739 research outputs found

    AirSync: Enabling Distributed Multiuser MIMO with Full Spatial Multiplexing

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    The enormous success of advanced wireless devices is pushing the demand for higher wireless data rates. Denser spectrum reuse through the deployment of more access points per square mile has the potential to successfully meet the increasing demand for more bandwidth. In theory, the best approach to density increase is via distributed multiuser MIMO, where several access points are connected to a central server and operate as a large distributed multi-antenna access point, ensuring that all transmitted signal power serves the purpose of data transmission, rather than creating "interference." In practice, while enterprise networks offer a natural setup in which distributed MIMO might be possible, there are serious implementation difficulties, the primary one being the need to eliminate phase and timing offsets between the jointly coordinated access points. In this paper we propose AirSync, a novel scheme which provides not only time but also phase synchronization, thus enabling distributed MIMO with full spatial multiplexing gains. AirSync locks the phase of all access points using a common reference broadcasted over the air in conjunction with a Kalman filter which closely tracks the phase drift. We have implemented AirSync as a digital circuit in the FPGA of the WARP radio platform. Our experimental testbed, comprised of two access points and two clients, shows that AirSync is able to achieve phase synchronization within a few degrees, and allows the system to nearly achieve the theoretical optimal multiplexing gain. We also discuss MAC and higher layer aspects of a practical deployment. To the best of our knowledge, AirSync offers the first ever realization of the full multiuser MIMO gain, namely the ability to increase the number of wireless clients linearly with the number of jointly coordinated access points, without reducing the per client rate.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Networkin

    Convergence of millimeter-wave and photonic interconnect systems for very-high-throughput digital communication applications

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    In the past, radio-frequency signals were commonly used for low-speed wireless electronic systems, and optical signals were used for multi-gigabit wired communication systems. However, as the emergence of new millimeter-wave technology introduces multi-gigabit transmission over a wireless radio-frequency channel, the borderline between radio-frequency and optical systems becomes blurred. As a result, there come ample opportunities to design and develop next-generation broadband systems to combine the advantages of these two technologies to overcome inherent limitations of various broadband end-to-end interconnect systems in signal generation, recovery, synchronization, and so on. For the transmission distances of a few centimeters to thousands of kilometers, the convergence of radio-frequency electronics and optics to build radio-over-fiber systems ushers in a new era of research for the upcoming very-high-throughput broadband services. Radio-over-fiber systems are believed to be the most promising solution to the backhaul transmission of the millimeter-wave wireless access networks, especially for the license-free, very-high-throughput 60-GHz band. Adopting radio-over-fiber systems in access or in-building networks can greatly extend the 60-GHz signal reach by using ultra-low loss optical fibers. However, such high frequency is difficult to generate in a straightforward way. In this dissertation, the novel techniques of homodyne and heterodyne optical-carrier suppressions for radio-over-fiber systems are investigated and various system architectures are designed to overcome these limitations of 60-GHz wireless access networks, bringing the popularization of multi-gigabit wireless networks to become closer to the reality. In addition to the advantages for the access networks, extremely high spectral efficiency, which is the most important parameter for long-haul networks, can be achieved by radio-over-fiber signal generation. As a result, the transmission performance of spectrally efficient radio-over-fiber signaling, including orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and orthogonal wavelength division multiplexing, is broadly and deeply investigated. On the other hand, radio-over-fiber is also used for the frequency synchronization that can resolve the performance limitation of wireless interconnect systems. A novel wireless interconnects assisted by radio-over-fiber subsystems is proposed in this dissertation. In conclusion, multiple advantageous facets of radio-over-fiber systems can be found in various levels of end-to-end interconnect systems. The rapid development of radio-over-fiber systems will quickly change the conventional appearance of modern communications.PhDCommittee Chair: Gee-Kung Chang; Committee Member: Bernard Kippelen; Committee Member: Shyh-Chiang Shen; Committee Member: Thomas K. Gaylord; Committee Member: Umakishore Ramachandra

    Adaptive 2×2 MIMO employed Wavelet-OFDM-Radio over Fibre Transmission

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    Due to high peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR) and low spectral-efficiency, the conventional Fast Fourier Transform based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is losing its place to the other multicarrier modulation schemes. Alternatively, the wavelet treated multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)-OFDM is gaining its popularity in realization of futuristic 5G networks due to proffering high spectral-efficiency, low-cost and low phase-noise. Subsequently, this work demonstrates a RF transmission system in S-band employing \times 2MIMOOFDMusingorthogonalandbiorthogonalwaveletswithdiversephaseshiftkeyingmodulation(PSK)schemes.AmongtheavailableMIMOconfigurations,theauthorsimplementspatialdiversityasitpromisesgoodreliabilityinnoisylinks[11].However,thedistributionofWaveletOFDM(WOFDM)signalsoveraradiooverfibre(RoF)linkiscriticallyaffectedbytheopticalsubsystemnonlinearity.So,thesimplest×2 MIMO-OFDM using orthogonal- and biorthogonal-wavelets with diverse phase shift keying modulation (PSK) schemes. Among the available MIMO configurations, the authors implement spatial diversity as it promises good reliability in noisy links [11]. However, the distribution of Wavelet-OFDM (W-OFDM) signals over a radio over fibre (RoF) link is critically affected by the optical sub-system non-linearity. So, the simplest \times 2 Alamouti's space-time block code (STBC) is implemented in this work to overcome this non-linearity and to realize a less-complex detection. The work is further extended to realize an adaptive MIMO-RoF system employing W-OFDM scheme to adjust itself to a suitable available phase shift keying strategy as per the link-situation to retain an optimal balance of link-quality and spectral-efficiency

    High Dimensional Modulation and MIMO Techniques for Access Networks

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    Exploration of advanced modulation formats and multiplexing techniques for next generation optical access networks are of interest as promising solutions for delivering multiple services to end-users. This thesis addresses this from two different angles: high dimensionality carrierless amplitudephase (CAP) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio-over-fiber (RoF) systems. High dimensionality CAP modulation has been investigated in optical fiber systems. In this project we conducted the first experimental demonstration of 3 and 4 dimensional CAP with bit rates up to 10 Gb/s. These results indicate the potentiality of supporting multiple users with converged services. At the same time, orthogonal division multiple access (ODMA) systems for multiple possible dimensions of CAP modulation has been demonstrated for user and service allocation in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical access network. 2 x 2 MIMO RoF employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with 5.6 GHz RoF signaling over all-vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) WDM passive optical networks (PONs). We have employed polarization division multiplexing (PDM) to further increase the capacity per wavelength of the femto-cell network. Bit rate up to 1.59 Gbps with fiber-wireless transmission over 1 m air distance is demonstrated. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the feasibility of high dimensionality CAP in increasing the number of dimensions and their potentially to be utilized for multiple service allocation to different users. MIMO multiplexing techniques with OFDM provides the scalability in increasing spectral effciency and bit rates for RoF systems. High dimensional CAP and MIMO multiplexing techniques are two promising solutions for supporting wired and hybrid wired-wireless access networks

    Review of Recent Trends

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    This work was partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Regional Operational Programme of Centre (CENTRO 2020) of the Portugal 2020 framework, through projects SOCA (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000010) and ORCIP (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-022141). Fernando P. Guiomar acknowledges a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID100010434), code LCF/BQ/PR20/11770015. Houda Harkat acknowledges the financial support of the Programmatic Financing of the CTS R&D Unit (UIDP/00066/2020).MIMO-OFDM is a key technology and a strong candidate for 5G telecommunication systems. In the literature, there is no convenient survey study that rounds up all the necessary points to be investigated concerning such systems. The current deeper review paper inspects and interprets the state of the art and addresses several research axes related to MIMO-OFDM systems. Two topics have received special attention: MIMO waveforms and MIMO-OFDM channel estimation. The existing MIMO hardware and software innovations, in addition to the MIMO-OFDM equalization techniques, are discussed concisely. In the literature, only a few authors have discussed the MIMO channel estimation and modeling problems for a variety of MIMO systems. However, to the best of our knowledge, there has been until now no review paper specifically discussing the recent works concerning channel estimation and the equalization process for MIMO-OFDM systems. Hence, the current work focuses on analyzing the recently used algorithms in the field, which could be a rich reference for researchers. Moreover, some research perspectives are identified.publishersversionpublishe

    Dual-Polarization OFDM-OQAM Wireless Communication System

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    In this paper we describe the overall idea and results of a recently proposed radio access technique based on filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) communication system using two orthogonal polarizations: dual-polarization FBMC (DP-FBMC). Using this system we can alleviate the intrinsic interference problem in FBMC systems. This enables use of all the multicarrier techniques used in cyclic-prefix orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CP-OFDM) systems for channel equalization, multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) processing, etc., without using the extra processing required for conventional FBMC. DP-FBMC also provides other interesting advantages over CP-OFDM and FBMC such as more robustness in multipath fading channels, and more robustness to receiver carrier frequency offset (CFO) and timing offset (TO). For DP-FBMC we propose three different structures based on different multiplexing techniques in time, frequency, and polarization. We will show that one of these structures has exactly the same system complexity and equipment as conventional FBMC. In our simulation results DP-FBMC has better bit error ratio (BER) performance in dispersive channels. Based on these results, DP-FBMC has potential as a promising candidate for future wireless communication systems.Comment: 1.This paper is accepted to be published in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) FALL 2018. 2.In this new submitted version authors have revised the paper based on the VTC FALL reviewers comments. Therefore some typos have fixed and some results have change

    Experimental Demonstration of OFDM/OQAM Transmission for Visible Light Communications

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    We propose a modified orthogonal frequency division multiplexing/offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OFDM/OQAM) scheme for visible light communications (VLC). The OFDM/OQAM VLC system can efficiently boost the data rate, and combat multipath induced the inter symbol interference (ISI) and inter carrier interference (ICI). To combat the effect of intrinsic imaginary interference, intrasymbol frequency-domain averaging and minimum mean squared error (MMSE), combined with interference approximation method, are proposed. The experiment results show that the proposed system offers similar bit error rate performance to that of OFDM, while the bit rate is increased by 9% for the elimination of cyclic-prefix and guard band