565,497 research outputs found

    Digital Humanities on the Semantic Web : accessing Historical and Musical Linked Data

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    Key fields in the humanities, such as history, art and language, are central to a major transformation that is changing scholarly practice in these fields: the so-called Digital Humanities (DH). A fundamental question in DH is how humanities datasets can be represented digitally, in such a way that machines can process them, understand their meaning, facilitate their inquiry, and exchange them on the Web. In this paper, we survey current efforts within the Semantic Web and Linked Data, a family of Webcompatible knowledge representation formalisms and standards, to represent DH objects in quantitative history and symbolic music. We also argue that the technological gap between the Semantic Web and Linked Data, and DH data owners is currently too wide for effective access and consumption of these semantically enabled humanities data. To this end, we propose grlc, a thin middleware that leverages currently existing queries on the Web (expressed in, e.g., SPARQL) to transparently build standard Web APIs that facilitate access to any Linked Data

    Análise da representação de assunto em arquivos públicos: o caso do Centro de Memória da ALESC, Arquivo Público do Estado de Santa Catarina e o Arquivo Histórico do Município de Florianópolis

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Curso de Biblioteconomia.Relata a pesquisa realizada sobre Análise da Representação de Assunto em Arquivos Públicos: o caso do Centro de Memória da ALESC, Arquivo Público do Estado de Santa Catarina e Arquivo Histórico do Município de Florianópolis. Analisa o processo de representação por assunto dos documentos nos Arquivos Públicos. Propõe verificar os procedimentos e normas utilizadas na representação por assunto e identificar de que forma a informação é recuperada nos sistemas de informação dessas instituições. A metodologia é baseada na pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória, como instrumento para a coleta de dados, utiliza a entrevista. Constata que os arquivos pesquisados não utilizam a norma para do processo de representação por assunto não está sendo feito de acordo com a Norma Brasileira de Descrição Arquivística (NOBRADE). Detecta que a precariedade dos equipamentos, da infra-estrutura e a falta de profissionais especializados, dificulta que os procedimentos aconteçam em conformidade com a normas e padrões da área arquivística.We report on the survey Analysis of Subject Representation in Public Files: The Case of the Memory Center ALESC, Public Archives of the State of Santa Catarina and Historical Archive in Florianópolis. Analyzes the issue of representation for documents in Public Archives. Proposes verify the procedures and standards used in the representation issue and identify how the information is retrieved in the information systems of these institutions. The methodology is based on qualitative and exploratory research, as a tool for data collection, uses the interview. Notes that the files do not use researched the standard for the representation process subject is not being done according to the Brazilian Standard for Archival Description (NOBRADE). Detects that the precariousness of equipment, infrastructure and lack of skilled professionals, which complicates the procedures happen in accordance with the norms and standards of archival area Keyword: Representation of Subject. Publics Archives. Research Instrument. Recovery of Information

    Critical care nursing policy, practice, and research priorities : An international cross-sectional study

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    Purpose To examine the status of critical care nursing internationally, assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and identify research priorities by surveying professional critical care nursing organizations (CCNOs) worldwide. Design A descriptive survey methodology was used. This study is the sixth worldwide quadrennial review to assess international critical care nursing needs and provide evidence to inform critical care nursing policy, practice and research priorities globally. Methods The sixth World Federation of Critical Care Nurses survey of CCNOs was emailed to potential participants from countries with CCNOs or known critical care nurse leaders. Data were collected online using Survey Monkey™. Responses were entered into SPSS version 28 software (IBM Corp.) and analyzed by geographical region and national wealth group. Findings Ninety-nine national representative respondents participated in the survey (70.7% response rate). The most important issues identified were working conditions, teamwork, staffing levels, formal practice guidelines, wages, and access to quality education programs. The top five CCNO services that were of most importance were providing national conferences, local conferences, workshops and education forums, practice standards and guidelines, and professional representation. Important pandemic-related services and activities provided by CCNOs included addressing emotional and mental well-being of nurses, providing guidance related to nurse staffing/workforce needs, assisting to coordinate efforts to obtain personal protective equipment supplies, serving as a country liaison with the World Health Organization's COVID-19 response activities, and assisting in the development and implementation of policies regarding standards of care. The most important contributions expected from the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses were standards for professional practice, standards for clinical practice, website resources, professional representation, and providing online education and training materials. The top five research priority areas were: stress levels (inclusive of burnout, emotional exhaustion and compassion fatigue); critical care nursing shortage, skill mix and workforce planning; recruitment, retention, turnover, working conditions; critical care nursing education and patient outcomes; and adverse events, staffing levels, patient outcomes. Conclusions The results highlight priority areas for critical care nursing internationally. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted critical care nurses as direct care providers. As a result, addressing the ongoing needs of critical care nurses remains a priority area of focus. The results also highlight important policy and research priorities for critical care nursing globally. Results of this survey should be incorporated into strategic action plans at the national and international levels. Clinical Relevance • Issues of importance to critical care nurses including research and policy priorities during and following COVID-19 are now clarified through this survey. • The impact and importance that COVID-19 has had on critical care nurses and their preferences and priorities are provided. • Clear guidance to leaders and policy makers on where critical care nurses would like to see greater focus and attention to help strengthen the contribution of critical care nursing practice to the global healthcare agenda

    Perspectives on the United States Environmental Protection Agency\u27s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee: A Survey of State Air Agencies

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    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) was created in 1977 under section 109 of the Clean Air Act (CAA). The role of CASAC is to provide technical and scientific advice to the EPA Administrator on National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), required under the CAA. The standards themselves and the science upon which the standards are established for the six “criteria” pollutants included in the NAAQS are reviewed periodically by CASAC. The committee also exists to bridge new research developments to current environmental requirements. Section 109(d) of the CAA requires the chartered CASAC to be composed of seven members appointed by the EPA Administrator. The CAA requires that membership include a chairperson, at least one member of the National Academy of Sciences, one physician, and one person from a state and air pollution control agency. Preliminary research regarding recent chartered CASAC panels suggests that there may be an underrepresentation of other stakeholder expertise including state air agencies, local governments and tribes. To evaluate and analyze the role of CASAC, This project involved creating a survey to solicit feedback from state air agencies. Air Directors from all fifty states were contacted and provided the electronic survey through email. The survey included questions on the barriers individuals face in becoming an expert on the committee and whether CASAC performs its duties required by the CAA. The survey offered an opportunity for robust feedback through the use of open-ended and multiple response questions. This survey and its results represents an important contribution to the literature, as it allowed the top air quality officials in each state, or their designee, an opportunity to voice any concerns or critiques to the CASAC process as well as to any barriers faced in participating as an expert candidate on the panel or subpanels. The goals of the survey are to analyze responses from state air agencies on their perspectives on the transparency, barriers for nomination and panel member representation. From the data gathered from the survey, several potential areas for reform and additional transparency became apparent