947 research outputs found

    Hybrid interconnection topologies for high performance and low hardware cost based on hypercube and k-ary n-tree

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    The implementation of fat-tree interconnection networks is prevalent in high-performance parallel computing. However, the traditional fat-tree structure requires a considerable amount of switches and links to connect computing nodes, resulting in a significant increase in hardware costs for large-scale high-performance systems. This study proposes two innovative hybrid topologies, the k-ary n-tree k-cube (KANTC) and the Mirrored k-ary n-tree k-cube (MiKANTC), to address the aforementioned issue. The proposed topologies merge the characteristics of the hypercube and fat-tree structures. Instead of the traditional direct connection of k computing nodes to an edge-level switch, the edge-level switches in the fat-tree are substituted with k-cubes. This results in the formation of k^n−2 k-cubes at the edge level, where each k-cube links k switches to the upper level of the k-ary n-tree, while the remaining switches link to the compute nodes. Hence, all the cubes are capable of interconnecting k(2^k−k) compute nodes. Shortest path-based routing algorithms are proposed for these hybrid topologies, and several link fault tolerant routing algorithms are developed to enhance the fault tolerance of the entire topology. The proposed hybrid topologies are then evaluated in terms of path diversity, cost, and performance. The results demonstrates that the proposed KANTC and MiKANTC topologies exhibit improved performance, with up to 84% reduction in the number of switches and 78% reduction in links in large parallel systems when k = n = 8, compared to the conventional fat-tree topology. Additionally, these hybrid topologies display enhanced path diversity compared to traditional fat-tree

    Space Station Freedom data management system growth and evolution report

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    The Information Sciences Division at the NASA Ames Research Center has completed a 6-month study of portions of the Space Station Freedom Data Management System (DMS). This study looked at the present capabilities and future growth potential of the DMS, and the results are documented in this report. Issues have been raised that were discussed with the appropriate Johnson Space Center (JSC) management and Work Package-2 contractor organizations. Areas requiring additional study have been identified and suggestions for long-term upgrades have been proposed. This activity has allowed the Ames personnel to develop a rapport with the JSC civil service and contractor teams that does permit an independent check and balance technique for the DMS

    Building high-performance web-caching servers

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    Operating System Support for Redundant Multithreading

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    Failing hardware is a fact and trends in microprocessor design indicate that the fraction of hardware suffering from permanent and transient faults will continue to increase in future chip generations. Researchers proposed various solutions to this issue with different downsides: Specialized hardware components make hardware more expensive in production and consume additional energy at runtime. Fault-tolerant algorithms and libraries enforce specific programming models on the developer. Compiler-based fault tolerance requires the source code for all applications to be available for recompilation. In this thesis I present ASTEROID, an operating system architecture that integrates applications with different reliability needs. ASTEROID is built on top of the L4/Fiasco.OC microkernel and extends the system with Romain, an operating system service that transparently replicates user applications. Romain supports single- and multi-threaded applications without requiring access to the application's source code. Romain replicates applications and their resources completely and thereby does not rely on hardware extensions, such as ECC-protected memory. In my thesis I describe how to efficiently implement replication as a form of redundant multithreading in software. I develop mechanisms to manage replica resources and to make multi-threaded programs behave deterministically for replication. I furthermore present an approach to handle applications that use shared-memory channels with other programs. My evaluation shows that Romain provides 100% error detection and more than 99.6% error correction for single-bit flips in memory and general-purpose registers. At the same time, Romain's execution time overhead is below 14% for single-threaded applications running in triple-modular redundant mode. The last part of my thesis acknowledges that software-implemented fault tolerance methods often rely on the correct functioning of a certain set of hardware and software components, the Reliable Computing Base (RCB). I introduce the concept of the RCB and discuss what constitutes the RCB of the ASTEROID system and other fault tolerance mechanisms. Thereafter I show three case studies that evaluate approaches to protecting RCB components and thereby aim to achieve a software stack that is fully protected against hardware errors

    Conserve and Protect Resources in Software-Defined Networking via the Traffic Engineering Approach

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) is revolutionizing the architecture and operation of computer networks and promises a more agile and cost-efficient network management. SDN centralizes the network control logic and separates the control plane from the data plane, thus enabling flexible management of networks. A network based on SDN consists of a data plane and a control plane. To assist management of devices and data flows, a network also has an independent monitoring plane. These coexisting network planes have various types of resources, such as bandwidth utilized to transmit monitoring data, energy spent to power data forwarding devices and computational resources to control a network. Unwise management, even abusive utilization of these resources lead to the degradation of the network performance and increase the Operating Expenditure (Opex) of the network owner. Conserving and protecting limited network resources is thus among the key requirements for efficient networking. However, the heterogeneity of the network hardware and network traffic workloads expands the configuration space of SDN, making it a challenging task to operate a network efficiently. Furthermore, the existing approaches usually lack the capability to automatically adapt network configurations to handle network dynamics and diverse optimization requirements. Addtionally, a centralized SDN controller has to run in a protected environment against certain attacks. This thesis builds upon the centralized management capability of SDN, and uses cross-layer network optimizations to perform joint traffic engineering, e.g., routing, hardware and software configurations. The overall goal is to overcome the management complexities in conserving and protecting resources in multiple functional planes in SDN when facing network heterogeneities and system dynamics. This thesis presents four contributions: (1) resource-efficient network monitoring, (2) resource-efficient data forwarding, (3) using self-adaptive algorithms to improve network resource efficiency, and (4) mitigating abusive usage of resources for network controlling. The first contribution of this thesis is a resource-efficient network monitoring solution. In this thesis, we consider one specific type of virtual network management function: flow packet inspection. This type of the network monitoring application requires to duplicate packets of target flows and send them to packet monitors for in-depth analysis. To avoid the competition for resources between the original data and duplicated data, the network operators can transmit the data flows through physically (e.g., different communication mediums) or virtually (e.g., distinguished network slices) separated channels having different resource consumption properties. We propose the REMO solution, namely Resource Efficient distributed Monitoring, to reduce the overall network resource consumption incurred by both types of data, via jointly considering the locations of the packet monitors, the selection of devices forking the data packets, and flow path scheduling strategies. In the second contribution of this thesis, we investigate the resource efficiency problem in hybrid, server-centric data center networks equipped with both traditional wired connections (e.g., InfiniBand or Ethernet) and advanced high-data-rate wireless links (e.g., directional 60GHz wireless technology). The configuration space of hybrid SDN equipped with both wired and wireless communication technologies is massively large due to the complexity brought by the device heterogeneity. To tackle this problem, we present the ECAS framework to reduce the power consumption and maintain the network performance. The approaches based on the optimization models and heuristic algorithms are considered as the traditional way to reduce the operation and facility resource consumption in SDN. These approaches are either difficult to directly solve or specific for a particular problem space. As the third contribution of this thesis, we investigates the approach of using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to improve the adaptivity of the management modules for network resource and data flow scheduling. The goal of the DRL agent in the SDN network is to reduce the power consumption of SDN networks without severely degrading the network performance. The fourth contribution of this thesis is a protection mechanism based upon flow rate limiting to mitigate abusive usage of the SDN control plane resource. Due to the centralized architecture of SDN and its handling mechanism for new data flows, the network controller can be the failure point due to the crafted cyber-attacks, especially the Control-Plane- Saturation (CPS) attack. We proposes an In-Network Flow mAnagement Scheme (INFAS) to effectively reduce the generation of malicious control packets depending on the parameters configured for the proposed mitigation algorithm. In summary, the contributions of this thesis address various unique challenges to construct resource-efficient and secure SDN. This is achieved by designing and implementing novel and intelligent models and algorithms to configure networks and perform network traffic engineering, in the protected centralized network controller

    NASA Tech Briefs, April 2011

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    Topics covered include: Amperometric Solid Electrolyte Oxygen Microsensors with Easy Batch Fabrication; Two-Axis Direct Fluid Shear Stress Sensor for Aerodynamic Applications; Target Assembly to Check Boresight Alignment of Active Sensors; Virtual Sensor Test Instrumentation; Evaluation of the Reflection Coefficient of Microstrip Elements for Reflectarray Antennas; Miniaturized Ka-Band Dual-Channel Radar; Continuous-Integration Laser Energy Lidar Monitor; Miniaturized Airborne Imaging Central Server System; Radiation-Tolerant, SpaceWire-Compatible Switching Fabric; Small Microprocessor for ASIC or FPGA Implementation; Source-Coupled, N-Channel, JFET-Based Digital Logic Gate Structure Using Resistive Level Shifters; High-Voltage-Input Level Translator Using Standard CMOS; Monitoring Digital Closed-Loop Feedback Systems; MASCOT - MATLAB Stability and Control Toolbox; MIRO Continuum Calibration for Asteroid Mode; GOATS Image Projection Component; Coded Modulation in C and MATLAB; Low-Dead-Volume Inlet for Vacuum Chamber; Thermal Control Method for High-Current Wire Bundles by Injecting a Thermally Conductive Filler; Method for Selective Cleaning of Mold Release from Composite Honeycomb Surfaces; Infrared-Bolometer Arrays with Reflective Backshorts; Commercialization of LARC (trade mark) -SI Polyimide Technology; Novel Low-Density Ablators Containing Hyperbranched Poly(azomethine)s; Carbon Nanotubes on Titanium Substrates for Stray Light Suppression; Monolithic, High-Speed Fiber-Optic Switching Array for Lidar; Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Power System; Spectroelectrochemical Instrument Measures TOC; A Miniaturized Video System for Monitoring Drosophila Behavior; Hydrofocusing Bioreactor Produces Anti-Cancer Alkaloids; Creep Measurement Video Extensometer; Radius of Curvature Measurement of Large Optics Using Interferometry and Laser Tracker n-B-pi-p Superlattice Infrared Detector; Safe Onboard Guidance and Control Under Probabilistic Uncertainty; General Tool for Evaluating High-Contrast Coronagraphic Telescope Performance Error Budgets; Hidden Statistics of Schroedinger Equation; Optimal Padding for the Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transform; Spatial Query for Planetary Data; Higher Order Mode Coupling in Feed Waveguide of a Planar Slot Array Antenna; Evolutionary Computational Methods for Identifying Emergent Behavior in Autonomous Systems; Sampling Theorem in Terms of the Bandwidth and Sampling Interval; Meteoroid/Orbital Debris Shield Engineering Development Practice and Procedure; Self-Balancing, Optical-Center-Pivot, Fast-Steering Mirror; Wireless Orbiter Hang-Angle Inclinometer System; and Internal Electrostatic Discharge Monitor - IESDM

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    High efficiency, character-oriented, local area networks

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    Imperial Users onl

    Design and analysis of a 3-dimensional cluster multicomputer architecture using optical interconnection for petaFLOP computing

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    In this dissertation, the design and analyses of an extremely scalable distributed multicomputer architecture, using optical interconnects, that has the potential to deliver in the order of petaFLOP performance is presented in detail. The design takes advantage of optical technologies, harnessing the features inherent in optics, to produce a 3D stack that implements efficiently a large, fully connected system of nodes forming a true 3D architecture. To adopt optics in large-scale multiprocessor cluster systems, efficient routing and scheduling techniques are needed. To this end, novel self-routing strategies for all-optical packet switched networks and on-line scheduling methods that can result in collision free communication and achieve real time operation in high-speed multiprocessor systems are proposed. The system is designed to allow failed/faulty nodes to stay in place without appreciable performance degradation. The approach is to develop a dynamic communication environment that will be able to effectively adapt and evolve with a high density of missing units or nodes. A joint CPU/bandwidth controller that maximizes the resource allocation in this dynamic computing environment is introduced with an objective to optimize the distributed cluster architecture, preventing performance/system degradation in the presence of failed/faulty nodes. A thorough analysis, feasibility study and description of the characteristics of a 3-Dimensional multicomputer system capable of achieving 100 teraFLOP performance is discussed in detail. Included in this dissertation is throughput analysis of the routing schemes, using methods from discrete-time queuing systems and computer simulation results for the different proposed algorithms. A prototype of the 3D architecture proposed is built and a test bed developed to obtain experimental results to further prove the feasibility of the design, validate initial assumptions, algorithms, simulations and the optimized distributed resource allocation scheme. Finally, as a prelude to further research, an efficient data routing strategy for highly scalable distributed mobile multiprocessor networks is introduced
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