12,863 research outputs found

    Shortest Unique Substring Query Revisited

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    We revisit the problem of finding shortest unique substring (SUS) proposed recently by [6]. We propose an optimal O(n)O(n) time and space algorithm that can find an SUS for every location of a string of size nn. Our algorithm significantly improves the O(n2)O(n^2) time complexity needed by [6]. We also support finding all the SUSes covering every location, whereas the solution in [6] can find only one SUS for every location. Further, our solution is simpler and easier to implement and can also be more space efficient in practice, since we only use the inverse suffix array and longest common prefix array of the string, while the algorithm in [6] uses the suffix tree of the string and other auxiliary data structures. Our theoretical results are validated by an empirical study that shows our algorithm is much faster and more space-saving than the one in [6]

    Suffix Structures and Circular Pattern Problems

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    The suffix tree is a data structure used to represent all the suffixes in a string. However, a major problem with the suffix tree is its practical space requirement. In this dissertation, we propose an efficient data structure -- the virtual suffix tree (VST) -- which requires less space than other recently proposed data structures for suffix trees and suffix arrays. On average, the space requirement (including that for suffix arrays and suffix links) is 13.8n bytes for the regular VST, and 12.05n bytes in its compact form, where n is the length of the sequence.;Markov models are very popular for modeling complex sequences. In this dissertation, we present the probabilistic suffix array (PSA), a space-efficient alternative to the probabilistic suffix tree (PST) used to represent Markov models. The PSA provides all the capabilities of the PST, such as learning and prediction, and maintains the same linear time construction (linearity with respect to sequence length). The PSA, however, has a significantly smaller memory requirement than the PST, for both the construction stage, and at the time of usage.;Using the proposed suffix data structures, we study the circular pattern matching (CPM) problem. We provide a linear time, linear space algorithm to solve the exact circular pattern matching problem. We then present four algorithms to address the approximate circular pattern matching (ACPM) problem. Our bidirectional ACPM algorithm provides the best time complexity when compared with other algorithms proposed in the literature. Further, we define the circular pattern discovery (CPD) problem and present algorithms to solve this problem. Using the proposed circular pattern matching algorithms, we perform experiments on computational analysis and function prediction for multidomain proteins

    Representing the Suffix Tree with the CDAWG

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    Given a string T, it is known that its suffix tree can be represented using the compact directed acyclic word graph (CDAWG) with e_T arcs, taking overall O(e_T+e_REV(T)) words of space, where REV(T) is the reverse of T, and supporting some key operations in time between O(1) and O(log(log(n))) in the worst case. This representation is especially appealing for highly repetitive strings, like collections of similar genomes or of version-controlled documents, in which e_T grows sublinearly in the length of T in practice. In this paper we augment such representation, supporting a number of additional queries in worst-case time between O(1) and O(log(n)) in the RAM model, without increasing space complexity asymptotically. Our technique, based on a heavy path decomposition of the suffix tree, enables also a representation of the suffix array, of the inverse suffix array, and of T itself, that takes O(e_T) words of space, and that supports random access in O(log(n)) time. Furthermore, we establish a connection between the reversed CDAWG of T and a context-free grammar that produces T and only T, which might have independent interest

    String Indexing with Compressed Patterns

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    Given a string S of length n, the classic string indexing problem is to preprocess S into a compact data structure that supports efficient subsequent pattern queries. In this paper we consider the basic variant where the pattern is given in compressed form and the goal is to achieve query time that is fast in terms of the compressed size of the pattern. This captures the common client-server scenario, where a client submits a query and communicates it in compressed form to a server. Instead of the server decompressing the query before processing it, we consider how to efficiently process the compressed query directly. Our main result is a novel linear space data structure that achieves near-optimal query time for patterns compressed with the classic Lempel-Ziv 1977 (LZ77) compression scheme. Along the way we develop several data structural techniques of independent interest, including a novel data structure that compactly encodes all LZ77 compressed suffixes of a string in linear space and a general decomposition of tries that reduces the search time from logarithmic in the size of the trie to logarithmic in the length of the pattern

    Managing Unbounded-Length Keys in Comparison-Driven Data Structures with Applications to On-Line Indexing

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    This paper presents a general technique for optimally transforming any dynamic data structure that operates on atomic and indivisible keys by constant-time comparisons, into a data structure that handles unbounded-length keys whose comparison cost is not a constant. Examples of these keys are strings, multi-dimensional points, multiple-precision numbers, multi-key data (e.g.~records), XML paths, URL addresses, etc. The technique is more general than what has been done in previous work as no particular exploitation of the underlying structure of is required. The only requirement is that the insertion of a key must identify its predecessor or its successor. Using the proposed technique, online suffix tree can be constructed in worst case time O(logn)O(\log n) per input symbol (as opposed to amortized O(logn)O(\log n) time per symbol, achieved by previously known algorithms). To our knowledge, our algorithm is the first that achieves O(logn)O(\log n) worst case time per input symbol. Searching for a pattern of length mm in the resulting suffix tree takes O(min(mlogΣ,m+logn)+tocc)O(\min(m\log |\Sigma|, m + \log n) + tocc) time, where tocctocc is the number of occurrences of the pattern. The paper also describes more applications and show how to obtain alternative methods for dealing with suffix sorting, dynamic lowest common ancestors and order maintenance