2,926 research outputs found

    Lag synchronization and scaling of chaotic attractor in coupled system

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    We report a design of delay coupling for lag synchronization in two unidirectionally coupled chaotic oscillators. A delay term is introduced in the definition of the coupling to target any desired lag between the driver and the response. The stability of the lag synchronization is ensured by using the Hurwitz matrix stability. We are able to scale up or down the size of a driver attractor at a response system in presence of a lag. This allows compensating the attenuation of the amplitude of a signal during transmission through a delay line. The delay coupling is illustrated with numerical examples of 3D systems, the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model, the R\"ossler system and a Sprott system and, a 4D system. We implemented the coupling in electronic circuit to realize any desired lag synchronization in chaotic oscillators and scaling of attractors.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamics of delay induced composite multi-scroll attractor and its application in encryption

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    This work was supported in part by NSFC (60804040, 61172070), Key Program of Nature Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (2016ZDJC-01), Innovative Research Team of Shaanxi Province(2013KCT-04), Fok Ying Tong Education Foundation Young Teacher Foundation(111065), Chao Bai was supported by Excellent Ph.D. research fund (310-252071603) at XAUT.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Some new less conservative criteria for impulsive synchronization of a hyperchaotic Lorenz system based on small impulsive signals

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    In this Letter the issue of impulsive Synchronization of a hyperchaotic Lorenz system is developed. We propose an impulsive synchronization scheme of the hyperchaotic Lorenz system including chaotic systems. Some new and sufficient conditions on varying impulsive distances are established in order to guarantee the synchronizability of the systems using the synchronization method. In particular, some simple conditions are derived for synchronizing the systems by equal impulsive distances. The boundaries of the stable regions are also estimated. Simulation results show the proposed synchronization method to be effective. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Finite-time synchronization of tunnel diode based chaotic oscillators

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    This paper addresses the problem of finite-time synchronization of tunnel diode based chaotic oscillators. After a brief investigation of its chaotic dynamics, we propose an active adaptive feedback coupling which accomplishes the synchronization of tunnel diode based chaotic systems with and without the presence of delay(s), basing ourselves on Lyapunov and on Krasovskii-Lyapunov stability theories. This feedback coupling could be applied to many other chaotic systems. A finite horizon can be arbitrarily established by ensuring that chaos synchronization is achieved at a pre-established time. An advantage of the proposed feedback coupling is that it is simple and easy to implement. Both mathematical investigations and numerical simulatioComment: 11 pages, 43 figure

    Synchronization of chaotic modulated time delay networks in presence of noise

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    We study the constructive role of noises in a Lorenz system with functional delay. The effect of delay can change the dynamics of the system to a chaotic one from its steady state. Induced synchronization with white and colored (red and green) noises are observed between two identical uncoupled systems and enhancement of synchrony is also observed with unidirectional coupling. We investigate both the phenomena in a globally coupled network in the presence of white and color noises.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Secure Communication Based on Hyperchaotic Chen System with Time-Delay

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    This research is partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61172070, 60804040), Fok Ying Tong Education Foundation Young Teacher Foundation(111065), Innovative Research Team of Shaanxi Province(2013KCT-04), The Key Basic Research Fund of Shaanxi Province (2016ZDJC-01), Chao Bai was supported by Excellent Ph.D. research fund (310-252071603) at XAUT.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Dynamics of Oscillators Coupled by a Medium with Adaptive Impact

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    In this article we study the dynamics of coupled oscillators. We use mechanical metronomes that are placed over a rigid base. The base moves by a motor in a one-dimensional direction and the movements of the base follow some functions of the phases of the metronomes (in other words, it is controlled to move according to a provided function). Because of the motor and the feedback, the phases of the metronomes affect the movements of the base while on the other hand, when the base moves, it affects the phases of the metronomes in return. For a simple function for the base movement (such as y=γx[rθ1+(1r)θ2]y = \gamma_{x} [r \theta_1 + (1 - r) \theta_2] in which yy is the velocity of the base, γx\gamma_{x} is a multiplier, rr is a proportion and θ1\theta_1 and θ2\theta_2 are phases of the metronomes), we show the effects on the dynamics of the oscillators. Then we study how this function changes in time when its parameters adapt by a feedback. By numerical simulations and experimental tests, we show that the dynamic of the set of oscillators and the base tends to evolve towards a certain region. This region is close to a transition in dynamics of the oscillators; where more frequencies start to appear in the frequency spectra of the phases of the metronomes