141 research outputs found

    Three Highly Parallel Computer Architectures and Their Suitability for Three Representative Artificial Intelligence Problems

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    Virtually all current Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are designed to run on sequential (von Neumann) computer architectures. As a result, current systems do not scale up. As knowledge is added to these systems, a point is reached where their performance quickly degrades. The performance of a von Neumann machine is limited by the bandwidth between memory and processor (the von Neumann bottleneck). The bottleneck is avoided by distributing the processing power across the memory of the computer. In this scheme the memory becomes the processor (a smart memory ). This paper highlights the relationship between three representative AI application domains, namely knowledge representation, rule-based expert systems, and vision, and their parallel hardware realizations. Three machines, covering a wide range of fundamental properties of parallel processors, namely module granularity, concurrency control, and communication geometry, are reviewed: the Connection Machine (a fine-grained SIMD hypercube), DADO (a medium-grained MIMD/SIMD/MSIMD tree-machine), and the Butterfly (a coarse-grained MIMD Butterflyswitch machine)

    Parallel Architectures and Parallel Algorithms for Integrated Vision Systems

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    Computer vision is regarded as one of the most complex and computationally intensive problems. An integrated vision system (IVS) is a system that uses vision algorithms from all levels of processing to perform for a high level application (e.g., object recognition). An IVS normally involves algorithms from low level, intermediate level, and high level vision. Designing parallel architectures for vision systems is of tremendous interest to researchers. Several issues are addressed in parallel architectures and parallel algorithms for integrated vision systems

    Computer vision algorithms on reconfigurable logic arrays

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    A state-wide senior parallel programming course

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    Fast algorithm for real-time rings reconstruction

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    The GAP project is dedicated to study the application of GPU in several contexts in which real-time response is important to take decisions. The definition of real-time depends on the application under study, ranging from answer time of μs up to several hours in case of very computing intensive task. During this conference we presented our work in low level triggers [1] [2] and high level triggers [3] in high energy physics experiments, and specific application for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [4] [5] and cone-beam CT [6]. Apart from the study of dedicated solution to decrease the latency due to data transport and preparation, the computing algorithms play an essential role in any GPU application. In this contribution, we show an original algorithm developed for triggers application, to accelerate the ring reconstruction in RICH detector when it is not possible to have seeds for reconstruction from external trackers

    Semantic definition of a subset of the structured query language (SQL)

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    Journal ArticleSQL is a relational database definition and manipulation language. Portions of the manipulation language are readily described in terms of relational algebra. The semantics of a subset of the SQL select statement is described. The select statement allows the user to query the database. The select statement is shown to be equivalent to a series of relational and set operations. The semantics are described in terms of abstract data types for relation schemes, tuples, and relations. Certain forms of the union or intersection of two select statements are shown to have equivalent single select statement forms

    Ein flexibles, heterogenes Bildverarbeitungs-Framework für weltraumbasierte, rekonfigurierbare Datenverarbeitungsmodule

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    Scientific instruments as payload of current space missions are often equipped with high-resolution sensors. Thereby, especially camera-based instruments produce a vast amount of data. To obtain the desired scientific information, this data usually is processed on ground. Due to the high distance of missions within the solar system, the data rate for downlink to the ground station is strictly limited. The volume of scientific relevant data is usually less compared to the obtained raw data. Therefore, processing already has to be carried out on-board the spacecraft. An example of such an instrument is the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) on-board Solar Orbiter. For acquisition, storage and processing of images, the instrument is equipped with a Data Processing Module (DPM). It makes use of heterogeneous computing based on a dedicated LEON3 processor in combination with two reconfigurable Xilinx Virtex-4 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The thesis will provide an overview of the available space-grade processing components (processors and FPGAs) which fulfill the requirements of deepspace missions. It also presents existing processing platforms which are based upon a heterogeneous system combining processors and FPGAs. This also includes the DPM of the PHI instrument, whose architecture will be introduced in detail. As core contribution of this thesis, a framework will be presented which enables high-performance image processing on such hardware-based systems while retaining software-like flexibility. This framework mainly consists of a variety of modules for hardware acceleration which are integrated seamlessly into the data flow of the on-board software. Supplementary, it makes extensive use of the dynamic in-flight reconfigurability of the used Virtex-4 FPGAs. The flexibility of the presented framework is proven by means of multiple examples from within the image processing of the PHI instrument. The framework is analyzed with respect to processing performance as well as power consumption.Wissenschaftliche Instrumente auf aktuellen Raumfahrtmissionen sind oft mit hochauflösenden Sensoren ausgestattet. Insbesondere kamerabasierte Instrumente produzieren dabei eine große Menge an Daten. Diese werden üblicherweise nach dem Empfang auf der Erde weiterverarbeitet, um daraus wissenschaftlich relevante Informationen zu gewinnen. Aufgrund der großen Entfernung von Missionen innerhalb unseres Sonnensystems ist die Datenrate zur Übertragung an die Bodenstation oft sehr begrenzt. Das Volumen der wissenschaftlich relevanten Daten ist meist deutlich kleiner als die aufgenommenen Rohdaten. Daher ist es vorteilhaft, diese bereits an Board der Sonde zu verarbeiten. Ein Beispiel für solch ein Instrument ist der Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) an Bord von Solar Orbiter. Um die Daten aufzunehmen, zu speichern und zu verarbeiten, ist das Instrument mit einem Data Processing Module (DPM) ausgestattet. Dieses nutzt ein heterogenes Rechnersystem aus einem dedizierten LEON3 Prozessor, zusammen mit zwei rekonfigurierbaren Xilinx Virtex-4 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Die folgende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über verfügbare Komponenten zur Datenverarbeitung (Prozessoren und FPGAs), die den Anforderungen von Raumfahrtmissionen gerecht werden, und stellt einige existierende Plattformen vor, die auf einem heterogenen System aus Prozessor und FPGA basieren. Hierzu gehört auch das Data Processing Module des PHI Instrumentes, dessen Architektur im Verlauf dieser Arbeit beschrieben wird. Als Kernelement der Dissertation wird ein Framework vorgestellt, das sowohl eine performante, als auch eine flexible Bilddatenverarbeitung auf einem solchen System ermöglicht. Dieses Framework besteht aus verschiedenen Modulen zur Hardwarebeschleunigung und bindet diese nahtlos in den Datenfluss der On-Board Software ein. Dabei wird außerdem die Möglichkeit genutzt, die eingesetzten Virtex-4 FPGAs dynamisch zur Laufzeit zu rekonfigurieren. Die Flexibilität des vorgestellten Frameworks wird anhand mehrerer Fallbeispiele aus der Bildverarbeitung von PHI dargestellt. Das Framework wird bezüglich der Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit und Energieeffizienz analysiert


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    The push towards fielding advanced driver-assist systems (ADASs) is happening at breakneck speed. Semi-autonomous features are becoming increasingly common, including adaptive cruise control and automatic lane keeping. Today, graphics processing units (GPUs) are seen as a key technology in this push towards greater autonomy. However, realizing full autonomy in mass-production vehicles will necessitate the use of stringent certification processes. Unfortunately, currently available GPUs tend to be closed-source “black boxes” that have features that are not publicly disclosed; these features must be documented for certification to be tenable. Furthermore, existing real-time task models have not evolved to handle historical-result requirements common in computer-vision (CV) applications, which introduce cycles in processing graphs; existing models must be extended to account for such dependencies. Additionally, due to size, weight, power, and cost constraints, multiple CV applications may need to share a single hardware platform; if the platform contains accelerators such as non-preemptive GPUs, such sharing must be managed in a way that ensures applications are isolated from one another. For ADAS certification to be possible, these challenges must be addressed. This dissertation addresses each of these three challenges. First, scheduling details of NVIDIA GPU are presented, as derived through extensive micro-benchmarking experiments. These details provide the foundation for identifying and automatically detecting key issues when using NVIDIA GPUs in real-time safety-critical applications. Second, a generalization of a real-time task model is introduced, enabling the computation of response-time bounds for processing graphs that contain cycles. This model exposes a trade-off between the age of historical data, the resulting response-time bounds, and the accuracy of the CV application; this trade-off is explored in detail. Finally, a time-partitioning framework for multicore+accelerator platforms is introduced. When applied alongside existing methods for alleviating spatial interference, this framework can help enable component-wise ADAS certification on multicore+accelerator platforms.Doctor of Philosoph

    Low power architectures for streaming applications

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    Programming issues for video analysis on Graphics Processing Units

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    El procesamiento de vídeo es la parte del procesamiento de señales, donde las señales de entrada y/o de salida son secuencias de vídeo. Cubre una amplia variedad de aplicaciones que son, en general, de cálculo intensivo, debido a su complejidad algorítmica. Por otra parte, muchas de estas aplicaciones exigen un funcionamiento en tiempo real. El cumplimiento de estos requisitos hace necesario el uso de aceleradores hardware como las Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico (GPU). El procesamiento de propósito general en GPU representa una tendencia exitosa en la computación de alto rendimiento, desde el lanzamiento de la arquitectura y el modelo de programación NVIDIA CUDA. Esta tesis doctoral trata sobre la paralelización eficiente de aplicaciones de procesamiento de vídeo en GPU. Este objetivo se aborda desde dos vertientes: por un lado, la programación adecuada de la GPU para aplicaciones de vídeo; por otro lado, la GPU debe ser considerada como parte de un sistema heterogéneo. Dado que las secuencias de vídeo se componen de fotogramas, que son estructuras de datos regulares, muchos componentes de las aplicaciones de vídeo son inherentemente paralelizables. Sin embargo, otros componentes son irregulares en el sentido de que llevan a cabo cálculos que dependen de la carga de trabajo, sufren contención en la escritura, contienen partes inherentemente secuenciales o desbalanceadas en carga... Esta tesis propone estrategias para hacer frente a estos aspectos, a través de varios casos de estudio. También se describe una aproximación optimizada al cálculo de histogramas basada en un modelo de rendimiento de la memoria. Las secuencias de vídeo son flujos continuos que deben ser transferidos desde el ¿host¿ (CPU) al dispositivo (GPU), y los resultados del dispositivo al ¿host¿. Esta tesis doctoral propone el uso de CUDA streams para implementar el paradigma de ¿stream processing¿ en la GPU, con el fin de controlar la ejecución simultánea de las transferencias de datos y de la computación. También propone modelos de rendimiento que permiten una ejecución óptima