14 research outputs found

    Is \u27community\u27 important for Community Information Systems?

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    Community information systems have the power to transform communities. However, without fully understanding the pre-requisite factors affecting community information system viability, and the complex relationships between these factors, communities struggle to manage such projects in a way that leads to viable systems that deliver real benefits. This paper develops and presents a Model of Community Information System Viability Pre-requisite Factors, based on both existing literature and the study of three community information system projects. This Model represents the generic factors that inform viability (i.e. leadership, active membership, funding, awareness, and system design and functionality), and also considers the impact of community context. This study argues that the viability of a Community Information System cannot be considered in isolation. All factors are directly impacted by the value of the Community Information System to the community. Management can also heavily impact on the success of a Community Information System

    Is ‘community’ important for Community Information Systems?

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    Community information systems have the power to transform communities. However, without fully understanding the factors affecting community information system viability, and the complex relationships between these factors, communities struggle to manage such projects in a way that leads to viable systems that deliver real benefits. This paper develops a Model of Community Information System Viability, based on both existing literature and the study of three community information system projects. This Model represents not only the generic factors that inform viability, but also considers the impact of community context

    Teams that are creatively productive: Exploring the exploitable and exploiting the explorable

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    The present study examines team processes of exploring and exploiting in inno vation teams, to understand important connections with team development. 51 innovation teams invented a business idea (related to explore), which was to be developed into a viable business plan (related to exploit). The business plans were assessed and divided in a) excellent; b (mediocre); and c (poor). Teams´ internal interactions were evaluated accordingly using qualitative and quantitative studies, in both explore and exploit phase. The top performing teams were found to be highly adaptable to situational demands, continuously challenging each other and demanding a lot from each team member through a disciplined and task-oriented approach. The poorer performers were oriented towards social well-being of the group, creating a supportive atmosphere as a group norm. It is argued that this norm inhibited team innovation performance. This study contributes with knowledge on how to achieve psychological safety in teams to obtain the kind of creativity that is workable – exploring the exploitable and exploiting the explorable

    The role of media richness on CSR web disclosure in Fast-Food Restaurants

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    Purpose-To investigate the different of media elements of web communication in disclosing CSR activities that can affect the attitude of the fast-food customers.Design/methodology/approach-The paper begins with a short review of the CSR and the methods of disclosing CSR information.Then, it is followed by a literature review of CSR in food industry and a brief outline of fast food restaurants, issues and implication towards customers.This study will used laboratory experiment where dummy website of fast-food restaurant is created based on corporate websites of KFC and McDonald, which based in Malaysia.These two companies are the top fast food franchise restaurants in Malaysia.The CSR themes that covered in this study are food safety, food quality, food nutrition and halal issue (that is sensitive to Muslim people).Originality/value-CSR communications is an emerging field, with research focusing on corporate social disclosure mainly through corporate reports. However, little is known regarding CSR web disclosure particularly in fast-food restaurants.This paper provides insight on this issue.Introduction Fast-food restaurants become upward trends in developing countries like Malaysia, where Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and McDonalds are the leading fast-food brands that represent 46 and 30 percent of market shares in 2009 (Ling, Mun & Ling, 2011).However, the growing awareness and health consciousness among authority and customers become a threat of these restaurants.Aware of health issues, Malaysian government takes an action through prohibited fast-food brands in sponsoring television shows for the kids to avoid them from influenced in taking fast-food regularly.On the other hand, non-government organization (NGO) has promoting healthy lifestyle by advising the customers on healthy diet and the risk of eating fast-food. Because of these actions, communicating business ethics become a challenge to fast-food restaurants. They need to engage with customers in showing their food is quality, contains healthy and balance diet as part of their social responsibility.But the problem is, in what way the fast food restaurants could ensure their message will be accepted by the customers.In situation where engagement between company and customer is important, most companies are using corporate social responsibility (CSR) to highlight their ethical busines

    Preserving corporate reputation in the social media era

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    This study examines the importance of financial institutions\u27 (banks\u27) use of social networking sites to cater to their customers and stakeholders\u27 inquiries to protect their corporate reputation online. Three top U.S. banks\u27 publicly-accessible Twitter feeds were used to analyze how the banks use Twitter to build customer relationships and provide quality service for a more positive outlook of their reputation. A content analysis of the banks\u27 Twitter feeds was conducted to determine the most common usage of Twitter in relation to the quality of service provided online. The findings show that customers use Twitter to find answers to their banking questions and as a source of expressing their thoughts and emotions about a product or service offered by the bank. Overall, Twitter is serving as a hub for real-time communication between banks and their customers, performing similar tasks as traditional communication media. The results suggest that companies should invest the time to reach out via this online stream to their customers in order to preserve their reputations from negative publicity online. A method of accomplishing this is through building and maintaining positive relationships with their customers

    Análisis de la calidad de las páginas web de los hoteles de 5 estrellas de Madrid

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    El presente análisis se ha centrado en la valoración de la calidad web de los hoteles de 5 estrellas de Madrid; todo ello utilizando como herramienta principal y única al índice de calidad web (IEW), mediante el cual se pudo conocer la idoneidad y la calidad de cada una de las webs analizadas. Siendo las características a las que refiere este análisis: la accesibilidad, la velocidad, la navegabilidad y usabilidad, y la calidad del contenido de las webs. Todas estas categorías, con sus referentes ítems, y en el caso del contenido, con sus respectivos ítems y sub-categorías: contenido informativo, transaccional y contractual. Se han obtenido en el análisis tras aplicar dicho índice, resultados bastantes favorables para cada una de las webs analizadas, siendo más o menos favorables según la web y sus características individuales.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Turism

    Potenziale und Herausforderungen der Markenführung im Kontext internetbasierter Interaktionen

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    Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht geht der Frage nach, inwiefern sich für die Markenführung im Zuge der Zunahme internetbasierter Interaktionen zwischen Nachfragern und Marken sowie zwischen Nachfragern untereinander neue Potenziale als auch Herausforderungen ergeben können. Aufbauend auf Arbeitsbericht Nr. 14 wird dargestellt, wie sich der Erkenntnisstand einer internetbezogenen Markenführung in den letzten Jahren gewandelt hat und was als Status-quo der Forschung gelten kann. Nach einer kurzen Betrachtung der Bedeutung von Interaktionen aus Wertschöpfungs- und Markenführungsperspektive analysiert das Arbeitspapier die Implikationen internetbasierter Kundeninteraktionen für die Markenführung. Einleitend werden dabei die Potenziale zur Markenprofilierung anhand der klassischen Dimensionen des Marketing-Mix erörtert. Die darauf folgende Betrachtung widmet sich quasi der 'Kehrseite der Medaille' und analysiert, inwiefern ein autonomes Nachfragerverhalten im Internet Implikationen für die Markenführung haben kann. Das Arbeitspapier geht dabei der Frage nach, welche Faktoren zu einem Kontrollverlust der Markenführung können. Als wesentlicher Aspekt wird dabei die internetbasierte Etablierung einer anbieterunabhängigen Markenkommunikation angesehen, der zu einer Demokratisierung von Markenimages führen kann. Der vorliegende Arbeitsbericht stellt einen Auszug aus der Dissertation 'Totz, Carsten: Interaktionsorientierte Markenführung Bedeutung internetbasierter Formen der Kundeninteraktion für Markenführung, Göttingen 2005' dar. --

    Essays on text mining for improved decision making

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