874 research outputs found

    Methodologies, tools and languages for building ontologies. Where is their meeting point?

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    In this paper we review and compare the main methodologies, tools and languages for building ontologies that have been reported in the literature, as well as the main relationships among them. Ontology technology is nowadays mature enough: many methodologies, tools and languages are already available. The future work in this field should be driven towards the creation of a common integrated workbench for ontology developers to facilitate ontology development, exchange, evaluation, evolution and management, to provide methodological support for these tasks, and translations to and from different ontology languages. This workbench should not be created from scratch, but instead integrating the technology components that are currently available

    Pattern Recognition Techniques for the Identification of Activities of Daily Living Using a Mobile Device Accelerometer

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    The application of pattern recognition techniques to data collected from accelerometers available in off-the-shelf devices, such as smartphones, allows for the automatic recognition of activities of daily living (ADLs). This data can be used later to create systems that monitor the behaviors of their users. The main contribution of this paper is to use artificial neural networks (ANN) for the recognition of ADLs with the data acquired from the sensors available in mobile devices. Firstly, before ANN training, the mobile device is used for data collection. After training, mobile devices are used to apply an ANN previously trained for the ADLs’ identification on a less restrictive computational platform. The motivation is to verify whether the overfitting problem can be solved using only the accelerometer data, which also requires less computational resources and reduces the energy expenditure of the mobile device when compared with the use of multiple sensors. This paper presents a method based on ANN for the recognition of a defined set of ADLs. It provides a comparative study of different implementations of ANN to choose the most appropriate method for ADLs identification. The results show the accuracy of 85.89% using deep neural networks (DNN).This work is funded by FCT/MCTES through national funds, and when applicable, co-funded EU funds under the project UIDB/EEA/50008/2020 (Este trabalho é financiado pela FCT/MCTES através de fundos nacionais e quando aplicável cofinanciado por fundos comunitários no âmbito do projeto UIDB/EEA/50008/2020)

    A survey of haptics in serious gaming

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    Serious gaming often requires high level of realism for training and learning purposes. Haptic technology has been proved to be useful in many applications with an additional perception modality complementary to the audio and the vision. It provides novel user experience to enhance the immersion of virtual reality with a physical control-layer. This survey focuses on the haptic technology and its applications in serious gaming. Several categories of related applications are listed and discussed in details, primarily on haptics acts as cognitive aux and main component in serious games design. We categorize haptic devices into tactile, force feedback and hybrid ones to suit different haptic interfaces, followed by description of common haptic gadgets in gaming. Haptic modeling methods, in particular, available SDKs or libraries either for commercial or academic usage, are summarized. We also analyze the existing research difficulties and technology bottleneck with haptics and foresee the future research directions

    DREQUS: an approach for the Discovery of REQuirements Using Scenarios

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    ABSTRACT: Requirements engineering is recognized as a complex cognitive problem-solving process that takes place in an unstructured and poorly-understood problem context. Requirements elicitation is the activity generally regarded as the most crucial step in the requirements engineering process. The term “elicitation” is preferred to “capture”, to avoid the suggestion that requirements are out there to be collected. Information gathered during requirements elicitation often has to be interpreted, analyzed, modeled, and validated before the requirements engineer can feel confident that a complete set of requirements of a system have been obtained. Requirements elicitation comprises the set of activities that enable discovering, understanding, and documenting the goals and motives for building a proposed software system. It also involves identifying the requirements that the resulting system must satisfy in to achieve these goals. The requirements to be elicited may range from modifications to well-understood problems and systems (i.e. software upgrades), to hazy understandings of new problems being automated, to relatively unconstrained requirements that are open to innovation (e.g. mass-market software). Requirements elicitation remains problematic; missing or mistaken requirements still delay projects and cause cost overruns. No firm definition has matured for requirements elicitation in comparison to other areas of requirements engineering. This research is aimed to improve the results of the requirements elicitation process directly impacting the quality of the software products derived from them

    Internet of Things: A Review of Surveys Based on Context Aware Intelligent Services

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has made it possible for devices around the world to acquire information and store it, in order to be able to use it at a later stage. However, this potential opportunity is often not exploited because of the excessively big interval between the data collection and the capability to process and analyse it. In this paper, we review the current IoT technologies, approaches and models in order to discover what challenges need to be met to make more sense of data. The main goal of this paper is to review the surveys related to IoT in order to provide well integrated and context aware intelligent services for IoT. Moreover, we present a state-of-the-art of IoT from the context aware perspective that allows the integration of IoT and social networks in the emerging Social Internet of Things (SIoT) term.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO/FEDER) under the granted Project SEQUOIA-UA (Management requirements and methodology for Big Data analytics) TIN2015-63502-C3-3-R, by the University of Alicante, within the program of support for research, under project GRE14-10, and by the Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain, within the program of support for research, under project GV/2016/087. This work has also been partially funded by projects from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Competitivity TIN2015-65100-R and DIIM2.0 (PROMETEOII/2014/001)

    The Cutting Edge, July/August 2007, Vol. 17 Issue 4

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    Approach for the Development of a Framework for the Identification of Activities of Daily Living Using Sensors in Mobile Devices

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    Sensors available on mobile devices allow the automatic identification of Activities of Daily Living (ADL). This paper describes an approach for the creation of a framework for the identification of ADL, taking into account several concepts, including data acquisition, data processing, data fusion, and pattern recognition. These concepts can be mapped onto different modules of the framework. The proposed framework should perform the identification of ADL without Internet connection, performing these tasks locally on the mobile device, taking in account the hardware and software limitations of these devices. The main purpose of this paper is to present a new approach for the creation of a framework for the recognition of ADL, analyzing the allowed sensors available in the mobile devices, and the existing methods available in the literature.This work was supported by FCT project UID/EEA/50008/2013. The authors would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the COST Action IC1303–AAPELE–Architectures, Algorithms and Protocols for Enhanced Living Environments