347 research outputs found

    Visual Event Cueing in Linked Spatiotemporal Data

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    abstract: The media disperses a large amount of information daily pertaining to political events social movements, and societal conflicts. Media pertaining to these topics, no matter the format of publication used, are framed a particular way. Framing is used not for just guiding audiences to desired beliefs, but also to fuel societal change or legitimize/delegitimize social movements. For this reason, tools that can help to clarify when changes in social discourse occur and identify their causes are of great use. This thesis presents a visual analytics framework that allows for the exploration and visualization of changes that occur in social climate with respect to space and time. Focusing on the links between data from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) and a streaming RSS news data set, users can be cued into interesting events enabling them to form and explore hypothesis. This visual analytics framework also focuses on improving intervention detection, allowing users to hypothesize about correlations between events and happiness levels, and supports collaborative analysis.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Analytic Provenance for Software Reverse Engineers

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    Reverse engineering is a time-consuming process essential to software-security tasks such as malware analysis and vulnerability discovery. During the process, an engineer will follow multiple leads to determine how the software functions. The combination of time and possible explanations makes it difficult for the engineers to maintain a context of their findings within the overall task. Analytic provenance tools have demonstrated value in similarly complex fields that require open-ended exploration and hypothesis vetting. However, they have not been explored in the reverse engineering domain. This dissertation presents SensorRE, the first analytic provenance tool designed to support software reverse engineers. A semi-structured interview with experts led to the design and implementation of the system. We describe the visual interfaces and their integration within an existing software analysis tool. SensorRE automatically captures user\u27s sense making actions and provides a graph and storyboard view to support further analysis. User study results with both experts and graduate students demonstrate that SensorRE is easy to use and that it improved the participants\u27 exploration process

    Insight provenance for spatiotemporal visual analytics: Theory, review, and guidelines

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    Research on provenance, which focuses on different ways to describe and record the history of changes and advances made throughout an analysis process, is an integral part of visual analytics. This paper focuses on providing the provenance of insight and rationale through visualizations while emphasizing, first, that this entails a profound understanding of human cognition and reasoning and that, second, the special nature of spatiotemporal data needs to be acknowledged in this process. A recently proposed human reasoning framework for spatiotemporal analysis, and four guidelines for the creation of visualizations that provide the provenance of insight and rationale published in relation to that framework, work as a starting point for this paper. While these guidelines are quite abstract, this paper set out to create a set of more concrete guidelines. On the basis of a review of available provenance solutions, this paper identifies a set of key features that are of relevance when providing the provenance of insight and rationale and, on the basis of these features, produces a new set of complementary guidelines that are more practically oriented than the original ones. Together, these two sets of guidelines provide both a theoretical and practical approach to the problem of providing the provenance of insight and rationale. Providing these kinds of guidelines represents a new approach in provenance research

    Nucleus model for designing social mindtools : woven stories

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    Understanding Collaborative Sensemaking for System Design — An Investigation of Musicians\u27 Practice

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    There is surprisingly little written in information science and technology literature about the design of tools used to support the collaboration of creators. Understanding collaborative sensemaking through the use of language has been traditionally applied to non-work domains, but this method is also well-suited for informing hypotheses about the design collaborative systems. The presence of ubiquitous, mobile technology, and development of multi-user virtual spaces invites investigation of design which is based on naturalistic, real world, creative group behaviors, including the collaborative work of musicians. This thesis is considering the co-construction of new (musical) knowledge by small groups. Co-construction of new knowledge is critical to the definition of an information system because it emphasizes coordination and resource sharing among group members (versus individual members independently doing their own tasks and only coming together to collate their contributions as a final product). This work situates the locus of creativity on the process itself, rather than on the output (the musical result) or the individuals (members of the band). This thesis describes a way to apply quantitative observations to inform qualitative assessment of the characteristics of collaborative sensemaking in groups. Conversational data were obtained from nine face-to-face collaborative composing sessions, involving three separate bands producing 18 hours of recorded interactions. Topical characteristics of the discussion, namely objects, plans, properties and performance; as well as emergent patterns of generative, evaluative, revision, and management conversational acts within the group were seen as indicative of knowledge construction. The findings report the use of collaborative pathways: iterative cycles of generation, evaluation and revision of temporary solutions used to move the collaboration forward. In addition, bracketing of temporary solutions served to help collaborators reuse content and offload attentional resources. Ambiguity in language, evaluation criteria, goal formation, and group awareness meant that existing knowledge representations were insufficient in making sense of incoming data and necessitated reformulating those representations. Further, strategic use of affective language was found to be instrumental in bridging knowledge gaps. Based on these findings, features of a collaborative system are proposed to help in facilitating sensemaking routines at various stages of a creative task. This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of collaborative sensemaking during non-work, creative activities in order to inform the design of systems for supporting these activities. By studying an environment which forms a potential microcosm of virtual interaction between groups, it provides a framework for understanding and automating collaborative discussion content in terms of the features of dialogue

    Collaborative video editing

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    Samarbeid i videoredigering Denne avhandlingen tar opp følgende spørsmål: Hvordan kan vi støtte samarbeid i videoredigering? I ulike anvendelsesområder, som skriving og design, er bruk av samarbeidsverktøy utbredt. Likevel er programvare for videoredigering i hovedsak utviklet for individuell bruk. Videoredigering bør forstås som en sosial aktivitet og blir i profesjonelle sammenhenger ofte utført som et samarbeid mellom ulike aktører. Basert på intervjuer og designverksteder, undersøker denne avhandlingen hvordan videoredigerere samarbeider og utforsker mulighetsrommet for å støtte samarbeid i videoredigering gjennom design av nye løsninger. I tre studier undersøker denne avhandlingen videoredigering fra tre perspektiver. Først undersøker den samarbeidspraksiser blant profesjonelle videoredigerere og identifiserer ulike strategier og sosiale mekanismer som brukes for å oppnå enighet mellom aktørene som er involvert i videoproduksjon. Denne første studien identifiserer ni temaer som beskriver hvordan videoredigerere håndterer usikkerhet og oppnår enighet, spesielt gjennom organisatoriske mekanismer, dokumentasjon og ikoniske referanser. Studien foreslår også tre ulike retninger for design av nye løsninger for å støtte samarbeid i videoredigering. Det andre studiet undersøker videoproduksjon fra et organisatorisk perspektiv, med fokus på en pågående overgang til distribuert arbeid og dets innvirkning på videoproduksjon. Den andre studien skisserer de kortsiktige og langsiktige implikasjonene av å innføre distribuerte arbeidsformer i TV-produksjonsorganisasjoner under COVID-19-pandemien. Den siste studien ser på samarbeid i videoredigering som et designproblem og presenterer designideer for hvordan man kan støtte et slikt samarbeid. I tillegg peker denne studien på utfordringer som kan være til hinder for innføringen av nye videoredigeringsverktøy som skal støtte samarbeid. Ved å sammenstille resultatene fra de tre studiene, samt analysere tidligere forskning og eksisterende videoredigeringsverktøy, identifiserer avhandlingen tre designtilnærminger for å støtte samarbeid i videoredigeringsprogramvare: holistisk, skreddersydd og konfigurerbar. Selv om disse tilnærmingene diskuteres med tanke på samarbeid i videoredigeringspraksiser, kan de tilby et bredere analytisk rammeverk for å vurdere utformingen av samarbeidsverktøy også for andre anvendelsesområder.This thesis addresses the following question: how can collaboration be supported in video editing? In many domains, such as writing and design, collaborative tools have become common and widespread. However, video-editing software is still predominantly designed for solo users. Nevertheless, video editing is a social activity that, in a professional setting, often involves various people working together. Based on interviews and design workshops, this thesis investigates the collaborative practices of video editors and explores the design space of collaborative video editing. In three studies, this thesis looks at video editing from three angles. First, it investigates the collaborative practices of video editors and identifies the strategies and social mechanisms they employ to reach agreements with various parties involved in the videoproduction process. The first study identifies nine themes that characterise the ways video editors manage uncertainties and reach agreements, particularly through organisational mechanisms, documentation, and iconic referencing. The study also suggests three design paths to explore further. Second, it examines video production from an organisational point of view, focusing on the recent shift towards remote work and its impact on video production. The second study delineates the short-term and long-term implications of adopting remote work in TV production organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Third, it approaches collaborative video editing as a design problem and offers design ideas to enhance collaboration. Additionally, it uncovers challenges that might impede the adoption of new collaborative video-editing tools. In synthesising the results of the three studies, as well as analysing previous research and existing video-editing tools, this thesis identifies three design approaches for supporting collaboration in video-editing software: holistic, tailored, and configurable. While discussed in the context of collaborative video editing, these approaches offer a broader analytical framework for considering the design of collaborative production tools.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Collocated Collaboration Analytics: Principles and Dilemmas for Mining Multimodal Interaction Data

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    © 2019, Copyright © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Learning to collaborate effectively requires practice, awareness of group dynamics, and reflection; often it benefits from coaching by an expert facilitator. However, in physical spaces it is not always easy to provide teams with evidence to support collaboration. Emerging technology provides a promising opportunity to make collocated collaboration visible by harnessing data about interactions and then mining and visualizing it. These collocated collaboration analytics can help researchers, designers, and users to understand the complexity of collaboration and to find ways they can support collaboration. This article introduces and motivates a set of principles for mining collocated collaboration data and draws attention to trade-offs that may need to be negotiated en route. We integrate Data Science principles and techniques with the advances in interactive surface devices and sensing technologies. We draw on a 7-year research program that has involved the analysis of six group situations in collocated settings with more than 500 users and a variety of surface technologies, tasks, grouping structures, and domains. The contribution of the article includes the key insights and themes that we have identified and summarized in a set of principles and dilemmas that can inform design of future collocated collaboration analytics innovations

    SID 04, Social Intelligence Design:Proceedings Third Workshop on Social Intelligence Design

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    Interactive graphical timelines as collaborative scenario management tools

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    Training emergency response decision makers using live, virtual and/or constructive simulations can be highly complex since certain situations can generate stimulusresponse cycles that depend significantly on unpredictable human judgments. In particular, effective training scenarios require a combination of content contributed via pre-authored scripts and content generated dynamically during the training exercise. Large-scale exercises require multiple domain experts contributing oversight and content to the scenario as it proceeds. Such real-time adaptation requires situational and group awareness based on an understanding of pre-scripted materials and the adaptations of others. This thesis describes the evolution and evaluation of a collaborative graphical timeline system, called the Scenario Timeline System (STS), which facilitates asynchronous and synchronous collaborative timeline management, and its application in large-scale, computer-supported emergency response training exercises