65 research outputs found

    Fuzzy superpixels for polarimetric SAR images classification

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    Superpixels technique has drawn much attention in computer vision applications. Each superpixels algorithm has its own advantages. Selecting a more appropriate superpixels algorithm for a specific application can improve the performance of the application. In the last few years, superpixels are widely used in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) image classification. However, no superpixel algorithm is especially designed for image classification. It is believed that both mixed superpixels and pure superpixels exist in an image.Nevertheless, mixed superpixels have negative effects on classification accuracy. Thus, it is necessary to generate superpixels containing as few mixed superpixels as possible for image classification. In this paper, first, a novel superpixels concept, named fuzzy superpixels, is proposed for reducing the generation of mixed superpixels.In fuzzy superpixels ,not al lpixels are assigned to a corresponding superpixel. We would rather ignore the pixels than assigning them to improper superpixels. Second,a new algorithm, named FuzzyS(FS),is proposed to generate fuzzy superpixels for PolSAR image classification. Three PolSAR images are used to verify the effect of the proposed FS algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed FS algorithm over several state-of-the-art superpixels algorithms

    Automated High-resolution Earth Observation Image Interpretation: Outcome of the 2020 Gaofen Challenge

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    In this article, we introduce the 2020 Gaofen Challenge and relevant scientific outcomes. The 2020 Gaofen Challenge is an international competition, which is organized by the China High-Resolution Earth Observation Conference Committee and the Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences and technically cosponsored by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society and the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. It aims at promoting the academic development of automated high-resolution earth observation image interpretation. Six independent tracks have been organized in this challenge, which cover the challenging problems in the field of object detection and semantic segmentation. With the development of convolutional neural networks, deep-learning-based methods have achieved good performance on image interpretation. In this article, we report the details and the best-performing methods presented so far in the scope of this challenge

    Semi-automated surface water detection with synthetic aperture radar data: A wetland case study

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    In this study, a new method is proposed for semi-automated surface water detection using synthetic aperture radar data via a combination of radiometric thresholding and image segmentation based on the simple linear iterative clustering superpixel algorithm. Consistent intensity thresholds are selected by assessing the statistical distribution of backscatter values applied to the mean of each superpixel. Higher-order texture measures, such as variance, are used to improve accuracy by removing false positives via an additional thresholding process used to identify the boundaries of water bodies. Results applied to quad-polarized RADARSAT-2 data show that the threshold value for the variance texture measure can be approximated using a constant value for different scenes, and thus it can be used in a fully automated cleanup procedure. Compared to similar approaches, errors of omission and commission are improved with the proposed method. For example, we observed that a threshold-only approach consistently tends to underestimate the extent of water bodies compared to combined thresholding and segmentation, mainly due to the poor performance of the former at the edges of water bodies. The proposed method can be used for monitoring changes in surface water extent within wetlands or other areas, and while presented for use with radar data, it can also be used to detect surface water in optical images

    Remote Sensing of the Oceans

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    This book covers different topics in the framework of remote sensing of the oceans. Latest research advancements and brand-new studies are presented that address the exploitation of remote sensing instruments and simulation tools to improve the understanding of ocean processes and enable cutting-edge applications with the aim of preserving the ocean environment and supporting the blue economy. Hence, this book provides a reference framework for state-of-the-art remote sensing methods that deal with the generation of added-value products and the geophysical information retrieval in related fields, including: Oil spill detection and discrimination; Analysis of tropical cyclones and sea echoes; Shoreline and aquaculture area extraction; Monitoring coastal marine litter and moving vessels; Processing of SAR, HF radar and UAV measurements

    Two-Phase Object-Based Deep Learning for Multi-Temporal SAR Image Change Detection

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    Change detection is one of the fundamental applications of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. However, speckle noise presented in SAR images has a negative effect on change detection, leading to frequent false alarms in the mapping products. In this research, a novel two-phase object-based deep learning approach is proposed for multi-temporal SAR image change detection. Compared with traditional methods, the proposed approach brings two main innovations. One is to classify all pixels into three categories rather than two categories: unchanged pixels, changed pixels caused by strong speckle (false changes), and changed pixels formed by real terrain variation (real changes). The other is to group neighbouring pixels into superpixel objects such as to exploit local spatial context. Two phases are designed in the methodology: (1) Generate objects based on the simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) algorithm, and discriminate these objects into changed and unchanged classes using fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering and a deep PCANet. The prediction of this Phase is the set of changed and unchanged superpixels. (2) Deep learning on the pixel sets over the changed superpixels only, obtained in the first phase, to discriminate real changes from false changes. SLIC is employed again to achieve new superpixels in the second phase. Low rank and sparse decomposition are applied to these new superpixels to suppress speckle noise significantly. A further clustering step is applied to these new superpixels via FCM. A new PCANet is then trained to classify two kinds of changed superpixels to achieve the final change maps. Numerical experiments demonstrate that, compared with benchmark methods, the proposed approach can distinguish real changes from false changes effectively with significantly reduced false alarm rates, and achieve up to 99.71% change detection accuracy using multi-temporal SAR imagery

    Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images via Riemannian Sparse Coding

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    Unsupervised classification plays an important role in understanding polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images. One of the typical representations of PolSAR data is in the form of Hermitian positive definite (HPD) covariance matrices. Most algorithms for unsupervised classification using this representation either use statistical distribution models or adopt polarimetric target decompositions. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised classification method by introducing a sparsity-based similarity measure on HPD matrices. Specifically, we first use a novel Riemannian sparse coding scheme for representing each HPD covariance matrix as sparse linear combinations of other HPD matrices, where the sparse reconstruction loss is defined by the Riemannian geodesic distance between HPD matrices. The coefficient vectors generated by this step reflect the neighborhood structure of HPD matrices embedded in the Euclidean space and hence can be used to define a similarity measure. We apply the scheme for PolSAR data, in which we first oversegment the images into superpixels, followed by representing each superpixel by an HPD matrix. These HPD matrices are then sparse coded, and the resulting sparse coefficient vectors are then clustered by spectral clustering using the neighborhood matrix generated by our similarity measure. The experimental results on different fully PolSAR images demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed classification approach against the state-of-the-art approachesThis work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61331016 and Grant 61271401 and in part by the National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China under Contract 2013CB733404. The work of A. Cherian was supported by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision under Project CE140100016.

    Optimum graph cuts for pruning binary partition trees of polarimetric SAR images

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    This paper investigates several optimum graph-cut techniques for pruning binary partition trees (BPTs) and their usefulness for the low-level processing of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images. BPTs group pixels to form homogeneous regions, which are hierarchically structured by inclusion in a binary tree. They provide multiple resolutions of description and easy access to subsets of regions. Once constructed, BPTs can be used for a large number of applications. Many of these applications consist in populating the tree with a specific feature and in applying a graph cut called pruning to extract a partition of the space. In this paper, different pruning examples involving the optimization of a global criterion are discussed and analyzed in the context of PolSAR images for segmentation. Through the objective evaluation of the resulting partitions by means of precision-and-recall-for-boundaries curves, the best pruning technique is identified, and the influence of the tree construction on the performances is assessed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Classification of Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) was launched in June 2019. RCM, in addition to dual-polarization (DP) and fully quad-polarimetric (QP) imaging modes, provides compact polarimetric (CP) mode data. A CP synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a coherent DP system in which a single circular polarization is transmitted followed by the reception in two orthogonal linear polarizations. A CP SAR fully characterizes the backscattered field using the Stokes parameters, or equivalently, the complex coherence matrix. This is the main advantage of a CP SAR over the traditional (non-coherent) DP SAR. Therefore, designing scene segmentation and classification methods using CP complex coherence matrix data is advocated in this thesis. Scene classification of remotely captured images is an important task in monitoring the Earth's surface. The high-resolution RCM CP SAR data can be used for land cover classification as well as sea-ice mapping. Mapping sea ice formed in ocean bodies is important for ship navigation and climate change modeling. The Canadian Ice Service (CIS) has expert ice analysts who manually generate sea-ice maps of Arctic areas on a daily basis. An automated sea-ice mapping process that can provide detailed yet reliable maps of ice types and water is desirable for CIS. In addition to linear DP SAR data in ScanSAR mode (500km), RCM wide-swath CP data (350km) can also be used in operational sea-ice mapping of the vast expanses in the Arctic areas. The smaller swath coverage of QP SAR data (50km) is the reason why the use of QP SAR data is limited for sea-ice mapping. This thesis involves the design and development of CP classification methods that consist of two steps: an unsupervised segmentation of CP data to identify homogeneous regions (superpixels) and a labeling step where a ground truth label is assigned to each super-pixel. An unsupervised segmentation algorithm is developed based on the existing Iterative Region Growing using Semantics (IRGS) for CP data and is called CP-IRGS. The constituents of feature model and spatial context model energy terms in CP-IRGS are developed based on the statistical properties of CP complex coherence matrix data. The superpixels generated by CP-IRGS are then used in a graph-based labeling method that incorporates the global spatial correlation among super-pixels in CP data. The classifications of sea-ice and land cover types using test scenes indicate that (a) CP scenes provide improved sea-ice classification than the linear DP scenes, (b) CP-IRGS performs more accurate segmentation than that using only CP channel intensity images, and (c) using global spatial information (provided by a graph-based labeling approach) provides an improvement in classification accuracy values over methods that do not exploit global spatial correlation

    Local competition-based superpixel segmentation algorithm in remote sensing

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    © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Remote sensing technologies have been widely applied in urban environments’ monitoring, synthesis and modeling. Incorporating spatial information in perceptually coherent regions, superpixel-based approaches can effectively eliminate the “salt and pepper” phenomenon which is common in pixel-wise approaches. Compared with fixed-size windows, superpixels have adaptive sizes and shapes for different spatial structures. Moreover, superpixel-based algorithms can significantly improve computational efficiency owing to the greatly reduced number of image primitives. Hence, the superpixel algorithm, as a preprocessing technique, is more and more popularly used in remote sensing and many other fields. In this paper, we propose a superpixel segmentation algorithm called Superpixel Segmentation with Local Competition (SSLC), which utilizes a local competition mechanism to construct energy terms and label pixels. The local competition mechanism leads to energy terms locality and relativity, and thus, the proposed algorithm is less sensitive to the diversity of image content and scene layout. Consequently, SSLC could achieve consistent performance in different image regions. In addition, the Probability Density Function (PDF), which is estimated by Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) with the Gaussian kernel, is introduced to describe the color distribution of superpixels as a more sophisticated and accurate measure. To reduce computational complexity, a boundary optimization framework is introduced to only handle boundary pixels instead of the whole image. We conduct experiments to benchmark the proposed algorithm with the other state-of-the-art ones on the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset (BSD) and remote sensing images. Results demonstrate that the SSLC algorithm yields the best overall performance, while the computation time-efficiency is still competitive