8,051 research outputs found

    Novel Nature Inspired Techniques in Medical Data Mining

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    AbstractIn this work we have studied, evaluated and proposed different swarm intelligence techniques for mining information from loosely structured medical textual records with no a priori knowledge (a large dataset). The output of this task is a set of ordered/nominal attributes suitable for rule discovery mining.Information mining from textual data becomes a very challenging task when the structure of the text record is loose without any rules. The task becomes even harder when natural language is used and no a priori knowledge is available.First, classical approaches such as basic statistic approaches, single and multiple word frequency analysis, etc., have been used to simplify the textual data and provide an overview of the data. Finally, an ant-inspired self-learning approach has been used to automatically provide a simplified dominant structure, presenting structure of the records in the human readable form that can be further utilized in the mining process as it describes the vast majority of the records.Note that this project is an ongoing process (and research) and new data are irregularly received from the medical facility, justifying the need for robust and fool-proof algorithms

    Evolving temporal association rules with genetic algorithms

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    A novel framework for mining temporal association rules by discovering itemsets with a genetic algorithm is introduced. Metaheuristics have been applied to association rule mining, we show the efficacy of extending this to another variant - temporal association rule mining. Our framework is an enhancement to existing temporal association rule mining methods as it employs a genetic algorithm to simultaneously search the rule space and temporal space. A methodology for validating the ability of the proposed framework isolates target temporal itemsets in synthetic datasets. The Iterative Rule Learning method successfully discovers these targets in datasets with varying levels of difficulty

    A new sequential covering strategy for inducing classification rules with ant colony algorithms

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    Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms have been successfully applied to discover a list of classification rules. In general, these algorithms follow a sequential covering strategy, where a single rule is discovered at each iteration of the algorithm in order to build a list of rules. The sequential covering strategy has the drawback of not coping with the problem of rule interaction, i.e., the outcome of a rule affects the rules that can be discovered subsequently since the search space is modified due to the removal of examples covered by previous rules. This paper proposes a new sequential covering strategy for ACO classification algorithms to mitigate the problem of rule interaction, where the order of the rules is implicitly encoded as pheromone values and the search is guided by the quality of a candidate list of rules. Our experiments using 18 publicly available data sets show that the predictive accuracy obtained by a new ACO classification algorithm implementing the proposed sequential covering strategy is statistically significantly higher than the predictive accuracy of state-of-the-art rule induction classification algorithms

    Ants constructing rule-based classifiers.

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    Classifiers; Data; Data mining; Studies;

    AMPSO: A new Particle Swarm Method for Nearest Neighborhood Classification

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    Nearest prototype methods can be quite successful on many pattern classification problems. In these methods, a collection of prototypes has to be found that accurately represents the input patterns. The classifier then assigns classes based on the nearest prototype in this collection. In this paper, we first use the standard particle swarm optimizer (PSO) algorithm to find those prototypes. Second, we present a new algorithm, called adaptive Michigan PSO (AMPSO) in order to reduce the dimension of the search space and provide more flexibility than the former in this application. AMPSO is based on a different approach to particle swarms as each particle in the swarm represents a single prototype in the solution. The swarm does not converge to a single solution; instead, each particle is a local classifier, and the whole swarm is taken as the solution to the problem. It uses modified PSO equations with both particle competition and cooperation and a dynamic neighborhood. As an additional feature, in AMPSO, the number of prototypes represented in the swarm is able to adapt to the problem, increasing as needed the number of prototypes and classes of the prototypes that make the solution to the problem. We compared the results of the standard PSO and AMPSO in several benchmark problems from the University of California, Irvine, data sets and find that AMPSO always found a better solution than the standard PSO. We also found that it was able to improve the results of the Nearest Neighbor classifiers, and it is also competitive with some of the algorithms most commonly used for classification.This work was supported by the Spanish founded research Project MSTAR::UC3M, Ref: TIN2008-06491-C04-03 and CAM Project CCG06-UC3M/ESP-0774.Publicad

    Using a unified measure function for heuristics, discretization, and rule quality evaluation in Ant-Miner

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    Ant-Miner is a classification rule discovery algorithm that is based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) meta-heuristic. cAnt-Miner is the extended version of the algorithm that handles continuous attributes on-the-fly during the rule construction process, while ?Ant-Miner is an extension of the algorithm that selects the rule class prior to its construction, and utilizes multiple pheromone types, one for each permitted rule class. In this paper, we combine these two algorithms to derive a new approach for learning classification rules using ACO. The proposed approach is based on using the measure function for 1) computing the heuristics for rule term selection, 2) a criteria for discretizing continuous attributes, and 3) evaluating the quality of the constructed rule for pheromone update as well. We explore the effect of using different measure functions for on the output model in terms of predictive accuracy and model size. Empirical evaluations found that hypothesis of different functions produce different results are acceptable according to Friedman’s statistical test

    Improving the Interpretability of Classification Rules Discovered by an Ant Colony Algorithm: Extended Results

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    The vast majority of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms for inducing classification rules use an ACO-based procedure to create a rule in an one-at-a-time fashion. An improved search strategy has been proposed in the cAnt-MinerPB algorithm, where an ACO-based procedure is used to create a complete list of rules (ordered rules)-i.e., the ACO search is guided by the quality of a list of rules, instead of an individual rule. In this paper we propose an extension of the cAnt-MinerPB algorithm to discover a set of rules (unordered rules). The main motivations for this work are to improve the interpretation of individual rules by discovering a set of rules and to evaluate the impact on the predictive accuracy of the algorithm. We also propose a new measure to evaluate the interpretability of the discovered rules to mitigate the fact that the commonly-used model size measure ignores how the rules are used to make a class prediction. Comparisons with state-of-the-art rule induction algorithms, support vector machines and the cAnt-MinerPB producing ordered rules are also presented