12 research outputs found

    Deep-HiTS: Rotation Invariant Convolutional Neural Network for Transient Detection

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    We introduce Deep-HiTS, a rotation invariant convolutional neural network (CNN) model for classifying images of transients candidates into artifacts or real sources for the High cadence Transient Survey (HiTS). CNNs have the advantage of learning the features automatically from the data while achieving high performance. We compare our CNN model against a feature engineering approach using random forests (RF). We show that our CNN significantly outperforms the RF model reducing the error by almost half. Furthermore, for a fixed number of approximately 2,000 allowed false transient candidates per night we are able to reduce the miss-classified real transients by approximately 1/5. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time CNNs have been used to detect astronomical transient events. Our approach will be very useful when processing images from next generation instruments such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). We have made all our code and data available to the community for the sake of allowing further developments and comparisons at https://github.com/guille-c/Deep-HiTS

    Towards an Automated Classification of Transient Events in Synoptic Sky Surveys

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    We describe the development of a system for an automated, iterative, real-time classification of transient events discovered in synoptic sky surveys. The system under development incorporates a number of Machine Learning techniques, mostly using Bayesian approaches, due to the sparse nature, heterogeneity, and variable incompleteness of the available data. The classifications are improved iteratively as the new measurements are obtained. One novel feature is the development of an automated follow-up recommendation engine, that suggest those measurements that would be the most advantageous in terms of resolving classification ambiguities and/or characterization of the astrophysically most interesting objects, given a set of available follow-up assets and their cost functions. This illustrates the symbiotic relationship of astronomy and applied computer science through the emerging discipline of AstroInformatics.Comment: Invited paper, 15 pages, to appear in Statistical Analysis and Data Mining (ASA journal), ref. proc. CIDU 2011 conf., eds. A. Srivasatva & N. Chawla, in press (2011

    Standard Methods of Characterizing Performance of Fan FilterUnits, Version 3.0

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    Flashes in a Star Stream: Automated Classification of Astronomical Transient Events

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    An automated, rapid classification of transient events detected in the modern synoptic sky surveys is essential for their scientific utility and effective follow-up using scarce resources. This presents some unusual challenges: the data are sparse, heterogeneous and incomplete; evolving in time; and most of the relevant information comes not from the data stream itself, but from a variety of archival data and contextual information (spatial, temporal, and multi-wavelength). We are exploring a variety of novel techniques, mostly Bayesian, to respond to these challenges, using the ongoing CRTS sky survey as a testbed. The current surveys are already overwhelming our ability to effectively follow all of the potentially interesting events, and these challenges will grow by orders of magnitude over the next decade as the more ambitious sky surveys get under way. While we focus on an application in a specific domain (astrophysics), these challenges are more broadly relevant for event or anomaly detection and knowledge discovery in massive data streams.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in refereed proceedings of the IEEE eScience 2012 conference, October 2012, IEEE Pres

    Supernova Recognition using Support Vector

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    Abstract We introduce a novel application of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to the problem of identifying potential supernovae using photometric and geometric features computed from astronomical imagery. The challenges of this supervised learning application are significant: 1) noisy and corrupt imagery resulting in high levels of feature uncertainty, 2) features with heavy-tailed, peaked distributions, 3) extremely imbalanced and overlapping positive and negative data sets, and 4) the need to reach high positive classification rates, i.e. to find all potential supernovae, while reducing the burdensome workload of manually examining false positives. High accuracy is achieved via a sign-preserving, shifted log transform applied to features with peaked, heavy-tailed distributions. The imbalanced data problem is handled by oversampling positive examples, selectively sampling misclassified negative examples, and iteratively training multiple SVMs for improved supernova recognition on unseen test data. We present crossvalidation results and demonstrate the impact on a largescale supernova survey that currently uses the SVM decision value to rank-order 600,000 potential supernovae each night