801 research outputs found

    Reducing the impacts of intra-class spectral variability on the accuracy of soft classification and super-resolution mapping of shoreline

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    The main objective of this research is to assess the impact of intra-class spectral variation on the accuracy of soft classification and super-resolution mapping. The accuracy of both analyses was negatively related to the degree of intra-class spectral variation, but the effect could be reduced through use of spectral sub-classes. The latter is illustrated in mapping the shoreline at a sub-pixel scale from Landsat ETM+ data. Reducing the degree of intra-class spectral variation increased the accuracy of soft classification, with the correlation between predicted and actual class coverage rising from 0.87 to 0.94, and super-resolution mapping, with the RMSE in shoreline location decreasing from 41.13 m to 35.22 m

    Super-resolution land cover mapping by deep learning

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    Super-resolution mapping (SRM) is a technique to estimate a fine spatial resolution land cover map from coarse spatial resolution fractional proportion images. SRM is often based explicitly on the use of a spatial pattern model that represents the land cover mosaic at the fine spatial resolution. Recently developed deep learning methods have considerable potential as an alternative approach for SRM, based on learning the spatial pattern of land cover from existing fine resolution data such as land cover maps. This letter proposes a deep learning-based SRM algorithm (DeepSRM). A deep convolutional neural network was first trained to estimate a fine resolution indicator image for each class from the coarse resolution fractional image, and all indicator maps were then combined to create the final fine resolution land cover map based on the maximal value strategy. The results of an experiment undertaken with simulated images show that DeepSRM was superior to conventional hard classification and a suite of popular SRM algorithms, yielding the most accurate land cover representation. Consequently, methods such as DeepSRM may help exploit the potential of remote sensing as a source of accurate land cover information

    The effect of the point spread function on sub-pixel mapping

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    Abstract Sub-pixel mapping (SPM) is a process for predicting spatially the land cover classes within mixed pixels. In existing SPM methods, the effect of point spread function (PSF) has seldom been considered. In this paper, a generic SPM method is developed to consider the PSF effect in SPM and, thereby, to increase prediction accuracy. We first demonstrate that the spectral unmixing predictions (i.e., coarse land cover proportions used as input for SPM) are a convolution of not only sub-pixels within the coarse pixel, but also sub-pixels from neighboring coarse pixels. Based on this finding, a new SPM method based on optimization is developed which recognizes the optimal solution as the one that when convolved with the PSF, is the same as the input coarse land cover proportion. Experimental results on three separate datasets show that the SPM accuracy can be increased by considering the PSF effect

    The effect of the point spread function on sub-pixel mapping

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    Abstract Sub-pixel mapping (SPM) is a process for predicting spatially the land cover classes within mixed pixels. In existing SPM methods, the effect of point spread function (PSF) has seldom been considered. In this paper, a generic SPM method is developed to consider the PSF effect in SPM and, thereby, to increase prediction accuracy. We first demonstrate that the spectral unmixing predictions (i.e., coarse land cover proportions used as input for SPM) are a convolution of not only sub-pixels within the coarse pixel, but also sub-pixels from neighboring coarse pixels. Based on this finding, a new SPM method based on optimization is developed which recognizes the optimal solution as the one that when convolved with the PSF, is the same as the input coarse land cover proportion. Experimental results on three separate datasets show that the SPM accuracy can be increased by considering the PSF effect

    Sub-pixel mapping with point constraints

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    Remote sensing images contain abundant land cover information. Due to the complex nature of land cover, however, mixed pixels exist widely in remote sensing images. Sub-pixel mapping (SPM) is a technique for predicting the spatial distribution of land cover classes within mixed pixels. As an ill-posed inverse problem, the uncertainty of prediction cannot be eliminated and hinders the production of accurate sub-pixel maps. In contrast to conventional methods that use continuous geospatial information (e.g., images) to enhance SPM, in this paper, a SPM method with point constraints into SPM is proposed. The method of fusing point constraints is implemented based on the pixel swapping algorithm (PSA) and utilizes the auxiliary point information to reduce the uncertainty in the SPM process and increase map accuracy. The point data are incorporated into both the initialization and optimization processes of PSA. Experiments were performed on three images to validate the proposed method. The influences of the performances were also investigated under different numbers of point data, different spatial characters of land cover and different zoom factors. The results show that by using the point data, the proposed SPM method can separate more small-sized targets from aggregated artifacts and the accuracies are increased obviously. The proposed method is also more accurate than the advanced radial basis function interpolation-based method. The advantage of using point data is more evident when the point data size and scale factor are large and the spatial autocorrelation of the land cover is small. As the amount of point data increases, however, the increase in accuracy becomes less noticeable. Furthermore, the SPM accuracy can still be increased even if the point data and coarse proportions contain errors. © 2020 Elsevier Inc

    Principles and methods of scaling geospatial Earth science data

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    The properties of geographical phenomena vary with changes in the scale of measurement. The information observed at one scale often cannot be directly used as information at another scale. Scaling addresses these changes in properties in relation to the scale of measurement, and plays an important role in Earth sciences by providing information at the scale of interest, which may be required for a range of applications, and may be useful for inferring geographical patterns and processes. This paper presents a review of geospatial scaling methods for Earth science data. Based on spatial properties, we propose a methodological framework for scaling addressing upscaling, downscaling and side-scaling. This framework combines scale-independent and scale-dependent properties of geographical variables. It allows treatment of the varying spatial heterogeneity of geographical phenomena, combines spatial autocorrelation and heterogeneity, addresses scale-independent and scale-dependent factors, explores changes in information, incorporates geospatial Earth surface processes and uncertainties, and identifies the optimal scale(s) of models. This study shows that the classification of scaling methods according to various heterogeneities has great potential utility as an underpinning conceptual basis for advances in many Earth science research domains. © 2019 Elsevier B.V

    An iterative interpolation deconvolution algorithm for superresolution land cover mapping

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    Super-resolution mapping (SRM) is a method to produce a fine spatial resolution land cover map from coarse spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery. A popular approach for SRM is a two-step algorithm, which first increases the spatial resolution of coarse fraction images by interpolation, and then determines class labels of fine resolution pixels using the maximum a posteriori (MAP) principle. By constructing a new image formation process that establishes the relationship between observed coarse resolution fraction images and the latent fine resolution land cover map, it is found that the MAP principle only matches with area-to-point interpolation algorithms, and should be replaced by de-convolution if an area-to-area interpolation algorithm is to be applied. A novel iterative interpolation de-convolution (IID) SRM algorithm is proposed. The IID algorithm first interpolates coarse resolution fraction images with an area-to-area interpolation algorithm, and produces an initial fine resolution land cover map by de-convolution. The fine spatial resolution land cover map is then updated by re-convolution, back-projection and de-convolution iteratively until the final result is produced. The IID algorithm was evaluated with simulated shapes, simulated multi-spectral images, and degraded Landsat images, including comparison against three widely used SRM algorithms: pixel swapping, bilinear interpolation, and Hopfield neural network. Results show that the IID algorithm can reduce the impact of fraction errors, and can preserve the patch continuity and the patch boundary smoothness, simultaneously. Moreover, the IID algorithm produced fine resolution land cover maps with higher accuracies than those produced by other SRM algorithms

    Spatiotemporal subpixel mapping of time-series images

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    Land cover/land use (LCLU) information extraction from multitemporal sequences of remote sensing imagery is becoming increasingly important. Mixed pixels are a common problem in Landsat and MODIS images that are used widely for LCLU monitoring. Recently developed subpixel mapping (SPM) techniques can extract LCLU information at the subpixel level by dividing mixed pixels into subpixels to which hard classes are then allocated. However, SPM has rarely been studied for time-series images (TSIs). In this paper, a spatiotemporal SPM approach was proposed for SPM of TSIs. In contrast to conventional spatial dependence-based SPM methods, the proposed approach considers simultaneously spatial and temporal dependences, with the former considering the correlation of subpixel classes within each image and the latter considering the correlation of subpixel classes between images in a temporal sequence. The proposed approach was developed assuming the availability of one fine spatial resolution map which exists among the TSIs. The SPM of TSIs is formulated as a constrained optimization problem. Under the coherence constraint imposed by the coarse LCLU proportions, the objective is to maximize the spatiotemporal dependence, which is defined by blending both spatial and temporal dependences. Experiments on three data sets showed that the proposed approach can provide more accurate subpixel resolution TSIs than conventional SPM methods. The SPM results obtained from the TSIs provide an excellent opportunity for LCLU dynamic monitoring and change detection at a finer spatial resolution than the available coarse spatial resolution TSIs

    General solution to reduce the point spread function effect in subpixel mapping

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    The point spread function (PSF) effect is ubiquitous in remote sensing images and imposes a fundamental uncertainty on subpixel mapping (SPM). The crucial PSF effect has been neglected in existing SPM methods. This paper proposes a general model to reduce the PSF effect in SPM. The model is applicable to any SPM methods treating spectral unmixing as pre-processing. To demonstrate the advantages of the new technique it was necessary to develop a new approach for accuracy assessment of SPM. To-date, accuracy assessment for SPM has been limited to subpixel classification accuracy, ignoring the performance of reproducing spatial structure in downscaling. In this paper, a new accuracy index is proposed which considers SPM performances in classification and restoration of spatial structure simultaneously. Experimental results show that by considering the PSF effect, more accurate SPM results were produced and small-sized patches and elongated features were restored more satisfactorily. Moreover, using the novel accuracy index, the quantitative evaluation was found to be more consistent with visual evaluation. This paper, thus, addresses directly two of the longest standing challenges in SPM (i.e., the limitations of the PSF effect and accuracy assessment undertaken only on a subpixel-by-subpixel basis). © 2020 Elsevier Inc

    Fast and Slow Changes Constrained Spatio-temporal Subpixel Mapping

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    Subpixel mapping (SPM) is a technique to tackle the mixed pixel problem and produce land cover and land use (LCLU) maps at a finer spatial resolution than the original coarse data. However, uncertainty exists unavoidably in SPM, which is an ill-posed downscaling problem. Spatio-temporal SPM methods have been proposed to deal with this uncertainty, but current methods fail to explore fully the information in the time-series images, especially more rapid changes over a short-time interval. In this paper, a fast and slow changes constrained spatio-temporal subpixel mapping (FSSTSPM) method is proposed to account for fast LCLU changes over a short-time interval and slow changes over a long-time interval. Namely, both fast and slow change-based temporal constraints are proposed and incorporated simultaneously into the FSSTSPM to increase the accuracy of SPM. The proposed FSSTSPM method was validated using two synthetic datasets with various proportion errors. It was also applied to oil-spill mapping using a real PlanetScope-Sentinel-2 dataset and Amazon deforestation mapping using a real Landsat-MODIS dataset. The results demonstrate the superiority of FSSTSPM. Moreover, the advantage of FSSTSPM is more obvious with an increase in proportion errors. The concepts of the fast and slow changes, together with the derived temporal constraints, provide a new insight to enhance SPM by taking fuller advantage of the temporal information in the available time-series images