155 research outputs found

    Tensor Transpose and Its Properties

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    Tensor transpose is a higher order generalization of matrix transpose. In this paper, we use permutations and symmetry group to define? the tensor transpose. Then we discuss the classification and composition of tensor transposes. Properties of tensor transpose are studied in relation to tensor multiplication, tensor eigenvalues, tensor decompositions and tensor rank

    Approximate Rank-Detecting Factorization of Low-Rank Tensors

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    We present an algorithm, AROFAC2, which detects the (CP-)rank of a degree 3 tensor and calculates its factorization into rank-one components. We provide generative conditions for the algorithm to work and demonstrate on both synthetic and real world data that AROFAC2 is a potentially outperforming alternative to the gold standard PARAFAC over which it has the advantages that it can intrinsically detect the true rank, avoids spurious components, and is stable with respect to outliers and non-Gaussian noise

    Effective identifiability criteria for tensors and polynomials

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    A tensor TT, in a given tensor space, is said to be hh-identifiable if it admits a unique decomposition as a sum of hh rank one tensors. A criterion for hh-identifiability is called effective if it is satisfied in a dense, open subset of the set of rank hh tensors. In this paper we give effective hh-identifiability criteria for a large class of tensors. We then improve these criteria for some symmetric tensors. For instance, this allows us to give a complete set of effective identifiability criteria for ternary quintic polynomial. Finally, we implement our identifiability algorithms in Macaulay2.Comment: 12 pages. The identifiability criteria are implemented, in Macaulay2, in the ancillary file Identifiability.m

    On the X-rank with respect to linear projections of projective varieties

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    In this paper we improve the known bound for the XX-rank RX(P)R_{X}(P) of an element P∈PNP\in {\mathbb{P}}^N in the case in which X⊂PnX\subset {\mathbb P}^n is a projective variety obtained as a linear projection from a general vv-dimensional subspace V⊂Pn+vV\subset {\mathbb P}^{n+v}. Then, if X⊂PnX\subset {\mathbb P}^n is a curve obtained from a projection of a rational normal curve C⊂Pn+1C\subset {\mathbb P}^{n+1} from a point O⊂Pn+1O\subset {\mathbb P}^{n+1}, we are able to describe the precise value of the XX-rank for those points P∈PnP\in {\mathbb P}^n such that RX(P)≤RC(O)−1R_{X}(P)\leq R_{C}(O)-1 and to improve the general result. Moreover we give a stratification, via the XX-rank, of the osculating spaces to projective cuspidal projective curves XX. Finally we give a description and a new bound of the XX-rank of subspaces both in the general case and with respect to integral non-degenerate projective curves.Comment: 10 page

    Decomposition of homogeneous polynomials with low rank

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    Let FF be a homogeneous polynomial of degree dd in m+1m+1 variables defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero and suppose that FF belongs to the ss-th secant varieties of the standard Veronese variety Xm,d⊂P(m+dd)−1X_{m,d}\subset \mathbb{P}^{{m+d\choose d}-1} but that its minimal decomposition as a sum of dd-th powers of linear forms M1,...,MrM_1, ..., M_r is F=M1d+...+MrdF=M_1^d+... + M_r^d with r>sr>s. We show that if s+r≤2d+1s+r\leq 2d+1 then such a decomposition of FF can be split in two parts: one of them is made by linear forms that can be written using only two variables, the other part is uniquely determined once one has fixed the first part. We also obtain a uniqueness theorem for the minimal decomposition of FF if the rank is at most dd and a mild condition is satisfied.Comment: final version. Math. Z. (to appear
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