394 research outputs found

    Lightweight Visualisations of COBOL Code for Supporting Migration to SOA

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    In this age of complex business landscapes, many enterprises turn to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for aligning their IT portfolio with their business. Because of the enormous business risk involved with replacing an enterpriseĆ¢s IT landscape, a stepwise migration to SOA is required. As a first step, they need to understand and assess the current structure of their legacy systems. Based on existing reverse engineering techniques, we provide visualisations to support this process for COBOL systems and present preliminary results of an ongoing industrial case study

    Integration of Legacy and Heterogeneous Databases

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    Extraction of objects from legacy systems: an example using cobol legacy systems

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    In the last few years the interest in legacy information system has increased because of the escalating resources spent on their maintenance. On the other hand, the importance of extracting knowledge from business rules is becoming a crucial issue for modern business: sometime, because of inappropriate documentation, this knowledge is essentially only stored in the code. A way to improve their use and maintainability in the present environment is to migrate them into a new hardware / software platform reusing as much of their experience as possible during this process. This migration process promotes the population of a repository of reusable software components for their reuse in the development of a new system in that application domain or in the later maintenance processes. The actual trend in the migration of a legacy information system, is to exploit the potentialities of object oriented technology as a natural extension of earlier structured programming techniques. This is done by decomposing the program into several agent-like modules communicating via message passing, and providing to this system some object oriented key features. The key step is the "object isolation", i.e. the isolation of .groups of routines and related data items : to candidates in order to implement an abstraction in the application domain. The main idea of the object isolation method presented here is to extract information from the data flow, to cluster all the procedures on the base of their data accesses. It will examine "how" a procedure accesses the data in order to distinguish several types of accesses and to permit a better understanding of the functionality of the candidate objects. These candidate modules support the population of a repository of reusable software components that might be used as a basis of the process of evolution leading to a new object oriented system reusing the extracted objects

    A method for re-modularising legacy code

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    This thesis proposes a method for the re-modularisation of legacy COBOL. Legacy code often performs a number of functions that if split, would improve software maintainability. For instance, program comprehension would benefit from a reduction in the size of the code modules. The method aims to identify potential reuse candidates from the functions re-modularised, and to ensure clear interfaces are present between the new modules. Furthermore, functionality is often replicated across applications and so the re-modularisation process can also seek to reduce commonality and hence the overall amount of a company's code requiring maintenance. A 10 step method is devised which assembles a number of new and existing techniques into an approach suitable for use by staff not having significant reengineering experience. Three main approaches are used throughout the method; that is the analysis of the PERFORM structure, the analysis of the data, and the use of graphical representations. Both top-down and bottom-up strategies to program comprehension are incorporated within the method as are automatable, and user controlled processes to reuse candidate selection. Three industrial case studies are used to demonstrate and evaluate the method. The case studies range in size to gain an indication of the scalability of the method. The case studies are used to evaluate the method on a step by step basis; both strong points and deficiencies are identified, as well as potential solutions to the deficiencies. A review is also presented to assesses the three main approaches of the methods; the analysis of the PERFORM and data structures, and the use of graphical representations. The review uses the process of software evolution for its evaluation using successive versions of COBOL software. The method is retrospectively applied to the earliest version and the known changes identified from the following versions are used to evaluate the re-modularisations. Within the evaluation chapters a new link within the dominance tree is proposed as is an approach for dealing with multiple dominance trees. The results show that Ā«ach approach provides an important contribution to the method as well as giving a useful insight (in the form of graphical representations) of the process of software evolution

    Integration of Legacy and Heterogeneous Databases

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    To Host a Legacy System to the Web

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    The dramatic improvements in global interconectivity due to intranets, extranets and the Internet has led to many enterprises to consider migrating legacy systems to a web based systems. While data remapping is relatively straightforward in most cases, greater challenges lie in adapting legacy application software. This research effort describes an experiment in which a legacy system is migrated to a web-client/server environment. First, this thesis reports on the difficulties and issues arising when porting a legacy system International Invoice (IIMM) to a web-client/server environment. Next, this research analyzes the underlying issues, and offer cautionary guidance to future migrators and finally this research effort builds a prototype of the legacy system on a web client/server environment that demonstrates effective strategies to deal with these issues
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