17 research outputs found

    A Fully Abstract Symbolic Semantics for Psi-Calculi

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    We present a symbolic transition system and bisimulation equivalence for psi-calculi, and show that it is fully abstract with respect to bisimulation congruence in the non-symbolic semantics. A psi-calculus is an extension of the pi-calculus with nominal data types for data structures and for logical assertions representing facts about data. These can be transmitted between processes and their names can be statically scoped using the standard pi-calculus mechanism to allow for scope migrations. Psi-calculi can be more general than other proposed extensions of the pi-calculus such as the applied pi-calculus, the spi-calculus, the fusion calculus, or the concurrent constraint pi-calculus. Symbolic semantics are necessary for an efficient implementation of the calculus in automated tools exploring state spaces, and the full abstraction property means the semantics of a process does not change from the original

    Proving More Observational Equivalences with ProVerif

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    This paper presents an extension of the automatic protocol verifier ProVerif in order to prove more observational equivalences. ProVerif can prove observational equivalence between processes that have the same structure but differ by the messages they contain. In order to extend the class of equivalences that ProVerif handles, we extend the language of terms by defining more functions (destructors) by rewrite rules. In particular, we allow rewrite rules with inequalities as side-conditions, so that we can express tests ''if then else'' inside terms. Finally, we provide an automatic procedure that translates a process into an equivalent process that performs as many actions as possible in- side terms, to allow ProVerif to prove the desired equivalence. These extensions have been implemented in ProVerif and allow us to au- tomatically prove anonymity in the private authentication protocol by Abadi and Fournet

    Compositional analysis of protocol equivalence in the applied pi-calculus using quasi-open bisimilarity

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    This paper shows that quasi-open bisimilarity is the coarsest bisimilarity congruence for the applied -calculus. Furthermore, we show that this equivalence is suited to security and privacy problems expressed as an equivalence problem in the following senses: (1) being a bisimilarity is a safe choice since it does not miss attacks based on rich strategies; (2) being a congruence it enables a compositional approach to proving certain equivalence problems such as unlinkability; and (3) being the coarsest such bisimilarity congruence it can establish proofs of some privacy properties where finer equivalences fail to do so

    Compositional Analysis of Protocol Equivalence in the Applied pi-Calculus Using Quasi-open Bisimilarity

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    This paper shows that quasi-open bisimilarity is the coarsest bisimilarity congruence for the applied pi-calculus. Furthermore, we show that this equivalence is suited to security and privacy problems expressed as an equivalence problem in the following senses: (1) being a bisimilarity is a safe choice since it does not miss attacks based on rich strategies; (2) being a congruence it enables a compositional approach to proving certain equivalence problems such as unlinkability; and (3) being the coarsest such bisimilarity congruence it can establish proofs of some privacy properties where finer equivalences fail to do so

    Automated Reasoning for Equivalences in the Applied Pi Calculus with Barriers

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    International audienceObservational equivalence allows us to study important security properties such as anonymity. Unfortunately, the difficulty of proving observational equivalence hinders analysis. Blanchet, Abadi & Fournet simplify its proof by introducing a sufficient condition for observational equivalence , called diff-equivalence, which is a reachability condition that can be proved automatically by ProVerif. However, diff-equivalence is a very strong condition, which often does not hold even if observational equivalence does. In particular, when proving equivalence between processes that contain several parallel components, e.g., P | Q and P | Q , diff-equivalence requires that P is equivalent to P and Q is equivalent to Q. To relax this constraint, Delaune, Ryan & Smyth introduced the idea of swapping data between parallel processes P and Q at synchronisation points, without proving its soundness. We extend their work by formalising the semantics of synchronisation, formalising the definition of swapping, and proving its soundness. We also relax some restrictions they had on the processes to which swapping can be applied. Moreover, we have implemented our results in ProVerif. Hence, we extend the class of equivalences that can be proved automatically. We showcase our results by analysing privacy in election schemes by Fujioka, Okamoto & Ohta and Lee et al., and in the vehicular ad-hoc network by Freudiger et al

    Psi-calculi: a framework for mobile processes with nominal data and logic

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    The framework of psi-calculi extends the pi-calculus with nominal datatypes for data structures and for logical assertions and conditions. These can be transmitted between processes and their names can be statically scoped as in the standard pi-calculus. Psi-calculi can capture the same phenomena as other proposed extensions of the pi-calculus such as the applied pi-calculus, the spi-calculus, the fusion calculus, the concurrent constraint pi-calculus, and calculi with polyadic communication channels or pattern matching. Psi-calculi can be even more general, for example by allowing structured channels, higher-order formalisms such as the lambda calculus for data structures, and predicate logic for assertions. We provide ample comparisons to related calculi and discuss a few significant applications. Our labelled operational semantics and definition of bisimulation is straightforward, without a structural congruence. We establish minimal requirements on the nominal data and logic in order to prove general algebraic properties of psi-calculi, all of which have been checked in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. Expressiveness of psi-calculi significantly exceeds that of other formalisms, while the purity of the semantics is on par with the original pi-calculus.Comment: 44 page

    Bisimulation symbolique pour les systèmes ouverts et paramétrés - Version étendue

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    Les automates ouverts(OA) sont des modèles symboliques et paramétrés pour les systèmes concurrents ouverts. Ici,ouvert désigne des systèmes partiellement spécifiés, qui peuvent être instanciés ou assemblés pour construire de plus grands systèmes. Une propriété importante pour de tels systèmes est la "compositionnalité", ce qui signifie que les propriétés logiques et les équivalences peuvent être vérifiées localement et seront préservées par la composition. Dans des travaux antérieurs, une notion d’équivalence nommée FH-Bisimulationa été définie pour les automates ouverts et se révélait être une congruence pour leur composition. Mais cette équivalence a été définie pour une variante des automates ouverts intrinsèquement infinis,ce qui la rend impropre au traitement algorithmique.Nous définissons une nouvelle forme d’équivalence nommée StrFH-Bisimulation, travaillant sur des codages finis des OA. Nous prouvons que la StrFH-Bisimulation est cohérente et complète pour la FH-Bisimulation.Nous proposons ensuite deux algorithmes pour vérifier StrFH-Bisimulation: le premier re-quiert une relation (définie par l’utilisateur) entre les états de deux OA finis, et vérifie s’il s’agit d’une strFH-Bisimulation. La seconde prend deux AO finies en entrée et construit une "StrFH-bisimulation la plus faible" telle que leurs états initiaux soient bisimilaires. Nous prouvons que cet algorithme termine lorsque les domaines de données sont finis. Les deux algorithmes utilisent un solveur SMT comme base pour résoudre les obligations de preuve

    Compositional equivalences based on Open pNets

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    Establishing equivalences between programs or systems is crucial both for verifying correctness of programs, by establishing that two implementations are equivalent, and for justifying optimisations and program transformations, by establishing that a modified program is equivalent to the source one. There exist several equivalence relations for programs, and bisimulations are among the most versatile of these equivalences. Among bisimulation relations one distinguishes strong bisimulation, that requires that each action of a program is simulated by a single action of the equivalent program, a weak bisimulation that is a coarser relation, allowing some of the actions to be invisible or internal moves, and thus not simulated by the equivalent program. pNet is a generalisation of automata that model open systems. They feature variables and hierarchical composition. Open pNets are pNets with holes, i.e. placeholders inside the hierarchical structure that can be filled later by sub-systems. This article defines bisimulation relations for the comparison of systems specified as pNets. We first define a strong bisimulation for open pNets. We then define an equivalence relation similar to the classical weak bisimulation, and study its properties. Among these properties we are interested in compositionality: if two systems are proven equivalent they will be undistinguishable by their context, and they will also be undistinguishable when their holes are filled with equivalent systems. We identify sufficient conditions on the automata to ensure compositionality of strong and weak bisimulation. The article is illustrated with a transport protocol running example; it shows the characteristics of our formalism and our bisimulation relations

    Automated Verification of Equivalence Properties of Cryptographic Protocols

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    Indistinguishability properties are essential in formal verification of cryptographic protocols. They are needed to model anonymity properties, strong versions of confidentiality and resistance against offline guessing attacks, which can be conveniently modeled using process equivalences. We present a novel procedure to verify equivalence properties for a bounded number of sessions of cryptographic protocols. As in the applied pi-calculus, our protocol specification language is parametrized by a first-order sorted term signature and an equational theory which allows formalization of algebraic properties of cryptographic primitives. Our procedure is able to verify trace equivalence for determi-nate cryptographic protocols. On determinate protocols, trace equivalence coincides with observational equivalence which can therefore be automatically verified for such processes. When protocols are not determinate our procedure can be used for both under-and over-approximations of trace equivalence, which proved successful on examples. The procedure can handle a large set of cryptographic primitives, namely those that can be modeled by an optimally reducing convergent rewrite system. The procedure is based on a fully abstract modelling of the traces of a bounded number of sessions of the protocols into first-order Horn clauses on which a dedicated resolution procedure is used to decide equivalence properties. We have shown that our procedure terminates for the class of subterm convergent equational theories. Moreover, the procedure has been implemented in a prototype tool A-KiSs (Active Knowledge in Security Protocols) and has been effectively tested on examples. Some of the examples were outside the scope of existing tools, including checking anonymity of an electronic voting protocol