Searching and Sorting Algorithms


This dissertation analyses two combinatorial questions that involve algorithmic solutions. First we consider the Robber Locating Game, a pursuit-evasion game introduced by Seager in 2012. This game is a variant of the renowned Cops and Robbers game; in this variant the robber does not disclose his location to the cop, and her aim is merely to locate rather than capture him. Although he moves around the graph as normal on his turns, on her turns she picks any vertex freely and asks how far he is from her probed vertex. We call a graph locatable if there is a possible cop strategy that will always locate the robber in finitely many moves, and non-locatable otherwise.In this dissertation we consider how much subdivision of a graph is necessary to make it locatable, establishing exact bounds in the case of complete and complete bipartite graphs, and a general (n/2 + 1) bound for all finite graphs. We also consider subdividing infinite graphs, exhibiting a sufficient subdivision function for the cases where subdividing them can make them locatable. Finally we close with a series of results about the game, including the relationship between locatability number and maximum degree and showing that every locatable graph is 4-colourable.In the second part we consider how a user can determine the ordering of a well-ordered set of elements, when he initially does not know the ordering but is given a scale. This scale takes k elements and returns the t_1, t_2, ..., t_s of them according to this ordering. We show that he cannot determine the complete ordering, since he cannot order the initial and final segments. Apart from this restriction we outline algorithms to enable the user to determine the ordering in both the online and offline cases. We show that in the online case he can determine the ordering in O(n log n) queries, and in the offline case in O(n^{k-t+1}) queries, which we show is the best possible order of the number of queries

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