2,683 research outputs found

    Fast Parallel Algorithms for the Subgraph Homeomorphism & the Subgraph Isomorphism Problems for Classes of Planar Graphs

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    23 pagesWe consider the problems of subgraph homeomorphism with fixed pattern graph, recognition, and subgraph isomorphism for some classes of planar graphs. Following the results of Robertson and Seymour on forbidden minor characterization, we show that the problems of fixed subgraph homeomorphism and recognition for any family of planar graphs closed under minor taking are in NC (i.e., they can be solved by an algorithm running in poly-log time using polynomial number of processors). We also show that the related subgraph isomorphism problem for biconnected outerplanar ·graphs is in NC. This is the first example of a restriction of subgraph isomorphism to a non-trivial graph family admitting an NC algorith

    Surface Split Decompositions and Subgraph Isomorphism in Graphs on Surfaces

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    The Subgraph Isomorphism problem asks, given a host graph G on n vertices and a pattern graph P on k vertices, whether G contains a subgraph isomorphic to P. The restriction of this problem to planar graphs has often been considered. After a sequence of improvements, the current best algorithm for planar graphs is a linear time algorithm by Dorn (STACS '10), with complexity 2O(k)O(n)2^{O(k)} O(n). We generalize this result, by giving an algorithm of the same complexity for graphs that can be embedded in surfaces of bounded genus. At the same time, we simplify the algorithm and analysis. The key to these improvements is the introduction of surface split decompositions for bounded genus graphs, which generalize sphere cut decompositions for planar graphs. We extend the algorithm for the problem of counting and generating all subgraphs isomorphic to P, even for the case where P is disconnected. This answers an open question by Eppstein (SODA '95 / JGAA '99)

    Induced Minor Free Graphs: Isomorphism and Clique-width

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    Given two graphs GG and HH, we say that GG contains HH as an induced minor if a graph isomorphic to HH can be obtained from GG by a sequence of vertex deletions and edge contractions. We study the complexity of Graph Isomorphism on graphs that exclude a fixed graph as an induced minor. More precisely, we determine for every graph HH that Graph Isomorphism is polynomial-time solvable on HH-induced-minor-free graphs or that it is GI-complete. Additionally, we classify those graphs HH for which HH-induced-minor-free graphs have bounded clique-width. These two results complement similar dichotomies for graphs that exclude a fixed graph as an induced subgraph, minor, or subgraph.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. An extended abstract of this paper previously appeared in the proceedings of the 41st International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2015

    Diameter and Treewidth in Minor-Closed Graph Families

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    It is known that any planar graph with diameter D has treewidth O(D), and this fact has been used as the basis for several planar graph algorithms. We investigate the extent to which similar relations hold in other graph families. We show that treewidth is bounded by a function of the diameter in a minor-closed family, if and only if some apex graph does not belong to the family. In particular, the O(D) bound above can be extended to bounded-genus graphs. As a consequence, we extend several approximation algorithms and exact subgraph isomorphism algorithms from planar graphs to other graph families.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Grad and Classes with Bounded Expansion II. Algorithmic Aspects

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    Classes of graphs with bounded expansion are a generalization of both proper minor closed classes and degree bounded classes. Such classes are based on a new invariant, the greatest reduced average density (grad) of G with rank r, ∇r(G). These classes are also characterized by the existence of several partition results such as the existence of low tree-width and low tree-depth colorings. These results lead to several new linear time algorithms, such as an algorithm for counting all the isomorphs of a fixed graph in an input graph or an algorithm for checking whether there exists a subset of vertices of a priori bounded size such that the subgraph induced by this subset satisfies some arbirtrary but fixed first order sentence. We also show that for fixed p, computing the distances between two vertices up to distance p may be performed in constant time per query after a linear time preprocessing. We also show, extending several earlier results, that a class of graphs has sublinear separators if it has sub-exponential expansion. This result result is best possible in general

    Frequent Subgraph Mining in Outerplanar Graphs

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    In recent years there has been an increased interest in frequent pattern discovery in large databases of graph structured objects. While the frequent connected subgraph mining problem for tree datasets can be solved in incremental polynomial time, it becomes intractable for arbitrary graph databases. Existing approaches have therefore resorted to various heuristic strategies and restrictions of the search space, but have not identified a practically relevant tractable graph class beyond trees. In this paper, we define the class of so called tenuous outerplanar graphs, a strict generalization of trees, develop a frequent subgraph mining algorithm for tenuous outerplanar graphs that works in incremental polynomial time, and evaluate the algorithm empirically on the NCI molecular graph dataset

    Frequent Subgraph Mining in Outerplanar Graphs

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    In recent years there has been an increased interest in frequent pattern discovery in large databases of graph structured objects. While the frequent connected subgraph mining problem for tree datasets can be solved in incremental polynomial time, it becomes intractable for arbitrary graph databases. Existing approaches have therefore resorted to various heuristic strategies and restrictions of the search space, but have not identified a practically relevant tractable graph class beyond trees. In this paper, we define the class of so called tenuous outerplanar graphs, a strict generalization of trees, develop a frequent subgraph mining algorithm for tenuous outerplanar graphs that works in incremental polynomial time, and evaluate the algorithm empirically on the NCI molecular graph dataset

    Negative association in uniform forests and connected graphs

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    We consider three probability measures on subsets of edges of a given finite graph GG, namely those which govern, respectively, a uniform forest, a uniform spanning tree, and a uniform connected subgraph. A conjecture concerning the negative association of two edges is reviewed for a uniform forest, and a related conjecture is posed for a uniform connected subgraph. The former conjecture is verified numerically for all graphs GG having eight or fewer vertices, or having nine vertices and no more than eighteen edges, using a certain computer algorithm which is summarised in this paper. Negative association is known already to be valid for a uniform spanning tree. The three cases of uniform forest, uniform spanning tree, and uniform connected subgraph are special cases of a more general conjecture arising from the random-cluster model of statistical mechanics.Comment: With minor correction
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