913,839 research outputs found


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    The overall aim of this study is to identify the strengths and the opportunities,the weaknesses and the threats of information society that could enable the national and theinternational economies to achieve continuous improvement of quality of life both for currentand future generations, through the creation of sustainable communities able to manageresources efficiently and to tap the ecological and social innovation potential of the economy,ensuring prosperity, environmental protection, social cohesion and cultural diversity. Theauthors of this paper mean to harness the vast potential of ICTs to achieve the sustainabledevelopment aspirations, but also to pay attention to the limits of information society’sextending. Recognizing the importance of ICT as valuable assets for economic growth anddevelopment, world leaders should align their efforts towards building a development-oriented information society.Cuvinte cheie: sustainable development, e-commerce, e-government, cultural diversity

    内示情報と生産計画 : 持続可能社会における先行需要情報の活用

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    Agriculture in the information society: challenges of sustainable development

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    The overall goal of the study was to identify possible impacts of the information society on ecologically, economically and socially sustainable development in Finnish agriculture


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    The emergence of information society and the need to comply with sustainable economic development requirements have brought to the attention of experts the issues related to the impact of using on a wide scale information and communication technologies. Within this context, impact studies and some forecasts have shown that it is necessary to identify a balance between the increase of ICT consumption demand, the need of preserving resources and environment and the social imperatives.information society, sustainable development, communication technologies

    Advanced analytics as a tool to identify ways to achieve sustainable development

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    At this stage of information society is a rational mechanism for the achievement of sustainable development through the use of management information systems. Advanced Analytic System allows "deep" data mining, forecasting and optimization decision making. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3180

    Information society policies 2.0: a critical analysis of the potential and pitfalls of social computing & informatics in the light of e-inclusion

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    In this paper we reflect on how research and policies can and/or should help in the development of a sustainable information society for all. More specifically, we critically investigate how social computing & informatics can entail both potential and pitfalls, especially with regard to the difficult relationship between digital and social inclusion. First of all, traditional information society policies are scrutinized. Furthermore, we point at the existence of digital inequalities and we reflect briefly on policy intervention on this (e-inclusion). In addition, we also evaluate the raise of social computing & informatics. Finally, attention is given to the challenge of how research can contribute to the participation of all in the information society

    Sustainable development of Information Society: towards an ethics of information

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    W społeczeństwie informacji i wiedzy, które budujemy, mamy do czynienia z ogromnym wzrostem ilości i różnorodności informacji. Ten stan jest m. in. rezultatem nowych technologii informacyjnych, które dostarczają nowych, wręcz nieograniczonych, możliwości generowania, przetwarzania, przechowywania, udostępniania i percepcji informacji. „Społeczny” zalew informacją stanowi podłoże rynku informacyjnego, na którym informacja staje się towarem. Zasygnalizowana sytuacja jest w społeczeństwie informacyjnym źródłem wielu problemów związanych z koniecznością selekcji informacji, zarządzaniem informacją oraz odpowiedzialnością etyczną uczestników procesu informacyjnego. Artykuł stanowi kontynuację rozważań nad współczesnymi problemami rozwoju społeczeństwa informacyjnego, akcentując konieczność zajęcia się etyką informacyjną, która dotyczy wszelkich działań człowieka związanych z informacją, w tym także współpracy w zakresie transferu technologii i innowacji. Przedstawiono istotę i zadania etyki informacji oraz potrzebę kształtowania kultury etycznej osób związanych z informacją.In the information and knowledge society that we are building, we deal with a tremendous increase in the quantity and diversity of information. That condition also results from new information technologies which supply new, almost unlimited possibilities of creation, processing, storage, retrieval, and perception of information. The social flood of information constitutes a substrate of the information market where information becomes a commodity. That situation in the information society is a source of many problems related to the necessity of proper selection of information, information management and ethical responsibility on the part of information-process participants. This paper is a continuation of our considerations of the present day issues of the development of an information society, stressing the necessity of dealing with information ethics which concerns all human activities related to information, including cooperation in the transfer of technologies and innovations. We present here the object of that discipline, its tasks and the need to shape the ethical culture of all persons dealing with information

    Информационная открытость современного общества и устойчивое развитие: к постановке проблемы

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    The problems of the formation of institutions of information transparency and approval of the paradigm of sustainable development as related parties of the social process of modern society Information openness, sustainable development, access to information, modern society

    A new paradigm of economic regulation

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    Current regulating policies are aimed at eliminating negative effect of market failures and at controlling macroeconomic stability, but they do not sufficiently facilitate long-term aims of human being. A method of soft economic regulation making use of endogenous nature of preferences is suggested that is aimed at eliminating risks of terminating being of a civilised society in a long-run outlook. The key element of this method is informational control actions, in particular disseminating information about admissible values of strategical commodities, allowing a society to form such preferences of its members that conform the global economic efficiency criterion based on the con-cept of sustainable development.regulation, long-term aims, preferences, market information, value, sustainable development

    Ecological business as an innovative way of entrepreneurship

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    Tendencies in business development show active transformation towards information society, but this kind of changes are often accompanied by violations of ecological balance and sustainable development principles. Ecological aspect of economic activity is strongly influenced by the uncertainty factor in Ukraine, because society nowadays only begins to realize the value of ecological products and services. That is why creation of the efficient ecological entrepreneurship, which can contribute to the environmental reproduction, remains the challenging issue. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2665