1,628 research outputs found

    Novel methods of utilizing Jitter for Network Congestion Control

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    This paper proposes a novel paradigm for network congestion control. Instead of perpetual conflict as in TCP, a proof-of-concept first-ever protocol enabling inter-flow communication without infrastructure support thru a side channel constructed on generic FIFO queue behaviour is presented. This enables independent flows passing thru the same bottleneck queue to communicate and achieve fair capacity sharing and a stable equilibrium state in a rapid fashion

    Ethernet - a survey on its fields of application

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    During the last decades, Ethernet progressively became the most widely used local area networking (LAN) technology. Apart from LAN installations, Ethernet became also attractive for many other fields of application, ranging from industry to avionics, telecommunication, and multimedia. The expanded application of this technology is mainly due to its significant assets like reduced cost, backward-compatibility, flexibility, and expandability. However, this new trend raises some problems concerning the services of the protocol and the requirements for each application. Therefore, specific adaptations prove essential to integrate this communication technology in each field of application. Our primary objective is to show how Ethernet has been enhanced to comply with the specific requirements of several application fields, particularly in transport, embedded and multimedia contexts. The paper first describes the common Ethernet LAN technology and highlights its main features. It reviews the most important specific Ethernet versions with respect to each application field’s requirements. Finally, we compare these different fields of application and we particularly focus on the fundamental concepts and the quality of service capabilities of each proposal

    Wireless distributed intelligence in personal applications

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    Tietokoneet ovat historian kuluessa kehittyneet keskustietokoneista hajautettujen, langattomasti toimivien jÀrjestelmien suuntaan. Elektroniikalla toteutetut automaattiset toiminnot ympÀrillÀmme lisÀÀntyvÀt kiihtyvÀllÀ vauhdilla. TÀllaiset sovellukset lisÀÀntyvÀt tulevaisuudessa, mutta siihen soveltuva tekniikka on vielÀ kehityksen alla ja vaadittavia ominaisuuksia ei aina löydy. Nykyiset lyhyen kantaman langattoman tekniikan standardit ovat tarkoitettu lÀhinnÀ teollisuuden ja multimedian kÀyttöön, siksi ne ovat vain osittain soveltuvia uudenlaisiin ympÀristöÀlykkÀisiin kÀyttötarkoituksiin. YmpÀristöÀlykkÀÀt sovellukset palvelevat enimmÀkseen jokapÀivÀistÀ elÀmÀÀmme, kuten turvallisuutta, kulunvalvontaa ja elÀmyspalveluita. YmpÀristöÀlykkÀitÀ ratkaisuja tarvitaan myös hajautetussa automaatiossa ja kohteiden automaattisessa seurannassa. Tutkimuksen aikana SeinÀjoen ammattikorkeakoulussa on tutkittu lyhyen kantaman langatonta tekniikkaa: suunniteltu ja kehitetty pienivirtaisia radionappeja, niitten ohjelmointiympÀristöÀ sekÀ langattoman verkon synkronointia, tiedonkeruuta ja reititystÀ. LisÀksi on simuloitu eri reititystapoja, sisÀpaikannusta ja kaivinkoneen kalibrointia soveltaen mm. neurolaskentaa. Tekniikkaa on testattu myös kÀytÀnnön sovelluksissa. YmpÀristöÀlykkÀÀt sovellusalueet ovat ehkÀ nopeimmin kasvava lÀhitulevaisuuden ala tietotekniikassa. Tutkitulla tekniikalla on runsaasti uusia haasteita ihmisten hyvinvointia, terveyttÀ ja turvallisuutta lisÀÀvissÀ sovelluksissa, kuten myös teollisuuden uusissa sovelluksissa, esimerkiksi ÀlykkÀÀssÀ energiansiirtoverkossa.The development of computing is moving from mainframe computers to distributed intelligence with wireless features. The automated functions around us, in the form of small electronic devices, are increasing and the pace is continuously accelerating. The number of these applications will increase in the future, but suitable features needed are lacking and suitable technology development is still ongoing. The existing wireless short-range standards are mostly suitable for use in industry and in multimedia applications, but they are only partly suitable for the new network feature demands of the ambient intelligence applications. The ambient intelligent applications will serve us in our daily lives: security, access control and exercise services. Ambient intelligence is also adopted by industry in distributed amorphous automation, in access monitoring and the control of machines and devices. During this research, at SeinÀjoki University of Applied Sciences, we have researched, designed and developed short-range wireless technology: low-power radio buttons with a programming environment for them as well as synchronization, data collecting and routing features for the wireless network. We have simulated different routing methods, indoor positioning and excavator calibration using for example neurocomputing. In addition, we have tested the technology in practical applications. The ambient intelligent applications are perhaps the area growing the most in information technology in the future. There will be many new challenges to face to increase welfare, health, security, as well as industrial applications (for example, at factories and in smart grids) in the future.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization

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    This book provides an approachable overview of the most recent advances in the fascinating field of media synchronization (mediasync), gathering contributions from the most representative and influential experts. Understanding the challenges of this field in the current multi-sensory, multi-device, and multi-protocol world is not an easy task. The book revisits the foundations of mediasync, including theoretical frameworks and models, highlights ongoing research efforts, like hybrid broadband broadcast (HBB) delivery and users' perception modeling (i.e., Quality of Experience or QoE), and paves the way for the future (e.g., towards the deployment of multi-sensory and ultra-realistic experiences). Although many advances around mediasync have been devised and deployed, this area of research is getting renewed attention to overcome remaining challenges in the next-generation (heterogeneous and ubiquitous) media ecosystem. Given the significant advances in this research area, its current relevance and the multiple disciplines it involves, the availability of a reference book on mediasync becomes necessary. This book fills the gap in this context. In particular, it addresses key aspects and reviews the most relevant contributions within the mediasync research space, from different perspectives. Mediasync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization is the perfect companion for scholars and practitioners that want to acquire strong knowledge about this research area, and also approach the challenges behind ensuring the best mediated experiences, by providing the adequate synchronization between the media elements that constitute these experiences

    A survey on interactive games over mobile networks

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    open4noThe mobile revolution has brought us the possibility to enjoy our favorite applications anywhere and anytime. In this context, interactive games over mobile networks embody a fascinating case study both for their commercial success and for their technical challenges, thus, sparking interest and development. The current state of the art of interactive games over mobile networks is captured in this article. We discuss main requirements and analyze possible combinations of existing solutions to provide better support for highly interactive game sessions with mobile players.This work has been partially supported by the UniPD Web Squared and MIUR/PRIN ALTER_NET projects.openGerla, M.; Maggiorini, D.; Palazzi, C.E.; Bujari, A.Gerla, M.; Maggiorini, D.; Palazzi, C.E.; Bujari, A
