8 research outputs found

    Synthesis Techniques for Low-Power Hard Real-Time Systems on Variable Voltage Processors

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    The energy efficiency of systems-on-a-chip can be much improved if one were to vary the supply voltage dynamically at run time. In this paper we describe the synthesis of systems-on-a-chip based on core processors, while treating voltage (and correspondingly, the clock frequency) as a variable to be scheduled along with the computation tasks during the static scheduling step. In addition to describing the complete synthesis design flow for these variable voltage systems, we focus on the problem of doing the voltage scheduling while taking into account the inherent limitation on the rates at which the voltage and clock frequency can be changed by the power supply controllers and clock generators. Taking these limits on rate of change into account is crucial since changing the voltage by even a volt may take time equivalent to 100s to 10,000s of instructions on modern processors. We present both an exact but impractical formulation of this scheduling problem as a set of non-linear equations, as well as a heuristic approach based on reduction to an optimally solvable restricted ordered scheduling problem. Using various task mixes drawn from a set of nine real-life applications, our results show that we are able to reduce power consumption to within 7% of the lower bound obtained by imposing no limit at the rate of change of voltage and clock frequencies

    Optimal Two-Level Speed Assignment for Real-Time Systems

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    Reducing energy consumption is one of the main concerns in the design and implementation of embedded real-time systems. For this reason, the current generation of processors allows to vary voltage and operating frequency to balance computational speed and energy consumption. This technique is called dynamic voltage scaling (DVS). When applying DVS tohard real-time systems, it is important to provide the worst-case computational requirement; otherwise the timing constraints may be violated. However, the probability of a task executing for its worst-case execution time is very low. In this paper,we show how to exploit probabilistic information about the execution time of a task in order to reduce the energy consumed by the processor. Optimal speed assignments and transition points are found using a very general model for the processor. The model accounts for the processor idle power and time/energy overheads due to frequency transitions. We also show how these results apply to some significant cases

    Dynamic voltage scaling algorithms for soft and hard real-time system

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    Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) has not been investigated completely for further minimizing the energy consumption of microprocessor and prolonging the operational life of real-time systems. In this dissertation, the workload prediction based DVS and the offline convex optimization based DVS for soft and hard real-time systems are investigated, respectively. The proposed algorithms of soft and hard real-time systems are implemented on a small scaled wireless sensor network (WSN) and a simulation model, respectively

    Min-energy scheduling for aligned jobs in accelerate model

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    AbstractA dynamic voltage scaling technique provides the capability for processors to adjust the speed and control the energy consumption. We study the pessimistic accelerate model where the acceleration rate of the processor speed is at most K and jobs cannot be executed during the speed transition period. The objective is to find a min-energy (optimal) schedule that finishes every job within its deadline. The job set we study in this paper is aligned jobs where earlier released jobs have earlier deadlines. We start by investigating a special case where all jobs have a common arrival time and design an O(n2) algorithm to compute the optimal schedule based on some nice properties of the optimal schedule. Then, we study the general aligned jobs and obtain an O(n2) algorithm to compute the optimal schedule by using the algorithm for the common arrival time case as a building block. Because our algorithm relies on the computation of the optimal schedule in the ideal model (K=∞), in order to achieve O(n2) complexity, we improve the complexity of computing the optimal schedule in the ideal model for aligned jobs from the currently best known O(n2logn) to O(n2)

    Energy-Aware Scheduling for Streaming Applications

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    Streaming applications have become increasingly important and widespread,with application domains ranging from embedded devices to server systems.Traditionally, researchers have been focusing on improving the performanceof streaming applications to achieve high throughput and low response time.However, increasingly more attention is being shifted topower/performance trade-offbecause power consumption has become a limiting factor on system designas integrated circuits enter the realm of nanometer technology.This work addresses the problem of scheduling a streaming application(represented by a task graph)with the goal of minimizing its energy consumptionwhile satisfying its two quality of service (QoS) requirements,namely, throughput and response time.The available power management mechanisms are dynamic voltage scaling (DVS),which has been shown to be effective in reducing dynamic power consumption, andvary-on/vary-off, which turns processors on and off to save static power consumption.Scheduling algorithms are proposed for different computing platforms (uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems),different characteristics of workload (deterministic and stochastic workload),and different types of task graphs (singleton and general task graphs).Both continuous and discrete processor power models are considered.The highlights are a unified approach for obtaining optimal (or provably close to optimal)uniprocessor DVS schemes for various DVS strategies anda novel multiprocessor scheduling algorithm that exploits the differencebetween the two QoS requirements to perform processor allocation,task mapping, and task speedscheduling simultaneously

    Multilayer Modeling and Design of Energy Managed Microsystems

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    Aggressive energy reduction is one of the key technological challenges that all segments of the semiconductor industry have encountered in the past few years. In addition, the notion of environmental awareness and designing “green” products is yet another major driver for ultra low energy design of electronic systems. Energy management is one of the unique solutions that can address the simultaneous requirements of high-performance, (ultra) low energy and greenness in many classes of computing systems; including high-performance, embedded and wireless. These considerations motivate the focus of this dissertation on the energy efficiency improvement of Energy Managed Microsystems (EMM or EM2). The aim is to maximize the energy efficiency and/or the operational lifetime of these systems. In this thesis we propose solutions that are applicable to many classes of computing systems including high-performance and mobile computing systems. These solutions contribute to make such technologies “greener”. The proposed solutions are multilayer, since they belong to, and may be applicable to, multiple design abstraction layers. The proposed solutions are orthogonal to each other, and if deployed simultaneously in a vertical system integration approach, when possible, the net benefit may be as large as the multiplication of the individual benefits. At high-level, this thesis initially focuses on the modeling and design of interconnections for EM2. For this purpose, a design flow has been proposed for interconnections in EM2. This flow allows designing interconnects with minimum energy requirements that meet all the considered performance objectives, in all specified system operating states. Later, models for energy performance estimation of EM2 are proposed. By energy performance, we refer to the improvements of energy savings of the computing platforms, obtained when some enhancements are applied to those platforms. These models are based on the components of the application profile. The adopted method is inspired by Amdahl’s law, which is driven by the fact that ‘energy’ is ‘additive’, as ‘time’ is ‘additive’. These models can be used for the design space exploration of EM2. The proposed models are high-level and therefore they are easy to use and show fair accuracy, 9.1% error on average, when compared to the results of the implemented benchmarks. Finally, models to estimate energy consumption of EM2 according to their “activity” are proposed. By “activity” we mean the rate at which EM2 perform a set of predefined application functions. Good estimations of energy requirements are very useful when designing and managing the EM2 activity, in order to extend their battery lifetime. The study of the proposed models on some Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) application benchmark confirms a fair accuracy for the energy estimation models, 3% error on average on the considered benchmarks

    System-level power optimization:techniques and tools

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    This tutorial surveys design methods for energy-efficient system-level design. We consider electronic sytems consisting of a hardware platform and software layers. We consider the three major constituents of hardware that consume energy, namely computation, communication, and storage units, and we review methods of reducing their energy consumption. We also study models for analyzing the energy cost of software, and methods for energy-efficient software design and compilation. This survery is organized around three main phases of a system design: conceptualization and modeling design and implementation, and runtime management. For each phase, we review recent techniques for energy-efficient design of both hardware and software

    The Interplay of Reward and Energy in Real-Time Systems

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    This work contends that three constraints need to be addressed in the context of power-aware real-time systems: energy, time and task rewards/values. These issues are studied for two types of systems. First, embedded systems running applications that will include temporal requirements (e.g., audio and video). Second, servers and server clusters that have timing constraints and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements implied by the application being executed (e.g., signal processing, audio/video streams, webpages). Furthermore, many future real-time systems will rely on different software versions to achieve a variety of QoS-aware tradeoffs, each with different rewards, time and energy requirements.For hard real-time systems, solutions are proposed that maximize the system reward/profit without exceeding the deadlines and without depleting the energy budget (in portable systems the energy budget is determined by the battery charge, while in server farms it is dependent on the server architecture and heat/cooling constraints). Both continuous and discrete reward and power models are studied, and the reward/energy analysis is extended with multiple task versions, optional/mandatory tasks and long-term reward maximization policies.For soft real-time systems, the reward model is relaxed into a QoS constraint, and stochastic schemes are first presented for power management of systems with unpredictable workloads. Then, load distribution and power management policies are addressed in the context of servers and homogeneous server farms. Finally, the work is extended with QoS-aware local and global policies for the general case of heterogeneous systems