140 research outputs found

    A comparison of processing approaches for distributed radar sensing

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    Radar networks received increasing attention in recent years as they can outperform single monostatic or bistatic systems. Further attention is being dedicated to these systems as an application of the MIMO concept, well know in communications for increasing the capacity of the channel and improving the overall quality of the connection. However, it is here shown that radar network can take advantage not only from the angular diversity in observing the target, but also from a variety of ways of processing the received signals. The number of devices comprising the network has also been taken into the analysis. Detection and false alarm are evaluated in noise only and clutter from a theoretical and simulated point of view. Particular attention is dedicated to the statistics behind the processing. Experiments have been performed to evaluate practical applications of the proposed processing approaches and to validate assumptions made in the theoretical analysis. In particular, the radar network used for gathering real data is made up of two transmitters and three receivers. More than two transmitters are well known to generate mutual interference and therefore require additional e�fforts to mitigate the system self-interference. However, this allowed studying aspects of multistatic clutter, such as correlation, which represent a first and novel insight in this topic. Moreover, two approaches for localizing targets have been developed. Whilst the first is a graphic approach, the second is hybrid numerical (partially decentralized, partially centralized) which is clearly shown to improve dramatically the single radar accuracy. Finally the e�ects of exchanging angular with frequency diversity are shown as well in some particular cases. This led to develop the Frequency MIMO and the Frequency Diverse Array, according to the separation of two consecutive frequencies. The latter is a brand new topic in technical literature, which is attracting the interest of the technical community because of its potential to generate range-dependant patterns. Both the latter systems can be used in radar-designing to improve the agility and the effciency of the radar

    Multistatic radar optimization for radar sensor network applications

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    The design of radar sensor networks (RSN) has undergone great advancements in recent years. In fact, this kind of system is characterized by a high degree of design flexibility due to the multiplicity of radar nodes and data fusion approaches. This thesis focuses on the development and analysis of RSN architectures to optimize target detection and positioning performances. A special focus is placed upon distributed (statistical) multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) RSN systems, where spatial diversity could be leveraged to enhance radar target detection capabilities. In the first part of this thesis, the spatial diversity is leveraged in conjunction with cognitive waveform selection and design techniques to quickly adapt to target scene variations in real time. In the second part, we investigate the impact of RSN geometry, particularly the placement of multistatic radar receivers, on target positioning accuracy. We develop a framework based on cognitive waveform selection in conjunction with adaptive receiver placement strategy to cope with time-varying target scattering characteristics and clutter distribution parameters in the dynamic radar scene. The proposed approach yields better target detection performance and positioning accuracy as compared with conventional methods based on static transmission or stationary multistatic radar topology. The third part of this thesis examines joint radar and communication systems coexistence and operation via two possible architectures. In the first one, several communication nodes in a network operate separately in frequency. Each node leverages the multi-look diversity of the distributed system by activating radar processing on multiple received bistatic streams at each node level in addition to the pre-existing monostatic processing. This architecture is based on the fact that the communication signal, such as the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) waveform, could be well-suited for radar tasks if the proper waveform parameters are chosen so as to simultaneously perform communication and radar tasks. The advantage of using a joint waveform for both applications is a permanent availability of radar and communication functions via a better use of the occupied spectrum inside the same joint hardware platform. We then examine the second main architecture, which is more complex and deals with separate radar and communication entities with a partial or total spectrum sharing constraint. We investigate the optimum placement of radar receivers for better target positioning accuracy while reducing the radar measurement errors by minimizing the interference caused by simultaneous operation of the communication system. Better performance in terms of communication interference handling and suppression at the radar level, were obtained with the proposed placement approach of radar receivers compared to the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP)-only minimization metric

    A Unified Performance Framework for Integrated Sensing-Communications based on KL-Divergence

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    The need for integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) services has significantly increased in the last few years. This integration imposes serious challenges such as joint system design, resource allocation, optimization, and analysis. Since sensing and telecommunication systems have different approaches for performance evaluation, introducing a unified performance measure which provides a perception about the quality of sensing and telecommunication is very beneficial. To this end, this paper provides performance analysis for ISAC systems based on the information theoretical framework of the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD). The considered system model consists of a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) base-station (BS) providing ISAC services to multiple communication user equipments (CUEs) and targets (or sensing-served users). The KLD framework allows for a unified evaluation of the error rate performance of CUEs, and the detection performance of the targets. The relation between the detection capability for the targets and error rate of CUEs on one hand, and the proposed KLD on the other hand is illustrated analytically. Theoretical results corroborated by simulations show that the derived KLD is very accurate and can perfectly characterize both subsystems, namely the communication and radar subsystems

    Automatic target detection and localization using ultra-wideband radar

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    The pulse ultra-wide band (UWB) radar consists of switching of energy of very short duration in an ultra-broadband emission chain, and the UWB signal emitted is an ultrashort pulse, of the order of nanoseconds, without a carrier. These systems can indicate the presence and distances of a distant object, call a target, and determine its size, shape, speed, and trajectory. In this paper, we present a UWB radar system allowing the detection of the presence of a target and its localization in a road environment based on the principle of correlation of the reflected signal with the reference and the determination of its correlation peak

    Cooperative Cellular Localization with Intelligent Reflecting Surface: Design, Analysis and Optimization

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    Autonomous driving and intelligent transportation applications have dramatically increased the demand for high-accuracy and low-latency localization services. While cellular networks are potentially capable of target detection and localization, achieving accurate and reliable positioning faces critical challenges. Particularly, the relatively small radar cross sections (RCS) of moving targets and the high complexity for measurement association give rise to weak echo signals and discrepancies in the measurements. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel approach for multi-target localization by leveraging the controllable signal reflection capabilities of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs). Specifically, IRSs are strategically mounted on the targets (e.g., vehicles and robots), enabling effective association of multiple measurements and facilitating the localization process. We aim to minimize the maximum Cram\'er-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of targets by jointly optimizing the target association, the IRS phase shifts, and the dwell time. However, solving this CRLB optimization problem is non-trivial due to the non-convex objective function and closely coupled variables. For single-target localization, a simplified closed-form expression is presented for the case where base stations (BSs) can be deployed flexibly, and the optimal BS location is derived to provide a lower performance bound of the original problem ...Comment: 14 pages, This work has been submitted to IEEE for possible publicatio

    Optimization methods for active and passive localization

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    Active and passive localization employing widely distributed sensors is a problem of interest in various fields. In active localization, such as in MIMO radar, transmitters emit signals that are reflected by the targets and collected by the receive sensors, whereas, in passive localization the sensors collect the signals emitted by the sources themselves. This dissertation studies optimization methods for high precision active and passive localization. In the case of active localization, multiple transmit elements illuminate the targets from different directions. The signals emitted by the transmitters may differ in power and bandwidth. Such resources are often limited and distributed uniformly among the transmitters. However, previous studies based on the well known Cramer-Rao lower bound have shown that the localization accuracy depends on the locations of the transmitters as well as the individual channel gains between different transmitters, targets and receivers. Thus, it is natural to ask whether localization accuracy may be improved by judiciously allocating such limited resources among the transmitters. Using the Cr´amer-Rao lower bound for target localization of multiple targets as a figure of merit, approximate solutions are proposed to the problems of optimal power, optimal bandwidth and optimal joint power and bandwidth allocation. These solutions are computed by minimizing a sequence of convex problems. The quality of these solutions is assessed through extensive numerical simulations and with the help of a lower-bound that certifies their optimality. Simulation results reveal that bandwidth allocation policies have a stronger impact on performance than power. Passive localization of radio frequency sources over multipath channels is a difficult problem arising in applications such as outdoor or indoor geolocation. Common approaches that combine ad-hoc methods for multipath mitigation with indirect localization relying on intermediary parameters such as time-of-arrivals, time difference of arrivals or received signal strengths, are unsatisfactory. This dissertation models the localization of known waveforms over unknown multipath channels in a sparse framework, and develops a direct approach in which multiple sources are localized jointly, directly from observations obtained at distributed sources. The proposed approach exploits channel properties that enable to distinguish line-of-sight (LOS) from non-LOS signal paths. Theoretical guarantees are established for correct recovery of the sources’ locations by atomic norm minimization. A second-order-cone-based algorithm is developed to produce the optimal atomic decomposition, and it is shown to produce high accuracy location estimates over complex scenes, in which sources are subject to diverse multipath conditions, including lack of LOS
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