390 research outputs found

    Subdivisions in the Robber Locating Game

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    We consider a game in which a cop searches for a moving robber on a graph using distance probes, which is a slight variation on one introduced by Seager. Carragher, Choi, Delcourt, Erickson and West showed that for any n-vertex graph GG there is a winning strategy for the cop on the graph G1/mG^{1/m} obtained by replacing each edge of GG by a path of length mm, if mnm \geqslant n. They conjectured that this bound was best possible for complete graphs, but the present authors showed that in fact the cop wins on K1/mK^{1/m} if and only if mn/2m \geqslant n/2, for all but a few small values of nn. In this paper we extend this result to general graphs by proving that the cop has a winning strategy on G1/mG^{1/m} provided mn/2m \geqslant n/2 for all but a few small values of nn; this bound is best possible. We also consider replacing the edges of GG with paths of varying lengths.Comment: 13 Page

    Locating a robber with multiple probes

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    We consider a game in which a cop searches for a moving robber on a connected graph using distance probes, which is a slight variation on one introduced by Seager. Carragher, Choi, Delcourt, Erickson and West showed that for any nn-vertex graph GG there is a winning strategy for the cop on the graph G1/mG^{1/m} obtained by replacing each edge of GG by a path of length mm, if mnm\geq n. The present authors showed that, for all but a few small values of nn, this bound may be improved to mn/2m\geq n/2, which is best possible. In this paper we consider the natural extension in which the cop probes a set of kk vertices, rather than a single vertex, at each turn. We consider the relationship between the value of kk required to ensure victory on the original graph and the length of subdivisions required to ensure victory with k=1k=1. We give an asymptotically best-possible linear bound in one direction, but show that in the other direction no subexponential bound holds. We also give a bound on the value of kk for which the cop has a winning strategy on any (possibly infinite) connected graph of maximum degree Δ\Delta, which is best possible up to a factor of (1o(1))(1-o(1)).Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Updated to show that Theorem 2 also applies to infinite graphs. Accepted for publication in Discrete Mathematic

    The kk-visibility Localization Game

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    We study a variant of the Localization game in which the cops have limited visibility, along with the corresponding optimization parameter, the kk-visibility localization number ζk\zeta_k, where kk is a non-negative integer. We give bounds on kk-visibility localization numbers related to domination, maximum degree, and isoperimetric inequalities. For all kk, we give a family of trees with unbounded ζk\zeta_k values. Extending results known for the localization number, we show that for k2k\geq 2, every tree contains a subdivision with ζk=1\zeta_k = 1. For many nn, we give the exact value of ζk\zeta_k for the n×nn \times n Cartesian grid graphs, with the remaining cases being one of two values as long as nn is sufficiently large. These examples also illustrate that ζiζj\zeta_i \neq \zeta_j for all distinct choices of ii and $j.

    Searching and Sorting Algorithms

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    This dissertation analyses two combinatorial questions that involve algorithmic solutions. First we consider the Robber Locating Game, a pursuit-evasion game introduced by Seager in 2012. This game is a variant of the renowned Cops and Robbers game; in this variant the robber does not disclose his location to the cop, and her aim is merely to locate rather than capture him. Although he moves around the graph as normal on his turns, on her turns she picks any vertex freely and asks how far he is from her probed vertex. We call a graph locatable if there is a possible cop strategy that will always locate the robber in finitely many moves, and non-locatable otherwise.In this dissertation we consider how much subdivision of a graph is necessary to make it locatable, establishing exact bounds in the case of complete and complete bipartite graphs, and a general (n/2 + 1) bound for all finite graphs. We also consider subdividing infinite graphs, exhibiting a sufficient subdivision function for the cases where subdividing them can make them locatable. Finally we close with a series of results about the game, including the relationship between locatability number and maximum degree and showing that every locatable graph is 4-colourable.In the second part we consider how a user can determine the ordering of a well-ordered set of elements, when he initially does not know the ordering but is given a scale. This scale takes k elements and returns the t_1, t_2, ..., t_s of them according to this ordering. We show that he cannot determine the complete ordering, since he cannot order the initial and final segments. Apart from this restriction we outline algorithms to enable the user to determine the ordering in both the online and offline cases. We show that in the online case he can determine the ordering in O(n log n) queries, and in the offline case in O(n^{k-t+1}) queries, which we show is the best possible order of the number of queries

    Sequential Metric Dimension

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    International audienceSeager introduced the following game in 2013. An invisible and immobile target is hidden at some vertex of a graph GG. Every step, one vertex vv of GG can be probed which results in the knowledge of the distance between vv and the target. The objective of the game is to minimize the number of steps needed to locate the target, wherever it is. We address the generalization of this game where k1k ≥ 1 vertices can be probed at every step. Our game also generalizes the notion of the metric dimension of a graph. Precisely, given a graph GG and two integers k,1k, ≥ 1, the Localization Problem asks whether there exists a strategy to locate a target hidden in GG in at most steps by probing at most kk vertices per step. We show this problem is NP-complete when kk (resp.,) is a fixed parameter. Our main results are for the class of trees where we prove this problem is NP-complete when kk and are part of the input but, despite this, we design a polynomial-time (+1)-approximation algorithm in trees which gives a solution using at most one more step than the optimal one. It follows that the Localization Problem is polynomial-time solvable in trees if kk is fixed

    Sequential Metric Dimension

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    International audienceIn the localization game, introduced by Seager in 2013, an invisible and immobile target is hidden at some vertex of a graph GG. At every step, one vertex vv of GG can be probed which results in the knowledge of the distance between vv and the secret location of the target. The objective of the game is to minimize the number of steps needed to locate the target whatever be its location.We address the generalization of this game where k1k\geq 1 vertices can be probed at every step. Our game also generalizes the notion of the {\it metric dimension} of a graph.Precisely, given a graph GG and two integers k,1k,\ell \geq 1, the {\sc Localization} problem asks whether there exists a strategy to locate a target hidden in GG in at most \ell steps and probing at most kk vertices per step. We first show that, in general, this problem is \textsf{NP}-complete for every fixed k1k \geq 1 (resp., 1\ell \geq 1).We then focus on the class of trees.On the negative side,we prove that the \Localization problem is \textsf{NP}-complete in trees when kk and \ell are part of the input. On the positive side, we design a (+1)(+1)-approximation algorithm for the problem in nn-node trees, {\it i.e.}, an algorithm that computes in time O(nlogn)O(n \log n) (independent of kk) a strategy to locate the target in at most one more step than an optimal strategy. This algorithm can be used to solve the \Localization problem in trees in polynomial time if kk is fixed.We also consider some of these questions in the context where, upon probing the vertices,the relative distances to the target are retrieved.This variant of the problem generalizes the notion of the {\it centroidal dimension} of a graph

    The News, January 20, 1950

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