13 research outputs found

    Supporting air traffic control collaboration with a tabletop system

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    International audienceCollaboration is key to safety and efficiency in Air Traffic Control. Legacy paper-based systems enable seamless and non-verbal collaboration, but trends in new software and hardware for ATC tend to separate controllers more and more, which hinders collaboration. This paper presents a new interactive system designed to support collaboration in ATC. We ran a series of interviews and workshops to identify collaborative situations in ATC. From this analysis, we derived a set of requirements to support collaboration: support mutual awareness, communication and coordination, dynamic task allocation and simultaneous use with more than two people. We designed a set of new interactive tools to fulfill the requirements, by using a multi-user tabletop surface, appropriate feedthrough, and reified and partially-accomplishable actions. Preliminary evaluation shows that feedthrough is important, users benefit from a number of tools to communicate and coordinate their actions, and the tabletop is actually usable by three people both in tightly coupled tasks and parallel, individual activities. At a higher level, we also found that co-location is not enough to generate mutual awareness if users are not engaged in meaningful collaboration

    Collaboration et tangibilité : de nouvelles perspectives pour le contrÎle aérien.

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    Maintenant que les écrans tactiles sont largement répandus, se pose pour le contrÎle aérien la question de les exploiter au mieux. Nous présentons deux démonstrateurs qui, en exploitant la tangibilité et le tactile multipoint, illustrent des opportunités de transition facilitée entre papier et numérique, et de meilleure gestion de la collaboration entre contrÎleurs et avec les pilotes. Ces démonstrations esquissent un avenir possible pour les futurs systÚmes sol -bord en aéronautique

    Visual Scoping and Personal Space on Shared Tabletop Surfaces

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    Information is often shared between participants in meetings using a projector or a large display. Shared touch-based tabletop surface is an emerging technology. The shared display may not be able to accommodate all the information that participants want on the display. Moreover, large amounts of displayed information increase the complexity and clutter making it harder for participants to locate specific pieces of information. Key challenges are thus how to eliminate or hide irrelevant information and how participants can add information without distracting the other participants unintentionally. This study reports a novel approach that addresses these challenges by globally hiding information that is not relevant to all participants by introducing a private area on the public display

    How do interactive tabletop systems influence collaboration?

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    This paper examines some aspects of the usefulness of interactive tabletop systems, if and how these impact collaboration. We chose creative problem solving such as brainstorming as an application framework to test several collaborative media: the use of pen-and-paper tools, the ‘‘around-the-table’’ form factor, the digital tabletop interface, the attractiveness of interaction styles. Eighty subjects in total (20 groups of four members) participated in the experiments. The evaluation criteria were task performance, collaboration patterns (especially equity of contributions), and users’ subjective experience. The ‘‘aroundthe-table’’ form factor, which is hypothesized to promote social comparison, increased performance and improved collaboration through an increase of equity. Moreover, the attractiveness of the tabletop device improved subjective experience and increased motivation to engage in the task. However, designing attractiveness seems a highly challenging issue, since overly attractive interfaces may distract users from the task

    Etude exploratoire du stylo électronique pour le contrÎle aérien

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    International audienceCurrent environment used by air traffic controllers mixes digital visualizations (radar screen), and tangible systems with paper strip. Despite the fact that paper strip are robust, flexible and complementary to the radar screen, authorities decided to abandon it in the profit of digital strip. The main issue of paper strip is that the system does not have access to the information written on it. In this paper, we studied an alternative solution with hybrids Anoto pens with contiuous streaming. We first retrieved important tasks performed by air traffic controller, second, we investigated to find out efficient interaction paradigm for their activity. Finally, we developed and assessed an operational prototype with new functionalities. This suggests that it is possible to retain advantages of existing paper strip while informing informatics systems and improving interaction

    Strip-TIC : exploring augmented paper strips for Air Traffic Controllers

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    International audienceThe current environment used by French air traffic controllers mixes digital visualization such as radar screens and tangible artifacts such as paper strips. Tangible artifacts do not allow controllers to update the system with the instructions they give to pilots. Previous attempts at replacing them in France failed to prove efficient. This paper is an engineering paper that describes Strip-TIC, a novel system for ATC that mixes augmented paper and digital pen, vision-based tracking and augmented rear and front projection. The system is now working and has enabled us to run workshops with actual controllers to study the role of writing and tangibility in ATC. We describe the system and solutions to technical challenges due to mixing competing technologies

    Flights in my hands : coherence concerns in designing Strip'TIC, a tangible space for air traffic controllers

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    Best Paper Honorable Mention awardInternational audienceWe reflect upon the design of a paper-based tangible interactive space to support air traffic control. We have observed, studied, prototyped and discussed with controllers a new mixed interaction system based on Anoto, video projection, and tracking. Starting from the understanding of the benefits of tangible paper strips, our goal is to study how mixed physical and virtual augmented data can support the controllers' mental work. The context of the activity led us to depart from models that are proposed in tangible interfaces research where coherence is based on how physical objects are representative of virtual objects. We propose a new account of coherence in a mixed interaction system that integrates externalization mechanisms. We found that physical objects play two roles: they act both as representation of mental objects and as tangible artifacts for interacting with augmented features. We observed that virtual objects represent physical ones, and not the reverse, and, being virtual representations of physical objects, should seamlessly converge with the cognitive role of the physical object. Finally, we show how coherence is achieved by providing a seamless interactive space

    Usage of Interactive Event Timelines in Collaborative Digital Tabletops with Automation

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in [Collaboration Meets Interactive Spaces]. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/[https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45853-3_10]Tabletop computers are increasingly being used for complex scenarios, such as emergency response. In such scenarios, maintaining situation awareness of dynamic changes automated by the system is crucial for users to make optimal decisions. If the system does not provide collaborators with appropriate feedback, they can become confused and “out-of-the-loop” about the current system state, leading to non-optimal decisions or actions. To enhance situation awareness of dynamic changes occurring in the collaborative tabletop environment, we designed an interactive event timeline to enable exploration of historical system events. We conducted a user study to understand how various design alternatives of interactive event timelines impacted situation awareness in the context of a co-operative tabletop game. Our initial results showed that, on average, all groups scored high on their combined level of situation awareness, regardless of the given timeline designs. To better understand what role the timelines played for the groups, we conducted an in-depth video analysis. Participants used the timelines mostly for perceiving new changes by interacting with the detailed information. The high-level information was beneficial for projecting future system states. The information presented in the timeline was considered as the correct historical account and was used for negotiating participants’ knowledge of the changes. We also report on how other system components, in addition to the interactive timelines, were used for situation awareness maintenance. Finally, we discuss implications for designing interactive event timelines for co-located collaborative systems involving automated events.Funder 1, NSERC Discovery Grant 2016-04422 || Funder 2, NSERC Discovery Accelerator Grant 492970-201

    Group reaching over digital tabletops with digital arm embodiments

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    In almost all collaborative tabletop tasks, groups require coordinated access to the shared objects on the table’s surface. The physical social norms of close-proximity interactions built up over years of interacting around other physical bodies cause people to avoid interfering with other people (e.g., avoiding grabbing the same object simultaneously). However, some digital tabletop situations require the use of indirect input (e.g., when using mice, and when supporting remote users). With indirect input, people are no longer physically embodied during their reaching gestures, so most systems provide digital embodiments – visual representations of each person – to provide feedback to both the person who is reaching and to the other group members. Tabletop arm embodiments have been shown to better support group interactions than simple visual designs, providing awareness of actions to the group. However, researchers and digital tabletop designers know little of how the design of digital arm embodiments affects the fundamental group tabletop interaction of reaching for objects. Therefore, in this thesis, we evaluate how people coordinate their interactions over digital tabletops when using different types of embodiments. Specifically, in a series of studies, we investigate how the visual design (what they look like) and interaction design (how they work) of digital arm embodiments affects a group’s coordinative behaviours in an open- ended parallel tabletop task. We evaluated visual factors of size, transparency, and realism (through pictures and videos of physical arms), as well as interaction factors of input and augmentations (feedback of interactions), in both a co-located and distributed environment. We found that the visual design had little effect on a group’s ability to coordinate access to shared tabletop items, that embodiment augmentations are useful to support group coordinative actions, and that there are large differences when the person is not physically co-present. Our results demonstrate an initial exploration into the design of digital arm embodiments, providing design guidelines for future researchers and designers to use when designing the next generation of shared digital spaces