33 research outputs found

    Subspace Alignment Chains and the Degrees of Freedom of the Three-User MIMO Interference Channel

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    Retrospective Interference Alignment for the 3-user MIMO Interference Channel with delayed CSIT

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    The degrees of freedom (DoF) of the 3-user multiple input multiple output interference channel (3-user MIMO IC) are investigated where there is delayed channel state information at the transmitters (dCSIT). We generalize the ideas of Maleki et al. about {\it Retrospective Interference Alignment (RIA)} to be applied to the MIMO IC, where transmitters and receivers are equipped with (M,N)(M,N) antennas, respectively. We propose a two-phase transmission scheme where the number of slots per phase and number of transmitted symbols are optimized by solving a maximization problem. Finally, we review the existing achievable DoF results in the literature as a function of the ratio between transmitting and receiving antennas ρ=M/N\rho=M/N. The proposed scheme improves all other strategies when ρ(12,3132]\rho \in \left(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{31}{32} \right].Comment: Draft version of the accepted manuscript at IEEE ICASSP 1

    On the Degrees of freedom of the K-user MISO Interference Channel with imperfect delayed CSIT

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    This work investigates the degrees of freedom (DoF) of the K-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel (IC) with imperfect delayed channel state information at the transmitters (dCSIT). For this setting, new DoF inner bonds are provided, and benchmarked with cooperation-based outer bounds. The achievability result is based on a precoding scheme that aligns the interfering received signals through time, exploiting the concept of Retrospective Interference Alignment (RIA). The proposed approach outperforms all previous known schemes. Furthermore, we study the proposed scheme under channel estimation errors (CEE) on the reported dCSIT, and derive a closed-form expression for the achievable DoF with imperfect dCSIT.Comment: Draft version of the accepted manuscript at IEEE ICASSP 1

    Hybrid Channel Pre-Inversion and Interference Alignment Strategies

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    In this paper we consider strategies for MIMO interference channels which combine the notions of interference alignment and channel pre-inversion. Users collaborate to form data-sharing groups, enabling them to clear interference within a group, while interference alignment is employed to clear interference between groups. To improve the capacity of our schemes at finite SNR, we propose that the groups of users invert their subchannel using a regularized Tikhonov inverse. We provide a new sleeker derivation of the optimal Tikhonov parameter, and use random matrix theory to provide an explicit formula for the SINR as the size of the system increases, which we believe is a new result. For every possible grouping of K = 4 users each with N = 5 antennas, we completely classify the degrees of freedom available to each user when using such hybrid schemes, and construct explicit interference alignment strategies which maximize the sum DoF. Lastly, we provide simulation results which compute the ergodic capacity of such schemes.Comment: Submitted to ICC 201

    On the Degrees of Freedom of Asymmetric MIMO Interference Broadcast Channels

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    In this paper, we study the degrees of freedom (DoF) of the asymmetric multi-input-multi-output interference broadcast channel (MIMO-IBC). By introducing a notion of connection pattern chain, we generalize the genie chain proposed in [11] to derive and prove the necessary condition of IA feasibility for asymmetric MIMO-IBC, which is denoted as irreducible condition. It is necessary for both linear interference alignment (IA) and asymptotic IA feasibility in MIMO-IBC with arbitrary configurations. In a special class of asymmetric two-cell MIMOIBC, the irreducible condition is proved to be the sufficient and necessary condition for asymptotic IA feasibility, while the combination of proper condition and irreducible condition is proved to the sufficient and necessary condition for linear IA feasibility. From these conditions, we derive the information theoretic maximal DoF per user and the maximal DoF per user achieved by linear IA, and these DoFs are also the DoF per user upper-bounds of asymmetric G-cell MIMO-IBC with asymptotic IA and linear IA, respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ICC 201

    The DoF of the Asymmetric MIMO Interference Channel with Square Direct Link Channel Matrices

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    This paper studies the sum Degrees of Freedom (DoF) of KK-user {\em asymmetric} MIMO Interference Channel (IC) with square direct link channel matrices, that is, the uu-th transmitter and its intended receiver have MuNM_u\in\mathbb{N} antennas each, where MuM_u need not be the same for all u[1:K]u\in[1:K]. Starting from a 33-user example, it is shown that existing cooperation-based outer bounds are insufficient to characterize the DoF. Moreover, it is shown that two distinct operating regimes exist. With a {\it dominant} user, i.e., a user that has more antennas than the other two users combined, %(say M1M2+M3M_1\geq M_2+M_3), it is DoF optimal to let that user transmit alone on the IC. Otherwise, it is DoF optimal to {\em decompose} and operate the 3-user MIMO IC as an (M1+M2+M3)(M_1+ M_2+M_3)-user SISO IC. This indicates that MIMO operations are useless from a DoF perspective in systems without a dominant user. The main contribution of the paper is the derivation of a novel outer bound for the general KK-user case that is tight in the regime where a dominant user is not present; this is done by generalizing the insights from the 3-user example to an arbitrary number of users.Comment: Presented at 52nd Allerton Conference, 201

    A Feasibility Test for Linear Interference Alignment in MIMO Channels with Constant Coefficients

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    In this paper, we consider the feasibility of linear interference alignment (IA) for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels with constant coefficients for any number of users, antennas and streams per user; and propose a polynomial-time test for this problem. Combining algebraic geometry techniques with differential topology ones, we first prove a result that generalizes those previously published on this topic. Specifically, we consider the input set (complex projective space of MIMO interference channels), the output set (precoder and decoder Grassmannians) and the solution set (channels, decoders and precoders satisfying the IA polynomial equations), not only as algebraic sets but also as smooth compact manifolds. Using this mathematical framework, we prove that the linear alignment problem is feasible when the algebraic dimension of the solution variety is larger than or equal to the dimension of the input space and the linear mapping between the tangent spaces of both smooth manifolds given by the first projection is generically surjective. If that mapping is not surjective, then the solution variety projects into the input space in a singular way and the projection is a zero-measure set. This result naturally yields a simple feasibility test, which amounts to checking the rank of a matrix. We also provide an exact arithmetic version of the test, which proves that testing the feasibility of IA for generic MIMO channels belongs to the bounded-error probabilistic polynomial (BPP) complexity class.Comment: To be published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor