804 research outputs found

    Symbolic computation of exact solutions expressible in hyperbolic and elliptic functions for nonlinear PDEs

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    Algorithms are presented for the tanh- and sech-methods, which lead to closed-form solutions of nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations (ODEs and PDEs). New algorithms are given to find exact polynomial solutions of ODEs and PDEs in terms of Jacobi's elliptic functions. For systems with parameters, the algorithms determine the conditions on the parameters so that the differential equations admit polynomial solutions in tanh, sech, combinations thereof, Jacobi's sn or cn functions. Examples illustrate key steps of the algorithms. The new algorithms are implemented in Mathematica. The package DDESpecialSolutions.m can be used to automatically compute new special solutions of nonlinear PDEs. Use of the package, implementation issues, scope, limitations, and future extensions of the software are addressed. A survey is given of related algorithms and symbolic software to compute exact solutions of nonlinear differential equations.Comment: 39 pages. Software available from Willy Hereman's home page at http://www.mines.edu/fs_home/whereman

    Algorithmic Integrability Tests for Nonlinear Differential and Lattice Equations

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    Three symbolic algorithms for testing the integrability of polynomial systems of partial differential and differential-difference equations are presented. The first algorithm is the well-known Painlev\'e test, which is applicable to polynomial systems of ordinary and partial differential equations. The second and third algorithms allow one to explicitly compute polynomial conserved densities and higher-order symmetries of nonlinear evolution and lattice equations. The first algorithm is implemented in the symbolic syntax of both Macsyma and Mathematica. The second and third algorithms are available in Mathematica. The codes can be used for computer-aided integrability testing of nonlinear differential and lattice equations as they occur in various branches of the sciences and engineering. Applied to systems with parameters, the codes can determine the conditions on the parameters so that the systems pass the Painlev\'e test, or admit a sequence of conserved densities or higher-order symmetries.Comment: Submitted to: Computer Physics Communications, Latex, uses the style files elsart.sty and elsart12.st

    Symbolic Computation of Conservation Laws of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Multi-dimensions

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    A direct method for the computation of polynomial conservation laws of polynomial systems of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) in multi-dimensions is presented. The method avoids advanced differential-geometric tools. Instead, it is solely based on calculus, variational calculus, and linear algebra. Densities are constructed as linear combinations of scaling homogeneous terms with undetermined coefficients. The variational derivative (Euler operator) is used to compute the undetermined coefficients. The homotopy operator is used to compute the fluxes. The method is illustrated with nonlinear PDEs describing wave phenomena in fluid dynamics, plasma physics, and quantum physics. For PDEs with parameters, the method determines the conditions on the parameters so that a sequence of conserved densities might exist. The existence of a large number of conservation laws is a predictor for complete integrability. The method is algorithmic, applicable to a variety of PDEs, and can be implemented in computer algebra systems such as Mathematica, Maple, and REDUCE.Comment: To appear in: Thematic Issue on ``Mathematical Methods and Symbolic Calculation in Chemistry and Chemical Biology'' of the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. Eds.: Michael Barnett and Frank Harris (2006

    Meromorphic solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations

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    Exact solutions of some popular nonlinear ordinary differential equations are analyzed taking their Laurent series into account. Using the Laurent series for solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations we discuss the nature of many methods for finding exact solutions. We show that most of these methods are conceptually identical to one another and they allow us to have only the same solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations