10 research outputs found

    Supervisory control synthesis for a patient support system

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    The increasing complexity of systems and the increasing market pressure necessitate the need for methods to maximize reuse and to minimize the effort to develop new systems. Modelbased engineering is one of these methods. It uses models and model-based techniques in the development process to analyze and synthesize systems and components. In this report, Supervisory Control Synthesis is used to design a supervisory controller for a patient support system. This system is used to position a patient in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner. To improve the evolvability of the design, the uncontrolled system and the control requirements are modeled independently, using small loosely coupled minimal restrictive automata. An implementation of the synthesized supervisor is realized by means of a transformation to an automaton in the Compositional Interchange Format (CIF). The supervisor is validated by means of hardware-in-the-loop simulation, using the real patient support system

    Supervisory control synthesis for a patient support system

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    The increasing complexity of systems and the increasing market pressure necessitate the need for methods to maximize reuse and to minimize the effort to develop new systems. Modelbased engineering is one of these methods. It uses models and model-based techniques in the development process to analyze and synthesize systems and components. In this report, Supervisory Control Synthesis is used to design a supervisory controller for a patient support system. This system is used to position a patient in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner. To improve the evolvability of the design, the uncontrolled system and the control requirements are modeled independently, using small loosely coupled minimal restrictive automata. An implementation of the synthesized supervisor is realized by means of a transformation to an automaton in the Compositional Interchange Format (CIF). The supervisor is validated by means of hardware-in-the-loop simulation, using the real patient support system

    New concepts in the abstract format of the Compositional Interchange Format

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    The compositional interchange format for hybrid systems (CIF) supports inter-operability of a wide range of tools by means of model transformations to and from the CIF. Work on the CIF takes place in the FP7 Multiform project, and in several other European projects. The CIF consists of an abstract and a concrete format, used for defining a formal semantics and for modeling, respectively. This paper discusses the results of a redesign of the abstract format as previously published, leading to the following main changes: variables are introduced using scoping operators; the abstract language is made more orthogonal by providing an operator for each concept in the language; parallel composition has been defined in such a way that compositional verification (assume/guarantee reasoning) is supported; and the concept of urgent actions has been properly defined. As a result, the expressivity and semantics of the abstract language have been considerably improved

    Avaliação do software CIF3 para projetos e simulação de Sistemas a Eventos Discretos

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia Mecatrônica.À medida que ocorre a automatização da indústria, buscam-se maneiras para que o controle dos sistemas possa ser realizado, deste modo novas propostas de ferramentas e métodos são criadas, como os Sistemas a Eventos Discretos. Este trabalho visa avaliar o comportamento do software CIF3 perante determinados sistemas, visto que o mesmo tem o propósito de analisar aplicações de estudos de Sistemas a Eventos Discretos com a metodologia da Teoria de Controle Supervisório. Para avaliar a capacidade do software, foram elaboradas duas simulações, sendo a primeira um estudo de caso simples de uma esteira industrial e a segunda de um processo de envasamento de cerveja, de maior complexidade. Assim, a partir dessas simulações, uma contribuição deste trabalho é a introdução didática ao uso do CIF3 ilustrado em uma aplicação. Destacam-se também, sugestões de métodos para elaboração das simulações, como a organização por MVC (Model-View-Controller), um autômato para acompanhamento da localização do supervisor e um quadro de orientação com os elementos gráficos para a realização das animações. Após as simulações, constata-se que o CIF3 é um software adequado para aplicar em projetos e simulações de Sistemas a Eventos Discretos, devido ao fato de possuir diversos recursos que contribuem para o desenvolvimento do mesmo. Destaca-se que é um software que está em constante evolução, com a otimização e adição de novos de recursos

    Supervisory control synthesis for a patient support system

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    \u3cp\u3eSupervisory control theory (SCT) provides a formal approach to supervisory controller synthesis. In this paper, SCT is used to design a supervisory controller for a patient support system. This system is used to position a patient in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner. To improve the evolvability of the design, the uncontrolled system and the control requirements are modeled independently, using small, loosely coupled and minimally restrictive automata. An implementation of the synthesized supervisor is realized by means of a transformation to an automaton in the Compositional Interchange Format (CIF). The supervisor is validated by means of hardware-in-the-loop simulation, using the real patient support table.\u3c/p\u3

    Supervisory control synthesis for a patient support system

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    Supervisory control theory (SCT) provides a formal approach to supervisory controller synthesis. In this paper, SCT is used to design a supervisory controller for a patient support system. This system is used to position a patient in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner. To improve the evolvability of the design, the uncontrolled system and the control requirements are modeled independently, using small, loosely coupled and minimally restrictive automata. An implementation of the synthesized supervisor is realized by means of a transformation to an automaton in the Compositional Interchange Format (CIF). The supervisor is validated by means of hardware-in-the-loop simulation, using the real patient support table