99,807 research outputs found

    Distributed Target Tracking and Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks provide useful information for various applications but pose challenges in scalable information processing and network maintenance. This dissertation focuses on statistical methods for distributed information fusion and sensor synchronization for target tracking in wireless sensor networks. We perform target tracking using particle filtering. For scalability, we extend centralized particle filtering to distributed particle filtering via distributed fusion of local estimates provided by individual sensors. We derive a distributed fusion rule from Bayes\u27 theorem and implement it via average consensus. We approximate each local estimate as a Gaussian mixture and develop a sampling-based approach to the nonlinear fusion of Gaussian mixtures. By using the sampling-based approach in the fusion of Gaussian mixtures, we do not require each Gaussian mixture to have a uniform number of mixture components, and thus give each sensor the flexibility to adaptively learn a Gaussian mixture model with the optimal number of mixture components, based on its local information. Given such flexibility, we develop an adaptive method for Gaussian mixture fitting through a combination of hierarchical clustering and the expectation-maximization algorithm. Using numerical examples, we show that the proposed distributed particle filtering algorithm improves the accuracy and communication efficiency of distributed target tracking, and that the proposed adaptive Gaussian mixture learning method improves the accuracy and computational efficiency of distributed target tracking. We also consider the synchronization problem of a wireless sensor network. When sensors in a network are not synchronized, we model their relative clock offsets as unknown parameters in a state-space model that connects sensor observations to target state transition. We formulate the synchronization problem as a joint state and parameter estimation problem and solve it via the expectation-maximization algorithm to find the maximum likelihood solution for the unknown parameters, without knowledge of the target states. We also study the performance of the expectation-maximization algorithm under the Monte Carlo approximations used by particle filtering in target tracking. Numerical examples show that the proposed synchronization method converges to the ground truth, and that sensor synchronization significantly improves the accuracy of target tracking

    D-SLATS: Distributed Simultaneous Localization and Time Synchronization

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    Through the last decade, we have witnessed a surge of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and with that a greater need to choreograph their actions across both time and space. Although these two problems, namely time synchronization and localization, share many aspects in common, they are traditionally treated separately or combined on centralized approaches that results in an ineffcient use of resources, or in solutions that are not scalable in terms of the number of IoT devices. Therefore, we propose D-SLATS, a framework comprised of three different and independent algorithms to jointly solve time synchronization and localization problems in a distributed fashion. The First two algorithms are based mainly on the distributed Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) whereas the third one uses optimization techniques. No fusion center is required, and the devices only communicate with their neighbors. The proposed methods are evaluated on custom Ultra-Wideband communication Testbed and a quadrotor, representing a network of both static and mobile nodes. Our algorithms achieve up to three microseconds time synchronization accuracy and 30 cm localization error

    An Object-Oriented Model for Extensible Concurrent Systems: the Composition-Filters Approach

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    Applying the object-oriented paradigm for the development of large and complex software systems offers several advantages, of which increased extensibility and reusability are the most prominent ones. The object-oriented model is also quite suitable for modeling concurrent systems. However, it appears that extensibility and reusability of concurrent applications is far from trivial. The problems that arise, the so-called inheritance anomalies are analyzed and presented in this paper. A set of requirements for extensible concurrent languages is formulated. As a solution to the identified problems, an extension to the object-oriented model is presented; composition filters. Composition filters capture messages and can express certain constraints and operations on these messages, for example buffering. In this paper we explain the composition filters approach, demonstrate its expressive power through a number of examples and show that composition filters do not suffer from the inheritance anomalies and fulfill the requirements that were established

    Macroservers: An Execution Model for DRAM Processor-In-Memory Arrays

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    The emergence of semiconductor fabrication technology allowing a tight coupling between high-density DRAM and CMOS logic on the same chip has led to the important new class of Processor-In-Memory (PIM) architectures. Newer developments provide powerful parallel processing capabilities on the chip, exploiting the facility to load wide words in single memory accesses and supporting complex address manipulations in the memory. Furthermore, large arrays of PIMs can be arranged into a massively parallel architecture. In this report, we describe an object-based programming model based on the notion of a macroserver. Macroservers encapsulate a set of variables and methods; threads, spawned by the activation of methods, operate asynchronously on the variables' state space. Data distributions provide a mechanism for mapping large data structures across the memory region of a macroserver, while work distributions allow explicit control of bindings between threads and data. Both data and work distributuions are first-class objects of the model, supporting the dynamic management of data and threads in memory. This offers the flexibility required for fully exploiting the processing power and memory bandwidth of a PIM array, in particular for irregular and adaptive applications. Thread synchronization is based on atomic methods, condition variables, and futures. A special type of lightweight macroserver allows the formulation of flexible scheduling strategies for the access to resources, using a monitor-like mechanism

    SCOPE: Scalable Composite Optimization for Learning on Spark

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    Many machine learning models, such as logistic regression~(LR) and support vector machine~(SVM), can be formulated as composite optimization problems. Recently, many distributed stochastic optimization~(DSO) methods have been proposed to solve the large-scale composite optimization problems, which have shown better performance than traditional batch methods. However, most of these DSO methods are not scalable enough. In this paper, we propose a novel DSO method, called \underline{s}calable \underline{c}omposite \underline{op}timization for l\underline{e}arning~({SCOPE}), and implement it on the fault-tolerant distributed platform \mbox{Spark}. SCOPE is both computation-efficient and communication-efficient. Theoretical analysis shows that SCOPE is convergent with linear convergence rate when the objective function is convex. Furthermore, empirical results on real datasets show that SCOPE can outperform other state-of-the-art distributed learning methods on Spark, including both batch learning methods and DSO methods

    Smart Power Grid Synchronization With Fault Tolerant Nonlinear Estimation

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    Effective real-time state estimation is essential for smart grid synchronization, as electricity demand continues to grow, and renewable energy resources increase their penetration into the grid. In order to provide a more reliable state estimation technique to address the problem of bad data in the PMU-based power synchronization, this paper presents a novel nonlinear estimation framework to dynamically track frequency, voltage magnitudes and phase angles. Instead of directly analyzing in abc coordinate frame, symmetrical component transformation is employed to separate the positive, negative, and zero sequence networks. Then, Clarke\u27s transformation is used to transform the sequence networks into the αβ stationary coordinate frame, which leads to system model formulation. A novel fault tolerant extended Kalman filter based real-time estimation framework is proposed for smart grid synchronization with noisy bad data measurements. Computer simulation studies have demonstrated that the proposed fault tolerant extended Kalman filter (FTEKF) provides more accurate voltage synchronization results than the extended Kalman filter (EKF). The proposed approach has been implemented with dSPACE DS1103 and National Instruments CompactRIO hardware platforms. Computer simulation and hardware instrumentation results have shown the potential applications of FTEKF in smart grid synchronization
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