184 research outputs found

    Image Sampling with Quasicrystals

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    We investigate the use of quasicrystals in image sampling. Quasicrystals produce space-filling, non-periodic point sets that are uniformly discrete and relatively dense, thereby ensuring the sample sites are evenly spread out throughout the sampled image. Their self-similar structure can be attractive for creating sampling patterns endowed with a decorative symmetry. We present a brief general overview of the algebraic theory of cut-and-project quasicrystals based on the geometry of the golden ratio. To assess the practical utility of quasicrystal sampling, we evaluate the visual effects of a variety of non-adaptive image sampling strategies on photorealistic image reconstruction and non-photorealistic image rendering used in multiresolution image representations. For computer visualization of point sets used in image sampling, we introduce a mosaic rendering technique.Comment: For a full resolution version of this paper, along with supplementary materials, please visit at http://www.Eyemaginary.com/Portfolio/Publications.htm

    Instant Neural Radiance Fields Stylization

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    We present Instant Neural Radiance Fields Stylization, a novel approach for multi-view image stylization for the 3D scene. Our approach models a neural radiance field based on neural graphics primitives, which use a hash table-based position encoder for position embedding. We split the position encoder into two parts, the content and style sub-branches, and train the network for normal novel view image synthesis with the content and style targets. In the inference stage, we execute AdaIN to the output features of the position encoder, with content and style voxel grid features as reference. With the adjusted features, the stylization of novel view images could be obtained. Our method extends the style target from style images to image sets of scenes and does not require additional network training for stylization. Given a set of images of 3D scenes and a style target(a style image or another set of 3D scenes), our method can generate stylized novel views with a consistent appearance at various view angles in less than 10 minutes on modern GPU hardware. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the validity and superiority of our method

    MM-NeRF: Multimodal-Guided 3D Multi-Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Field

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    3D style transfer aims to render stylized novel views of 3D scenes with the specified style, which requires high-quality rendering and keeping multi-view consistency. Benefiting from the ability of 3D representation from Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), existing methods learn the stylized NeRF by giving a reference style from an image. However, they suffer the challenges of high-quality stylization with texture details for multi-style transfer and stylization with multimodal guidance. In this paper, we reveal that the same objects in 3D scenes show various states (color tone, details, etc.) from different views after stylization since previous methods optimized by single-view image-based style loss functions, leading NeRF to tend to smooth texture details, further resulting in low-quality rendering. To tackle these problems, we propose a novel Multimodal-guided 3D Multi-style transfer of NeRF, termed MM-NeRF, which achieves high-quality 3D multi-style rendering with texture details and can be driven by multimodal-style guidance. First, MM-NeRF adopts a unified framework to project multimodal guidance into CLIP space and extracts multimodal style features to guide the multi-style stylization. To relieve the problem of lacking details, we propose a novel Multi-Head Learning Scheme (MLS), in which each style head predicts the parameters of the color head of NeRF. MLS decomposes the learning difficulty caused by the inconsistency of multi-style transfer and improves the quality of stylization. In addition, the MLS can generalize pre-trained MM-NeRF to any new styles by adding heads with small training costs (a few minutes). Extensive experiments on three real-world 3D scene datasets show that MM-NeRF achieves high-quality 3D multi-style stylization with multimodal guidance, keeps multi-view consistency, and keeps semantic consistency of multimodal style guidance. Codes will be released later

    ControlDreamer: Stylized 3D Generation with Multi-View ControlNet

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    Recent advancements in text-to-3D generation have significantly contributed to the automation and democratization of 3D content creation. Building upon these developments, we aim to address the limitations of current methods in generating 3D models with creative geometry and styles. We introduce multi-view ControlNet, a novel depth-aware multi-view diffusion model trained on generated datasets from a carefully curated text corpus. Our multi-view ControlNet is then integrated into our two-stage pipeline, ControlDreamer, enabling text-guided generation of stylized 3D models. Additionally, we present a comprehensive benchmark for 3D style editing, encompassing a broad range of subjects, including objects, animals, and characters, to further facilitate research on diverse 3D generation. Our comparative analysis reveals that this new pipeline outperforms existing text-to-3D methods as evidenced by human evaluations and CLIP score metrics.Comment: Project page: https://controldreamer.github.io

    AvatarCraft: Transforming Text into Neural Human Avatars with Parameterized Shape and Pose Control

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    Neural implicit fields are powerful for representing 3D scenes and generating high-quality novel views, but it remains challenging to use such implicit representations for creating a 3D human avatar with a specific identity and artistic style that can be easily animated. Our proposed method, AvatarCraft, addresses this challenge by using diffusion models to guide the learning of geometry and texture for a neural avatar based on a single text prompt. We carefully design the optimization framework of neural implicit fields, including a coarse-to-fine multi-bounding box training strategy, shape regularization, and diffusion-based constraints, to produce high-quality geometry and texture. Additionally, we make the human avatar animatable by deforming the neural implicit field with an explicit warping field that maps the target human mesh to a template human mesh, both represented using parametric human models. This simplifies animation and reshaping of the generated avatar by controlling pose and shape parameters. Extensive experiments on various text descriptions show that AvatarCraft is effective and robust in creating human avatars and rendering novel views, poses, and shapes. Our project page is: https://avatar-craft.github.io/.Comment: ICCV 2023 Camera Read

    Fast Learning Radiance Fields by Shooting Much Fewer Rays

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    Learning radiance fields has shown remarkable results for novel view synthesis. The learning procedure usually costs lots of time, which motivates the latest methods to speed up the learning procedure by learning without neural networks or using more efficient data structures. However, these specially designed approaches do not work for most of radiance fields based methods. To resolve this issue, we introduce a general strategy to speed up the learning procedure for almost all radiance fields based methods. Our key idea is to reduce the redundancy by shooting much fewer rays in the multi-view volume rendering procedure which is the base for almost all radiance fields based methods. We find that shooting rays at pixels with dramatic color change not only significantly reduces the training burden but also barely affects the accuracy of the learned radiance fields. In addition, we also adaptively subdivide each view into a quadtree according to the average rendering error in each node in the tree, which makes us dynamically shoot more rays in more complex regions with larger rendering error. We evaluate our method with different radiance fields based methods under the widely used benchmarks. Experimental results show that our method achieves comparable accuracy to the state-of-the-art with much faster training.Comment: Accepted by lEEE Transactions on lmage Processing 2023. Project Page: https://zparquet.github.io/Fast-Learning . Code: https://github.com/zParquet/Fast-Learnin