4,525 research outputs found

    Company Participation in Open Source Software Communities: Measuring Sustainability

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    A framework for analysing the sustainability of a community in four dimensions – social, cultural, legal and economical – is presented. The framework is further differentiated by taking into account the different types of open source software communities, particularly with regard to their work ethics: voluntary or salary-based. In conclusion, the framework is tentatively applied to two communities, Debian and Eclipse

    Mining Behavior of Citizen Sensor Communities to Improve Cooperation with Organizational Actors

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    Web 2.0 (social media) provides a natural platform for dynamic emergence of citizen (as) sensor communities, where the citizens generate content for sharing information and engaging in discussions. Such a citizen sensor community (CSC) has stated or implied goals that are helpful in the work of formal organizations, such as an emergency management unit, for prioritizing their response needs. This research addresses questions related to design of a cooperative system of organizations and citizens in CSC. Prior research by social scientists in a limited offline and online environment has provided a foundation for research on cooperative behavior challenges, including \u27articulation\u27 and \u27awareness\u27, but Web 2.0 supported CSC offers new challenges as well as opportunities. A CSC presents information overload for the organizational actors, especially in finding reliable information providers (for awareness), and finding actionable information from the data generated by citizens (for articulation). Also, we note three data level challenges: ambiguity in interpreting unconstrained natural language text, sparsity of user behaviors, and diversity of user demographics. Interdisciplinary research involving social and computer sciences is essential to address these socio-technical issues. I present a novel web information-processing framework, called the Identify-Match- Engage (IME) framework. IME allows operationalizing computation in design problems of awareness and articulation of the cooperative system between citizens and organizations, by addressing data problems of group engagement modeling and intent mining. The IME framework includes: a.) Identification of cooperation-assistive intent (seeking-offering) from short, unstructured messages using a classification model with declarative, social and contrast pattern knowledge, b.) Facilitation of coordination modeling using bipartite matching of complementary intent (seeking-offering), and c.) Identification of user groups to prioritize for engagement by defining a content-driven measure of \u27group discussion divergence\u27. The use of prior knowledge and interplay of features of users, content, and network structures efficiently captures context for computing cooperation-assistive behavior (intent and engagement) from unstructured social data in the online socio-technical systems. Our evaluation of a use-case of the crisis response domain shows improvement in performance for both intent classification and group engagement prioritization. Real world applications of this work include use of the engagement interface tool during various recent crises including the 2014 Jammu and Kashmir floods, and intent classification as a service integrated by the crisis mapping pioneer Ushahidi\u27s CrisisNET project for broader impact

    Beyond Transactional Democracy: A Study of Civic Tech in Canada

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    Technologies are increasingly enrolled in projects to involve civilians in the work of policy-making, often under the label of 'civic technology'. But conventional forms of participation through transactions such as voting provide limited opportunities for engagement. In response, some civic tech groups organize around issues of shared concern to explore new forms of democratic technologies. How does their work affect the relationship between publics and public servants? This paper explores how a Civic Tech Toronto creates a platform for civic engagement through the maintenance of an autonomous community for civic engagement and participation that is casual, social, nonpartisan, experimental, and flexible. Based on two years of action research, including community organizing, interviews, and observations, this paper shows how this grassroots civic tech group creates a civic platform that places a diverse range of participants in contact with the work of public servants, helping to build capacities and relationships that prepare both publics and public servants for the work of participatory democracy. The case shows that understanding civic tech requires a lens beyond the mere analysis or production of technical artifacts. As a practice for making technologies that is social and participatory, civic tech creates alternative modes of technology development and opportunities for experimentation and learning, and it can reconfigure the roles of democratic participants.Comment: Will appear in CSCW1 202

    Incentives and Two-Sided Matching - Engineering Coordination Mechanisms for Social Clouds

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    The Social Cloud framework leverages existing relationships between members of a social network for the exchange of resources. This thesis focuses on the design of coordination mechanisms to address two challenges in this scenario. In the first part, user participation incentives are studied. In the second part, heuristics for two-sided matching-based resource allocation are designed and evaluated

    Unpacking the formation of favourable environments for urban experimentation: the case of the Bristol energy scene

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    Urban experimentation with sustainability has been gaining prominence in policy and academic discourses about urban transformations, spurring the creation of urban living laboratories and transition arenas. However, the academic literature has only begun examining why experimentation flourishes in particular cities, and why it conforms to place-specific styles. Meanwhile, the strategic niche management (SNM) tradition has extensively explored how protective spaces for experimentation emerge but has dealt only tangentially with why this happens in particular places. In this paper, we develop an approach for unpacking the formation of favourable environments for experimentation in specific places. We adopt an abductive research design to create a dialogue between distinct theoretical positions and one in-depth case study. Our case examines the formation of the Bristol energy scene, which hosts a variety of experimental initiatives concerning civic energy alternatives. Based on our findings, we refine the understanding of the processes shaping this experimental setting. There is value in characterising the ‘genealogy’ of experimental spaces and acknowledging their antecedents, path-dependencies and place-specificities. Efforts to foster urban transformation demand nuanced accounts of how places become experimental because they are not static backgrounds for experimentation

    Harnessing Wisdom for Managing Watersheds: Honey Bee Perspective on Innovations, Institutions and Policies for Marginal Environments

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    Participatory approaches for watershed management are now considered essential for sustainable natural resources management and yet there is very little opportunity for intellectual participation by the people. This requires understanding of the local knowledge systems and their institutional context. In this paper, we provide an overview of the conceptual framework which can facilitate such participation. The full report being published separately includes case studies of farmers’ innovations in natural resources management.
