7 research outputs found

    Subject positions of children in information behaviour research

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    Introduction: This paper problematises how children are categorised as a specific user group within information behaviour research and discusses the implications of this categorisation. Methods: Two edited collections of papers on children’s information behaviour are analysed. Analysis: The analysis is influenced by previous discourse analytic studies of users within information science and by the sociology of childhood and the discourse analytic concept of subject positions guides the analysis. Results: In the children-focussed discourse of information behaviour research, children are described as being characterised by distinctive child-typical features, which means that similarities between children and other groups, as well as differences within the group, are downplayed. Children are also characterised by deficiencies: by not being adults, by not being mature and by not being competent information seekers. The discourse creates a position of power for adults, and for children a position as those in need of expert help. Children are also ascribed a subject position as users of technologies that affect the group in various ways. Conclusions: It is suggested that information behaviour research would benefit from shifting the focus from trying to explain how children innately are and therefore behave with information, to creating understandings of various information practices which involve people of a young age

    An ageist perspective on age and older adults in information behaviour research

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    This study aims to answer the question what kind of research exists on aging and older adults in information behaviour and information seeking. A systematic literature review was conducted in two databases, LISA and Scopus. The results were refined and tagged thematically and clustered into main research topics. (Online) health information behaviour is the largest research topic in relation to aging and older adults. Underrepresented topics are information needs and behaviour outside of the health care sector. An ageist perspective is strongly present in information behaviour studies. Existing research on (online) health information behaviour primarily addresses a negative aspect of old age, frailty and illness, which may amplify the stereotypical image of older people and aging. This paper suggests that the research field should turn to topics that are more diverse and use the demographic variable of age more carefully in order to mitigate ageism.Peer Reviewe

    How do you solve a problem like the whole user? The construction of worthy and problematic users in online discussions of the public library

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    In this article I use a discursive approach and the concept of the ‘category entitlement’ to analyse the ways that contributors to a public Internet discussion of the value of the public library make cases for different user characteristics and behaviour as ‘worthy’ or ‘problematic’, and use these characteristics to discuss and debate the kinds of individuals and the kinds of behaviour that properly belong to each category. Contributors to the discussion represented users in three categories: a fluid ‘everyone’, which included people represented as being disadvantaged and in legitimate need of the library’s resources, expertise, and support; the user in-formation, whose worthy variant takes advantage of the library’s offerings to achieve success in economic, cultural, and civic domains and whose problematic variant fails to do so; and the visceral user who may meet bodily needs or engage in pleasurable non-purposive activities and who is deemed worthy or problematic based on their behaviour in the library space. Despite public libraries’ growing emphasis on serving the whole user, these public comments prioritise users who exercise their mind to develop into worthy members of a community and who meet behavioural expectations consistent with quiet intellectual activity

    El discurso profesional en la biblioteca: alternativas en red a la relaciĂłn usuario-sistema

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    Este trabajo analiza la relaciĂłn entre bibliotecarios y usuarios partiendo de un enfoque que toma el texto generado por estos profesionales, no como una ventana a una realidad Ășnica, sino como objeto de anĂĄlisis. Se trata del anĂĄlisis del discurso, que permite adoptar una perspectiva crĂ­tica, cuestionando hechos ampliamente aceptados y reflexionando sobre el objeto de estudio, en este caso los usuarios de las bibliotecas

    Performing search : Search Engines and Mobile Devices in the Everyday Life of Young People

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    I denna avhandling undersöks sökmotorers och mobila redskaps betydelse i unga mĂ€nniskors vardagsliv. Studien har genomförts i en svensk kontext med deltagare i Ă„ldern 13–16 Ă„r. Avhandlingen tar avstamp i den utbreddatillgĂ„ngen till sökmotorer vilken möjliggörs genom smarta mobiler, laptops, surfplattor och datorer. Detta scenario innebĂ€r att det Ă€r möjligt att söka information om nĂ€stan vadsomhelst, nĂ€rsomhelst och varsomhelst. Att anvĂ€ndasökmotorer har kommit att bli en del av vardagen i dagens samhĂ€lle. Avhandlingen Ă€r en sammanlĂ€ggningsavhandling som bestĂ„r av fyra artiklar. För att uppnĂ„ syftet med avhandlingen sĂ„ utforskas sökning, mobilaredskap och sökmotorer frĂ„n olika perspektiv i de fyra artiklarna. Följande forskningsfrĂ„gor formuleras i avhandlingen:1. Hur genomförs sökning pĂ„ internet i skolan, och hur legitimerasaktiviteten i en skolkontext?2. Vilka inramningar gĂ„r att identifiera i relation till hur tonĂ„ringarbeskriver samt anvĂ€nder Google Sök?3. Hur blir unga mĂ€nniskor medvetna om spĂ„ren efter sina sökningarpĂ„ internet, samt vilka strategier har de för att hantera spĂ„ren, omnĂ„gra?4. Vilka inramningar av den smarta mobilen gĂ„r att identifiera utifrĂ„nsĂ€ttet som redskapet anvĂ€nds och beskrivs av unga mĂ€nniskor, samthur relaterar dessa inramningar till sökning pĂ„ internet?Genom dessa infallsvinklar sĂ„ undersöks i avhandlingen bĂ„de sĂ€ttet som unga mĂ€nniskor anvĂ€nder sökmotorer i sin vardag, samt hur de förhĂ„ller sig till normer gĂ€llande anvĂ€ndningen av sökmotorer och mobila redskap i olika sociala kontexter. Sammantaget sĂ„ visar resultaten pĂ„ den viktiga roll som sökning spelar i unga mĂ€nniskors vardag. Avhandlingen visar pĂ„ att unga mĂ€nniskor inte anvĂ€nder mobila redskap slumpmĂ€ssigt eller ogenomtĂ€nkt. IstĂ€lletframtrĂ€der en medvetenhet om normer som prĂ€glar olika sociala kontexter. Samtidigt pekar resultaten pĂ„ hur osynliggjort sökning Ă€r i vardagen vilket medföljer att aktiviteten inte alltid reflekteras över. Det gĂ„r dĂ€rmed attidentifiera en spĂ€nning i materialet mellan en medvetenhet om social kontext och ett förgivettagande av sökning i vardagen. Detta förgivettagande underbyggs Ă€ven av sĂ€ttet som vuxenvĂ€rlden, lĂ€rare och förĂ€ldrar, anvĂ€nder sig av sökmotorer och mobila redskap i vardagen. Resultaten bör dĂ€rför betraktas i ljuset av ett samhĂ€llet prĂ€glat av en anvĂ€ndning av sökmotorer för att hitta information. Bland deltagarna i studien sĂ„ associeras anvĂ€ndningen av Google Sök med skola och faktaletande, till skillnad frĂ„n andra former av sökning, sĂ„ som via YouTube. Olika former av sökning överlappar dock, vilket framkommer i avhandlingen. Resultaten pekar pĂ„ ett behov av att synliggöra och problematisera anvĂ€ndningen av sökmotorer i vardagen

    The influence of culture and direct library instruction in the information seeking behaviour of primary school aged children

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    Information Behaviour (IB) Models are used to describe the way in which people search for information across a range of settings, for various purposes and are used primary within the Library and Information Science domain. The aim of this study was to understand the usage of information behaviour models by primary school librarians in library instruction, and to identify what level of understanding they had of the way learners from different cultures perceive and interact with information, and if this had any impact on how library instruction was conducted. The extent to which this occurred or did not occur was not indicated in the existing literature and so a gap was identified within the research corpus. The mixed method approach of the study incorporated desk research with a survey of primary school librarians that featured a questionnaire and semi-structured interview to collect the required data. The data collected was then compared and contrasted with the findings of the literature review; the key finding being that there is a disconnect between theoretical principals of information behaviour and the practices of LIS professionals. In addition, there are gaps in LIS training with respect to information behaviour and cultural competence which further negatively impacts the level of understanding and implementation of best practice underpinned with IB research. This highlights a serious concern for LIS professionals, particularly in schools, in developing culturally sensitive practices to promote positive information behaviours and literacies that empower and enable learners.

    The influence of culture on perceived use of public libraries by forced migrants in Scotland and England

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    The work reported in this thesis is concerned with public library use in Scotland and England by forced migrants. The findings extend knowledge of the information practices of forced migrants in the context of public libraries. These are derived from the analysis of empirical data collected from (1) formal Scottish local authority documentation on the integration of forced migrants, (2) interviews with service providers who act as integration intermediaries for forced migrant communities in the UK, and (3) community validation through interviews with forced migrants in Scotland and England.There are five contributions of the research:1. An understanding of the relationship between cultural factors and use of public library resources by forced migrants;2. The need to consider the culture of service providers in explorations of culture;3. Further understanding of the role motivational theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs has on information practices of specific communities;4. Demonstration of a novel method of validation conducted when working with participants other than that of the target population.5. An extension of work by Appleton et al. (2018), Appleton (2020), and Appleton and Hall (2022) on the epistemic role of public libraries.The specific cultural factors of social norms and information value are identified as determinants of information practices of forced migrants in public libraries. This contribution on the role of culture in the information practices of forced migrants is significant in the context of prior work with its focus on public library use by forced migrants and best practices for library staff to support them. In addition, the role of service provider culture was distinguished as an important explanatory factor alongside the culture of forced migrants. Here the detailed treatment of explanatory factors of information practices generates both theoretical and practical value for library and information science research