19 research outputs found

    Intensity based image registration of satellite images using evolutionary techniques

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    Image registration is the fundamental image processing technique to determine geometrical transformation that gives the most accurate match between reference and floating images. Its main aim is to align two images. Satellite images to be fused for numerous applications must be registered before use. The main challenges in satellite image registration are finding out the optimum transformation parameters. Here in this work the non-alignment parameters are considered to be rigid and affine transformation. An intensity based satellite image registration technique is being used to register the floating image to the native co-ordinate system where the normalized mutual information (NMI) is taken as the similarity metric for optimizing and updating transform parameters. Because of no assumptions are made regarding the nature of the relationship between the image intensities in both modalities NMI is very general and powerful and can be applied automatically without prior segmentation on a large variety of data and as well works better for overlapped images as compared to mutual information(MI). In order to get maximum accuracy of registration the NMI is optimized using Genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization and hybrid GA-PSO. The random initialization and computational complexity makes GA oppressive, whereas weak local search ability with a premature convergence is the main drawback of PSO. Hybrid GA-PSO makes a trade-off between the local and global search in order to achieve a better balance between convergence speed and computational complexity. The above registration algorithm is being validated with several satellite data sets. The hybrid GA-PSO outperforms in terms of optimized NMI value and percentage of mis-registration error

    Registration of Aliased Images for Super-Resolution Imaging

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    Super-resolution imaging techniques reconstruct a high resolution image from a set of low resolution images that are taken from almost the same point of view. The problem can be subdivided into two main parts: an image registration part where the different input images are aligned with each other, and a reconstruction part, where the high resolution image is reconstructed from the aligned images. In this paper, we mainly consider the first step: image registration. We present three frequency domain methods to accurately align a set of undersampled images. First, we describe a registration method for images that have an aliasing-free part in their spectrum. The images are then registered using that aliasing-free part. Next, we present two subspace methods to register completely aliased images. Arbitrary undersampling factors are possible with these methods, but they have an increased computational complexity. In all three methods, we only consider planar shifts. We also show the results of these three algorithms in simulations and practical experiments

    Global optimization algorithms for image registration and clustering

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    Global optimization is a classical problem of finding the minimum or maximum value of an objective function. It has applications in many areas, such as biological image analysis, chemistry, mechanical engineering, financial analysis, deep learning and image processing. For practical applications, it is important to understand the efficiency of global optimization algorithms. This dissertation develops and analyzes some new global optimization algorithms and applies them to practical problems, mainly for image registration and data clustering. First, the dissertation presents a new global optimization algorithm which approximates the optimum using only function values. The basic idea is to use the points at which the function has been evaluated to decompose the domain into a collection of hyper-rectangles. At each step of the algorithm, it chooses a hyper-rectangle according to a certain criterion and the next function evaluation is at the center of the hyper-rectangle. The dissertation includes a proof that the algorithm converges to the global optimum as the number of function evaluations goes to infinity, and also establishes the convergence rate. Standard test functions are used to experimentally evaluate the algorithm. The second part focuses on applying algorithms from the first part to solve some practical problems. Image processing tasks often require optimizing over some set of parameters. In the image registration problem, one attempts to determine the best transformation for aligning similar images. Such problems typically require minimizing a dissimilarity measure with multiple local minima. The dissertation describes a global optimization algorithm and applies it to the problem of identifying the best transformation for aligning two images. Global optimization algorithms can also be applied to the data clustering problem. The basic purpose of clustering is to categorize data into different groups by their similarity. The objective cost functions for clustering usually are non-convex. kk-means is a popular algorithm which can find local optima quickly but may not obtain global optima. The different starting points for kk-means can output different local optima. This dissertation describes a global optimization algorithm for approximating the global minimum of the clustering problem. The third part of the dissertation presents variations of the proposed algorithm that work with different assumptions on the available information, including a version that uses derivatives

    A Second Order Variational Approach For Diffeomorphic Matching Of 3D Surfaces

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    In medical 3D-imaging, one of the main goals of image registration is to accurately compare two observed 3D-shapes. In this dissertation, we consider optimal matching of surfaces by a variational approach based on Hilbert spaces of diffeomorphic transformations. We first formulate, in an abstract setting, the optimal matching as an optimal control problem, where a vector field flow is sought to minimize a cost functional that consists of the kinetic energy and the matching quality. To make the problem computationally accessible, we then incorporate reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces with the Gaussian kernels and weighted sums of Dirac measures. We propose a second order method based the Bellman's optimality principle and develop a dynamic programming algorithm. We apply successfully the second order method to diffeomorphic matching of anterior leaflet and posterior leaflet snapshots. We obtain a quadratic convergence for data sets consisting of hundreds of points. To further enhance the computational efficiency for large data sets, we introduce new representations of shapes and develop a multi-scale method. Finally, we incorporate a stretching fraction in the cost function to explore the elastic model and provide a computationally feasible algorithm including the elasticity energy. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated by numerical results for examples from medical 3D-imaging of the mitral valve to reduce excessive contraction and stretching.Mathematics, Department o

    Registration of aliased images for super-resolution imaging

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    Enhanced phase congruency feature-based image registration for multimodal remote sensing imagery

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    Multimodal image registration is an essential image processing task in remote sensing. Basically, multimodal image registration searches for optimal alignment between images captured by different sensors for the same scene to provide better visualization and more informative images. Manual image registration is a tedious task and requires more effort, hence developing an automated image registration is very crucial to provide a faster and reliable solution. However, image registration faces many challenges from the nature of remote sensing image, the environment, and the technical shortcoming of the current methods that cause three issues, namely intensive processing power, local intensity variation, and rotational distortion. Since not all image details are significant, relying on the salient features will be more efficient in terms of processing power. Thus, the feature-based registration method was adopted as an efficient method to avoid intensive processing. The proposed method resolves rotation distortion issue using Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) to produce invariant rotation features. However, since it is not intensity invariant, it cannot support multimodal data. To overcome the intensity variations issue, Phase Congruence (PC) was integrated with ORB to introduce ORB-PC feature extraction to generate feature invariance to rotation distortion and local intensity variation. However, the solution is not complete since the ORB-PC matching rate is below the expectation. Enhanced ORB-PC was proposed to solve the matching issue by modifying the feature descriptor. While better feature matches were achieved, a high number of outliers from multimodal data makes the common outlier removal methods unsuccessful. Therefore, the Normalized Barycentric Coordinate System (NBCS) outlier removal was utilized to find precise matches even with a high number of outliers. The experiments were conducted to verify the registration qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative experiment shows the proposed method has a broader and better features distribution, while the quantitative evaluation indicates improved performance in terms of registration accuracy by 18% compared to the related works

    Automated Synthetic Scene Generation

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    First principles, physics-based models help organizations developing new remote sensing instruments anticipate sensor performance by enabling the ability to create synthetic imagery for proposed sensor before a sensor is built. One of the largest challenges in modeling realistic synthetic imagery, however, is generating the spectrally attributed, three-dimensional scenes on which the models are based in a timely and affordable fashion. Additionally, manual and semi-automated approaches to synthetic scene construction which rely on spectral libraries may not adequately capture the spectral variability of real-world sites especially when the libraries consist of measurements made in other locations or in a lab. This dissertation presents a method to fully automate the generation of synthetic scenes when coincident lidar, Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI), and high-resolution imagery of a real-world site are available. The method, called the Lidar/HSI Direct (LHD) method, greatly reduces the time and manpower needed to generate a synthetic scene while also matching the modeled scene as closely as possible to a real-world site both spatially and spectrally. Furthermore, the LHD method enables the generation of synthetic scenes over sites in which ground access is not available providing the potential for improved military mission planning and increased ability to fuse information from multiple modalities and look angles. The LHD method quickly and accurately generates three-dimensional scenes providing the community with a tool to expand the library of synthetic scenes and therefore expand the potential applications of physics-based synthetic imagery modeling

    An Impulse Detection Methodology and System with Emphasis on Weapon Fire Detection

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    This dissertation proposes a methodology for detecting impulse signatures. An algorithm with specific emphasis on weapon fire detection is proposed. Multiple systems in which the detection algorithm can operate, are proposed. In order for detection systems to be used in practical application, they must have high detection performance, minimizing false alarms, be cost effective, and utilize available hardware. Most applications require real time processing and increased range performance, and some applications require detection from mobile platforms. This dissertation intends to provide a methodology for impulse detection, demonstrated for the specific application case of weapon fire detection, that is intended for real world application, taking into account acceptable algorithm performance, feasible system design, and practical implementation. The proposed detection algorithm is implemented with multiple sensors, allowing spectral waveband versatility in system design. The proposed algorithm is also shown to operate at a variety of video frame rates, allowing for practical design using available common, commercial off the shelf hardware. Detection, false alarm, and classification performance are provided, given the use of different sensors and associated wavebands. The false alarms are further mitigated through use of an adaptive, multi-layer classification scheme, leading to potential on-the-move application. The algorithm is shown to work in real time. The proposed system, including algorithm and hardware, is provided. Additional systems are proposed which attempt to complement the strengths and alleviate the weaknesses of the hardware and algorithm. Systems are proposed to mitigate saturation clutter signals and increase detection of saturated targets through the use of position, navigation, and timing sensors, acoustic sensors, and imaging sensors. Furthermore, systems are provided which increase target detection and provide increased functionality, improving the cost effectiveness of the system. The resulting algorithm is shown to enable detection of weapon fire targets, while minimizing false alarms, for real-world, fieldable applications. The work presented demonstrates the complexity of detection algorithm and system design for practical applications in complex environments and also emphasizes the complex interactions and considerations when designing a practical system, where system design is the intersection of algorithm performance and design, hardware performance and design, and size, weight, power, cost, and processing

    Toward Global Localization of Unmanned Aircraft Systems using Overhead Image Registration with Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Global localization, in which an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) estimates its unknown current location without access to its take-off location or other locational data from its flight path, is a challenging problem. This research brings together aspects from the remote sensing, geoinformatics, and machine learning disciplines by framing the global localization problem as a geospatial image registration problem in which overhead aerial and satellite imagery serve as a proxy for UAS imagery. A literature review is conducted covering the use of deep learning convolutional neural networks (DLCNN) with global localization and other related geospatial imagery applications. Differences between geospatial imagery taken from the overhead perspective and terrestrial imagery are discussed, as well as difficulties in using geospatial overhead imagery for image registration due to a lack of suitable machine learning datasets. Geospatial analysis is conducted to identify suitable areas for future UAS imagery collection. One of these areas, Jerusalem northeast (JNE) is selected as the area of interest (AOI) for this research. Multi-modal, multi-temporal, and multi-resolution geospatial overhead imagery is aggregated from a variety of publicly available sources and processed to create a controlled image dataset called Jerusalem northeast rural controlled imagery (JNE RCI). JNE RCI is tested with handcrafted feature-based methods SURF and SIFT and a non-handcrafted feature-based pre-trained fine-tuned VGG-16 DLCNN on coarse-grained image registration. Both handcrafted and non-handcrafted feature based methods had difficulty with the coarse-grained registration process. The format of JNE RCI is determined to be unsuitable for the coarse-grained registration process with DLCNNs and the process to create a new supervised machine learning dataset, Jerusalem northeast machine learning (JNE ML) is covered in detail. A multi-resolution grid based approach is used, where each grid cell ID is treated as the supervised training label for that respective resolution. Pre-trained fine-tuned VGG-16 DLCNNs, two custom architecture two-channel DLCNNs, and a custom chain DLCNN are trained on JNE ML for each spatial resolution of subimages in the dataset. All DLCNNs used could more accurately coarsely register the JNE ML subimages compared to the pre-trained fine-tuned VGG-16 DLCNN on JNE RCI. This shows the process for creating JNE ML is valid and is suitable for using machine learning with the coarse-grained registration problem. All custom architecture two-channel DLCNNs and the custom chain DLCNN were able to more accurately coarsely register the JNE ML subimages compared to the fine-tuned pre-trained VGG-16 approach. Both the two-channel custom DLCNNs and the chain DLCNN were able to generalize well to new imagery that these networks had not previously trained on. Through the contributions of this research, a foundation is laid for future work to be conducted on the UAS global localization problem within the rural forested JNE AOI