10,661 research outputs found

    An Event-Driven Multi-Kernel Convolution Processor Module for Event-Driven Vision Sensors

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    Event-Driven vision sensing is a new way of sensing visual reality in a frame-free manner. This is, the vision sensor (camera) is not capturing a sequence of still frames, as in conventional video and computer vision systems. In Event-Driven sensors each pixel autonomously and asynchronously decides when to send its address out. This way, the sensor output is a continuous stream of address events representing reality dynamically continuously and without constraining to frames. In this paper we present an Event-Driven Convolution Module for computing 2D convolutions on such event streams. The Convolution Module has been designed to assemble many of them for building modular and hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks for robust shape and pose invariant object recognition. The Convolution Module has multi-kernel capability. This is, it will select the convolution kernel depending on the origin of the event. A proof-of-concept test prototype has been fabricated in a 0.35 m CMOS process and extensive experimental results are provided. The Convolution Processor has also been combined with an Event-Driven Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) for high-speed recognition examples. The chip can discriminate propellers rotating at 2 k revolutions per second, detect symbols on a 52 card deck when browsing all cards in 410 ms, or detect and follow the center of a phosphor oscilloscope trace rotating at 5 KHz.Unión Europea 216777 (NABAB)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Distribution matching for transduction

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    Many transductive inference algorithms assume that distributions over training and test estimates should be related, e.g. by providing a large margin of separation on both sets. We use this idea to design a transduction algorithm which can be used without modification for classification, regression, and structured estimation. At its heart we exploit the fact that for a good learner the distributions over the outputs on training and test sets should match. This is a classical two-sample problem which can be solved efficiently in its most general form by using distance measures in Hilbert Space. It turns out that a number of existing heuristics can be viewed as special cases of our approach.

    On the Design and Analysis of Multiple View Descriptors

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    We propose an extension of popular descriptors based on gradient orientation histograms (HOG, computed in a single image) to multiple views. It hinges on interpreting HOG as a conditional density in the space of sampled images, where the effects of nuisance factors such as viewpoint and illumination are marginalized. However, such marginalization is performed with respect to a very coarse approximation of the underlying distribution. Our extension leverages on the fact that multiple views of the same scene allow separating intrinsic from nuisance variability, and thus afford better marginalization of the latter. The result is a descriptor that has the same complexity of single-view HOG, and can be compared in the same manner, but exploits multiple views to better trade off insensitivity to nuisance variability with specificity to intrinsic variability. We also introduce a novel multi-view wide-baseline matching dataset, consisting of a mixture of real and synthetic objects with ground truthed camera motion and dense three-dimensional geometry

    Batch kernel SOM and related Laplacian methods for social network analysis

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    Large graphs are natural mathematical models for describing the structure of the data in a wide variety of fields, such as web mining, social networks, information retrieval, biological networks, etc. For all these applications, automatic tools are required to get a synthetic view of the graph and to reach a good understanding of the underlying problem. In particular, discovering groups of tightly connected vertices and understanding the relations between those groups is very important in practice. This paper shows how a kernel version of the batch Self Organizing Map can be used to achieve these goals via kernels derived from the Laplacian matrix of the graph, especially when it is used in conjunction with more classical methods based on the spectral analysis of the graph. The proposed method is used to explore the structure of a medieval social network modeled through a weighted graph that has been directly built from a large corpus of agrarian contracts

    Towards the ontology-based approach for factual information matching

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    Factual information is information based on facts or relating to facts. The reliability of automatically extracted facts is the main problem of processing factual information. The fact retrieval system remains one of the most effective tools for identifying the information for decision-making. In this work, we explore how can natural language processing methods and problem domain ontology help to check contradictions and mismatches in facts automatically