Need2Know® system (N2K) improves upon these methods by providing role-based access control. N2K defines data access permissions similar to those of a multi-user file system, but N2K strictly enforces access through cryptographic standards. Since custom hardware can efficiently implement many cryptographic algorithms and can provide additional security, N2K stands to benefit greatly from a hardware implementation. To this end, the main N2K algorithm, the Key Protection Module (KPM), is being specified in VHDL. The design is being built and tested incrementally: this first phase implements the core control logic of the KPM without integrating its cryptographic sub-modules. Both RTL simulation and formal verification are used to test the design. This is the first N2K implementation in hardware, and it promises to provide an accelerated and secured alternative to the software-based system. A hardware implementation is a necessary step toward highly secure and flexible deployments of the N2K system