220 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Decentralized Event-Triggered Control Strategies for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Energy constraint long-range wireless sensor/ actuator based solutions are theoretically the perfect choice to support the next generation of city-scale cyber-physical systems. Traditional systems adopt periodic control which increases network congestion and actuations while burdens the energy consumption. Recent control theory studies overcome these problems by introducing aperiodic strategies, such as event trigger control. In spite of the potential savings, these strategies assume actuator continuous listening while ignoring the sensing energy costs. In this paper, we fill this gap, by enabling sensing and actuator listening duty-cycling and proposing two innovative MAC protocols for three decentralized event trigger contro l approaches. A laboratory experimental testbed, which emulates a smart water network, was modelled and extended to evaluate the impact of system parameters and the performance of each approach. Experimental results reveal the predominance of the decentralized event-triggered control against the classic periodic control either in terms of communication or actuation by promising significant system lifetime extension

    Learning Optimal Control of Synchronization in Networks of Coupled Oscillators using Genetic Programming-based Symbolic Regression

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    Networks of coupled dynamical systems provide a powerful way to model systems with enormously complex dynamics, such as the human brain. Control of synchronization in such networked systems has far reaching applications in many domains, including engineering and medicine. In this paper, we formulate the synchronization control in dynamical systems as an optimization problem and present a multi-objective genetic programming-based approach to infer optimal control functions that drive the system from a synchronized to a non-synchronized state and vice-versa. The genetic programming-based controller allows learning optimal control functions in an interpretable symbolic form. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated in controlling synchronization in coupled oscillator systems linked in networks of increasing order complexity, ranging from a simple coupled oscillator system to a hierarchical network of coupled oscillators. The results show that the proposed method can learn highly-effective and interpretable control functions for such systems.Comment: Submitted to nonlinear dynamic

    Control of Networked Robotic Systems

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    With the infrastructure of ubiquitous networks around the world, the study of robotic systems over communication networks has attracted widespread attention. This area is denominated as networked robotic systems. By exploiting the fruitful technological developments in networking and computing, networked robotic systems are endowed with potential and capabilities for several applications. Robots within a network are capable of connecting with control stations, human operators, sensors, and other robots via digital communication over possibly noisy channels/media. The issues of time delays in communication and data losses have emerged as a pivotal issue that have stymied practical deployment. The aim of this dissertation is to develop control algorithms and architectures for networked robotic systems that guarantee stability with improved overall performance in the presence of time delays in communication. The first topic addressed in this dissertation is controlled synchronization that is utilized for networked robotic systems to achieve collective behaviors. Exploiting passivity property of individual robotic systems, the proposed control schemes and interconnections are shown to ensure stability and convergence of synchronizing errors. The robustness of the control algorithms to constant and time-varying communication delays is also studied. In addition to time delays, the number of communication links, which prevents scalability of networked robotic systems, is another challenging issue. Thus, a synchronizing control with practically feasible constraints of network topology is developed. The problem of networked robotic systems interacting with human operators is then studied subsequently. This research investigates a teleoperation system with heterogeneous robots under asymmetric and unknown communication delays. Sub-task controllers are proposed for redundant slave robot to autonomously achieve additional tasks, such as singularity avoidance, joint angle limits, and collision avoidance. The developed control algorithms can enhance the efficiency of teleoperation systems, thereby ameliorating the performance degradation due to cognitive limitations of human operator and incomplete information about the environment. Compared to traditional robotic systems, control of robotic manipulators over networks has significant advantages; for example, increased flexibility and ease of maintenance. With the utilization of scattering variables, this research demonstrates that transmitting scattering variables over delayed communications can stabilize an otherwise unstable system. An architecture utilizing delayed position feedback in conjunction with scattering variables is developed for the case of time-varying communication delays. The proposed control architecture improves tracking performance and stabilizes robotic manipulators with input-output communication delays. The aforementioned control algorithms and architectures for networked robotic systems are validated via numerical examples and experiments

    Event-Based Control and Estimation with Stochastic Disturbances

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    This thesis deals with event-based control and estimation strategies, motivated by certain bottlenecks in the control loop. Two kinds of implementation constraints are considered: closing one or several control loops over a data network, and sensors that report measurements only as intervals (e.g. with quantization). The proposed strategies depend critically on _events_, when a data packet is sent or when a change in the measurement signal is received. The value of events is that they communicate new information about stochastic process disturbances. A data network in the control loop imposes constraints on the event timing, modelled as a minimum time between packets. A thresholdbased control strategy is suggested and shown to be optimal for firstorder systems with impulse control. Different ways to find the optimal threshold are investigated for single and multiple control loops sharing one network. The major gain compared to linear time invariant (LTI) control is with a single loop a greatly reduced communication rate, which with multiple loops can be traded for a similarly reduced regulation error. With the bottleneck that sensors report only intervals, both the theoretical and practical control problems become more complex. We focus on the estimation problem, where the optimal solution is known but untractable. Two simplifications are explored to find a realistic state estimator: reformulation to a mixed stochastic/worst case scenario and joint maximum a posteriori estimation. The latter approach is simplified and evaluated experimentally on a moving cart with quantized position measurements controlled by a low-end microcontroller. The examples considered demonstrate that event-based control considerably outperforms LTI control, when the bottleneck addressed is a genuine performance constraint on the latter

    Resilience-oriented control and communication framework for cyber-physical microgrids

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    Climate change drives the energy supply transition from traditional fossil fuel-based power generation to renewable energy resources. This transition has been widely recognised as one of the most significant developing pathways promoting the decarbonisation process toward a zero-carbon and sustainable society. Rapidly developing renewables gradually dominate energy systems and promote the current energy supply system towards decentralisation and digitisation. The manifestation of decentralisation is at massive dispatchable energy resources, while the digitisation features strong cohesion and coherence between electrical power technologies and information and communication technologies (ICT). Massive dispatchable physical devices and cyber components are interdependent and coupled tightly as a cyber-physical energy supply system, while this cyber-physical energy supply system currently faces an increase of extreme weather (e.g., earthquake, flooding) and cyber-contingencies (e.g., cyberattacks) in the frequency, intensity, and duration. Hence, one major challenge is to find an appropriate cyber-physical solution to accommodate increasing renewables while enhancing power supply resilience. The main focus of this thesis is to blend centralised and decentralised frameworks to propose a collaboratively centralised-and-decentralised resilient control framework for energy systems i.e., networked microgrids (MGs) that can operate optimally in the normal condition while can mitigate simultaneous cyber-physical contingencies in the extreme condition. To achieve this, we investigate the concept of "cyber-physical resilience" including four phases, namely prevention/upgrade, resistance, adaption/mitigation, and recovery. Throughout these stages, we tackle different cyber-physical challenges under the concept of microgrid ranging from a centralised-to-decentralised transitional control framework coping with cyber-physical out of service, a cyber-resilient distributed control methodology for networked MGs, a UAV assisted post-contingency cyber-physical service restoration, to a fast-convergent distributed dynamic state estimation algorithm for a class of interconnected systems.Open Acces

    Design and Real-World Evaluation of Dependable Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The ongoing effort for an efficient, sustainable, and automated interaction between humans, machines, and our environment will make cyber-physical systems (CPS) an integral part of the industry and our daily lives. At their core, CPS integrate computing elements, communication networks, and physical processes that are monitored and controlled through sensors and actuators. New and innovative applications become possible by extending or replacing static and expensive cable-based communication infrastructures with wireless technology. The flexibility of wireless CPS is a key enabler for many envisioned scenarios, such as intelligent factories, smart farming, personalized healthcare systems, autonomous search and rescue, and smart cities. High dependability, efficiency, and adaptivity requirements complement the demand for wireless and low-cost solutions in such applications. For instance, industrial and medical systems should work reliably and predictably with performance guarantees, even if parts of the system fail. Because emerging CPS will feature mobile and battery-driven devices that can execute various tasks, the systems must also quickly adapt to frequently changing conditions. Moreover, as applications become ever more sophisticated, featuring compact embedded devices that are deployed densely and at scale, efficient designs are indispensable to achieve desired operational lifetimes and satisfy high bandwidth demands. Meeting these partly conflicting requirements, however, is challenging due to imperfections of wireless communication and resource constraints along several dimensions, for example, computing, memory, and power constraints of the devices. More precisely, frequent and correlated message losses paired with very limited bandwidth and varying delays for the message exchange significantly complicate the control design. In addition, since communication ranges are limited, messages must be relayed over multiple hops to cover larger distances, such as an entire factory. Although the resulting mesh networks are more robust against interference, efficient communication is a major challenge as wireless imperfections get amplified, and significant coordination effort is needed, especially if the networks are dynamic. CPS combine various research disciplines, which are often investigated in isolation, ignoring their complex interaction. However, to address this interaction and build trust in the proposed solutions, evaluating CPS using real physical systems and wireless networks paired with formal guarantees of a system’s end-to-end behavior is necessary. Existing works that take this step can only satisfy a few of the abovementioned requirements. Most notably, multi-hop communication has only been used to control slow physical processes while providing no guarantees. One of the reasons is that the current communication protocols are not suited for dynamic multi-hop networks. This thesis closes the gap between existing works and the diverse needs of emerging wireless CPS. The contributions address different research directions and are split into two parts. In the first part, we specifically address the shortcomings of existing communication protocols and make the following contributions to provide a solid networking foundation: • We present Mixer, a communication primitive for the reliable many-to-all message exchange in dynamic wireless multi-hop networks. Mixer runs on resource-constrained low-power embedded devices and combines synchronous transmissions and network coding for a highly scalable and topology-agnostic message exchange. As a result, it supports mobile nodes and can serve any possible traffic patterns, for example, to efficiently realize distributed control, as required by emerging CPS applications. • We present Butler, a lightweight and distributed synchronization mechanism with formally guaranteed correctness properties to improve the dependability of synchronous transmissions-based protocols. These protocols require precise time synchronization provided by a specific node. Upon failure of this node, the entire network cannot communicate. Butler removes this single point of failure by quickly synchronizing all nodes in the network without affecting the protocols’ performance. In the second part, we focus on the challenges of integrating communication and various control concepts using classical time-triggered and modern event-based approaches. Based on the design, implementation, and evaluation of the proposed solutions using real systems and networks, we make the following contributions, which in many ways push the boundaries of previous approaches: • We are the first to demonstrate and evaluate fast feedback control over low-power wireless multi-hop networks. Essential for this achievement is a novel co-design and integration of communication and control. Our wireless embedded platform tames the imperfections impairing control, for example, message loss and varying delays, and considers the resulting key properties in the control design. Furthermore, the careful orchestration of control and communication tasks enables real-time operation and makes our system amenable to an end-to-end analysis. Due to this, we can provably guarantee closed-loop stability for physical processes with linear time-invariant dynamics. • We propose control-guided communication, a novel co-design for distributed self-triggered control over wireless multi-hop networks. Self-triggered control can save energy by transmitting data only when needed. However, there are no solutions that bring those savings to multi-hop networks and that can reallocate freed-up resources, for example, to other agents. Our control system informs the communication system of its transmission demands ahead of time so that communication resources can be allocated accordingly. Thus, we can transfer the energy savings from the control to the communication side and achieve an end-to-end benefit. • We present a novel co-design of distributed control and wireless communication that resolves overload situations in which the communication demand exceeds the available bandwidth. As systems scale up, featuring more agents and higher bandwidth demands, the available bandwidth will be quickly exceeded, resulting in overload. While event-triggered control and self-triggered control approaches reduce the communication demand on average, they cannot prevent that potentially all agents want to communicate simultaneously. We address this limitation by dynamically allocating the available bandwidth to the agents with the highest need. Thus, we can formally prove that our co-design guarantees closed-loop stability for physical systems with stochastic linear time-invariant dynamics.:Abstract Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Application Requirements 1.3 Challenges 1.4 State of the Art 1.5 Contributions and Road Map 2 Mixer: Efficient Many-to-All Broadcast in Dynamic Wireless Mesh Networks 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Overview 2.3 Design 2.4 Implementation 2.5 Evaluation 2.6 Discussion 2.7 Related Work 3 Butler: Increasing the Availability of Low-Power Wireless Communication Protocols 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Motivation and Background 3.3 Design 3.4 Analysis 3.5 Implementation 3.6 Evaluation 3.7 Related Work 4 Feedback Control Goes Wireless: Guaranteed Stability over Low-Power Multi-Hop Networks 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Related Work 4.3 Problem Setting and Approach 4.4 Wireless Embedded System Design 4.5 Control Design and Analysis 4.6 Experimental Evaluation 4.A Control Details 5 Control-Guided Communication: Efficient Resource Arbitration and Allocation in Multi-Hop Wireless Control Systems 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Problem Setting 5.3 Co-Design Approach 5.4 Wireless Communication System Design 5.5 Self-Triggered Control Design 5.6 Experimental Evaluation 6 Scaling Beyond Bandwidth Limitations: Wireless Control With Stability Guarantees Under Overload 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Problem and Related Work 6.3 Overview of Co-Design Approach 6.4 Predictive Triggering and Control System 6.5 Adaptive Communication System 6.6 Integration and Stability Analysis 6.7 Testbed Experiments 6.A Proof of Theorem 4 6.B Usage of the Network Bandwidth for Control 7 Conclusion and Outlook 7.1 Contributions 7.2 Future Directions Bibliography List of Publication

    ASiMOV: Microservices-based verifiable control logic with estimable detection delay against cyber-attacks to cyber-physical systems

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    The automatic control in Cyber-Physical-Systems brings advantages but also increased risks due to cyber-attacks. This Ph.D. thesis proposes a novel reference architecture for distributed control applications increasing the security against cyber-attacks to the control logic. The core idea is to replicate each instance of a control application and to detect attacks by verifying their outputs. The verification logic disposes of an exact model of the control logic, although the two logics are decoupled on two different devices. The verification is asynchronous to the feedback control loop, to avoid the introduction of a delay between the controller(s) and system(s). The time required to detect a successful attack is analytically estimable, which enables control-theoretical techniques to prevent damage by appropriate planning decisions. The proposed architecture for a controller and an Intrusion Detection System is composed of event-driven autonomous components (microservices), which can be deployed as separate Virtual Machines (e.g., containers) on cloud platforms. Under the proposed architecture, orchestration techniques enable a dynamic re-deployment acting as a mitigation or prevention mechanism defined at the level of the computer architecture. The proposal, which we call ASiMOV (Asynchronous Modular Verification), is based on a model that separates the state of a controller from the state of its execution environment. We provide details of the model and a microservices implementation. Through the analysis of the delay introduced in both the control loop and the detection of attacks, we provide guidelines to determine which control systems are suitable for adopting ASiMOV. Simulations show the behavior of ASiMOV both in the absence and in the presence of cyber-attacks
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