14,404 research outputs found

    Higher-order interference and single-system postulates characterizing quantum theory

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    We present a new characterization of quantum theory in terms of simple physical principles that is different from previous ones in two important respects: first, it only refers to properties of single systems without any assumptions on the composition of many systems; and second, it is closer to experiment by having absence of higher-order interference as a postulate, which is currently the subject of experimental investigation. We give three postulates -- no higher-order interference, classical decomposability of states, and strong symmetry -- and prove that the only non-classical operational probabilistic theories satisfying them are real, complex, and quaternionic quantum theory, together with 3-level octonionic quantum theory and ball state spaces of arbitrary dimension. Then we show that adding observability of energy as a fourth postulate yields complex quantum theory as the unique solution, relating the emergence of the complex numbers to the possibility of Hamiltonian dynamics. We also show that there may be interesting non-quantum theories satisfying only the first two of our postulates, which would allow for higher-order interference in experiments while still respecting the contextuality analogue of the local orthogonality principle.Comment: 21 + 6 pages, 1 figure. v4: published version (includes several minor corrections

    On quantum vs. classical probability

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    Quantum theory shares with classical probability theory many important properties. I show that this common core regards at least the following six areas, and I provide details on each of these: the logic of propositions, symmetry, probabilities, composition of systems, state preparation and reductionism. The essential distinction between classical and quantum theory, on the other hand, is shown to be joint decidability versus smoothness; for the latter in particular I supply ample explanation and motivation. Finally, I argue that beyond quantum theory there are no other generalisations of classical probability theory that are relevant to physics.Comment: Major revision: key results unchanged, but derivation and discussion completely rewritten; 33 pages, no figure

    Oracles and query lower bounds in generalised probabilistic theories

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    We investigate the connection between interference and computational power within the operationally defined framework of generalised probabilistic theories. To compare the computational abilities of different theories within this framework we show that any theory satisfying three natural physical principles possess a well-defined oracle model. Indeed, we prove a subroutine theorem for oracles in such theories which is a necessary condition for the oracle to be well-defined. The three principles are: causality (roughly, no signalling from the future), purification (each mixed state arises as the marginal of a pure state of a larger system), and strong symmetry existence of non-trivial reversible transformations). Sorkin has defined a hierarchy of conceivable interference behaviours, where the order in the hierarchy corresponds to the number of paths that have an irreducible interaction in a multi-slit experiment. Given our oracle model, we show that if a classical computer requires at least n queries to solve a learning problem, then the corresponding lower bound in theories lying at the kth level of Sorkin's hierarchy is n/k. Hence, lower bounds on the number of queries to a quantum oracle needed to solve certain problems are not optimal in the space of all generalised probabilistic theories, although it is not yet known whether the optimal bounds are achievable in general. Hence searches for higher-order interference are not only foundationally motivated, but constitute a search for a computational resource beyond that offered by quantum computation.Comment: 17+7 pages. Comments Welcome. Published in special issue "Foundational Aspects of Quantum Information" in Foundations of Physic

    Ruling out higher-order interference from purity principles

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    As first noted by Rafael Sorkin, there is a limit to quantum interference. The interference pattern formed in a multi-slit experiment is a function of the interference patterns formed between pairs of slits, there are no genuinely new features resulting from considering three slits instead of two. Sorkin has introduced a hierarchy of mathematically conceivable higher-order interference behaviours, where classical theory lies at the first level of this hierarchy and quantum theory theory at the second. Informally, the order in this hierarchy corresponds to the number of slits on which the interference pattern has an irreducible dependence. Many authors have wondered why quantum interference is limited to the second level of this hierarchy. Does the existence of higher-order interference violate some natural physical principle that we believe should be fundamental? In the current work we show that such principles can be found which limit interference behaviour to second-order, or "quantum-like", interference, but that do not restrict us to the entire quantum formalism. We work within the operational framework of generalised probabilistic theories, and prove that any theory satisfying Causality, Purity Preservation, Pure Sharpness, and Purification---four principles that formalise the fundamental character of purity in nature---exhibits at most second-order interference. Hence these theories are, at least conceptually, very "close" to quantum theory. Along the way we show that systems in such theories correspond to Euclidean Jordan algebras. Hence, they are self-dual and, moreover, multi-slit experiments in such theories are described by pure projectors.Comment: 18+8 pages. Comments welcome. v2: Minor correction to Lemma 5.1, main results are unchange

    A universe of processes and some of its guises

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    Our starting point is a particular `canvas' aimed to `draw' theories of physics, which has symmetric monoidal categories as its mathematical backbone. In this paper we consider the conceptual foundations for this canvas, and how these can then be converted into mathematical structure. With very little structural effort (i.e. in very abstract terms) and in a very short time span the categorical quantum mechanics (CQM) research program has reproduced a surprisingly large fragment of quantum theory. It also provides new insights both in quantum foundations and in quantum information, and has even resulted in automated reasoning software called `quantomatic' which exploits the deductive power of CQM. In this paper we complement the available material by not requiring prior knowledge of category theory, and by pointing at connections to previous and current developments in the foundations of physics. This research program is also in close synergy with developments elsewhere, for example in representation theory, quantum algebra, knot theory, topological quantum field theory and several other areas.Comment: Invited chapter in: "Deep Beauty: Understanding the Quantum World through Mathematical Innovation", H. Halvorson, ed., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming. (as usual, many pictures

    Symmetry and Self-Duality in Categories of Probabilistic Models

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    This note adds to the recent spate of derivations of the probabilistic apparatus of finite-dimensional quantum theory from various axiomatic packages. We offer two different axiomatic packages that lead easily to the Jordan algebraic structure of finite-dimensional quantum theory. The derivation relies on the Koecher-Vinberg Theorem, which sets up an equivalence between order-unit spaces having homogeneous, self-dual cones, and formally real Jordan algebras.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2011, arXiv:1210.029

    Operational formulation of time reversal in quantum theory

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    The symmetry of quantum theory under time reversal has long been a subject of controversy because the transition probabilities given by Born's rule do not apply backward in time. Here, we resolve this problem within a rigorous operational probabilistic framework. We argue that reconciling time reversal with the probabilistic rules of the theory requires a notion of operation that permits realizations via both pre- and post-selection. We develop the generalized formulation of quantum theory that stems from this approach and give a precise definition of time-reversal symmetry, emphasizing a previously overlooked distinction between states and effects. We prove an analogue of Wigner's theorem, which characterizes all allowed symmetry transformations in this operationally time-symmetric quantum theory. Remarkably, we find larger classes of symmetry transformations than those assumed before. This suggests a possible direction for search of extensions of known physics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure