2,706 research outputs found

    Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning

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    The purpose of this project is to detect the fraudulent transactions made by credit cards by the use of machine learning techniques, to stop fraudsters from the unauthorized usage of customers’ accounts. The increase of credit card fraud is growing rapidly worldwide, which is the reason actions should be taken to stop fraudsters. Putting a limit for those actions would have a positive impact on the customers as their money would be recovered and retrieved back into their accounts and they won’t be charged for items or services that were not purchased by them which is the main goal of the project. Detection of the fraudulent transactions will be made by using three machine learning techniques KNN, SVM and Logistic Regression, those models will be used on a credit card transaction dataset

    A Feasibility Study of Azure Machine Learning for Sheet Metal Fabrication

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    The research demonstrated that sheet metal fabrication machines can utilize machine learning to gain competitive advantage. With various possible applications of machine learning, it was decided to focus on the topic of predictive maintenance. Implementation of the predictive service is accomplished with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning. The aim was to demonstrate to the stakeholders at the case company potential laying in machine learning. It was found that besides machine learning technologies being founded on sophisticated algorithms and mathematics it can still be utilized and bring benefits with moderate effort required. Significance of this study is in it demonstrating potentials of the machine learning to be used in improving operations management and especially for sheet metal fabrication machines.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    IoT Dataset Validation Using Machine Learning Techniques for Traffic Anomaly Detection

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Sensor Network Technologies and Applications with Wireless Sensor Devices[Abstract] With advancements in engineering and science, the application of smart systems is increasing, generating a faster growth of the IoT network traffic. The limitations due to IoT restricted power and computing devices also raise concerns about security vulnerabilities. Machine learning-based techniques have recently gained credibility in a successful application for the detection of network anomalies, including IoT networks. However, machine learning techniques cannot work without representative data. Given the scarcity of IoT datasets, the DAD emerged as an instrument for knowing the behavior of dedicated IoT-MQTT networks. This paper aims to validate the DAD dataset by applying Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, AdaBoost, and Support Vector Machine to detect traffic anomalies in IoT. To obtain the best results, techniques for handling unbalanced data, feature selection, and grid search for hyperparameter optimization have been used. The experimental results show that the proposed dataset can achieve a high detection rate in all the experiments, providing the best mean accuracy of 0.99 for the tree-based models, with a low false-positive rate, ensuring effective anomaly detection.This project was funded by the Accreditation, Structuring, and Improvement of Consolidated Research Units and Singular Centers (ED431G/01), funded by Vocational Training of the Xunta de Galicia endowed with EU FEDER funds and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, via the project PID2019-111388GB-I00Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    A Genetic Bayesian Approach for Texture-Aided Urban Land-Use/Land-Cover Classification

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    Urban land-use/land-cover classification is entering a new era with the increased availability of high-resolution satellite imagery and new methods such as texture analysis and artificial intelligence classifiers. Recent research demonstrated exciting improvements of using fractal dimension, lacunarity, and Moran’s I in classification but the integration of these spatial metrics has seldom been investigated. Also, previous research focuses more on developing new classifiers than improving the robust, simple, and fast maximum likelihood classifier. The goal of this dissertation research is to develop a new approach that utilizes a texture vector (fractal dimension, lacunarity, and Moran’s I), combined with a new genetic Bayesian classifier, to improve urban land-use/land-cover classification accuracy. Examples of different land-use/land-covers using post-Katrina IKONOS imagery of New Orleans were demonstrated. Because previous geometric-step and arithmetic-step implementations of the triangular prism algorithm can result in significant unutilized pixels when measuring local fractal dimension, the divisor-step method was developed and found to yield more accurate estimation. In addition, a new lacunarity estimator based on the triangular prism method and the gliding-box algorithm was developed and found better than existing gray-scale estimators for classifying land-use/land-cover from IKONOS imagery. The accuracy of fractal dimension-aided classification was less sensitive to window size than lacunarity and Moran’s I. In general, the optimal window size for the texture vector-aided approach is 27x27 to 37x37 pixels (i.e., 108x108 to 148x148 meters). As expected, a texture vector-aided approach yielded 2-16% better accuracy than individual textural index-aided approach. Compared to the per-pixel maximum likelihood classification, the proposed genetic Bayesian classifier yielded 12% accuracy improvement by optimizing prior probabilities with the genetic algorithm; whereas the integrated approach with a texture vector and the genetic Bayesian classifier significantly improved classification accuracy by 17-21%. Compared to the neural network classifier and genetic algorithm-support vector machines, the genetic Bayesian classifier was slightly less accurate but more computationally efficient and required less human supervision. This research not only develops a new approach of integrating texture analysis with artificial intelligence for classification, but also reveals a promising avenue of using advanced texture analysis and classification methods to associate socioeconomic statuses with remote sensing image textures
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