9 research outputs found

    Studying Academic Lawyers' Information-Seeking to Inform the Design of Digital Law Libraries

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    We report findings from the initial phase of our study on legal information seeking, which comprised a series of semi-structured interviews and naturalistic observations of academic law students and staff looking for electronic legal information. This study has the long-term aim of informing the design of digital law libraries. Participants found it difficult to use digital law libraries, arising from poor knowledge of the digital library system rather than from poor general electronic research skills. Hazy and faulty system-related knowledge were rife, suggesting the need for academic lawyers to understand more about the digital library systems that they use (within-systems knowledge). These lawyers chose to rely primarily on one major digital law library for legal information seeking. Their preference was often based upon vague or flawed rationale and suggests the need for academic lawyers to appreciate the situations in which different electronic resources might be useful (between-systems knowledge)

    A Systematic Review of Information Seeking Behavior & Information Needs in Female Lawyers

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    Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to determine the legal information-seeking behavior of female lawyers. The study explores the legal information needs, methods, and barriers faced by female lawyers while seeking legal information. Methodology: In this quantitative study survey design is used. The population of this study consists of female lawyers from which a sample (n=305) is taken. A structured questionnaire was distributed among the female lawyers of Punjab province in Pakistan. The questionnaire collected data regarding demographic information, information-seeking behaviors, information needs, and barriers faced by female lawyers while seeking legal information. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS V-23) is used for data interpretation. Data presented in tables and comprised of percentages, mean, modes, standard deviation, and frequencies. Findings: The study found out that law libraries, internet, and online legal resources are available for female lawyers at the workplace. The study reported that female lawyers seek legal information for the preparation of professional cases and prefer printed material over electronic data while seeking legal information. Non-availability of a separate law library for females and lack of training to obtain digital information are among the major barriers faced by female lawyers while seeking legal information

    Databases in Courts: the Kenyan Experience

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    One of the most significant challenges faced by courts today is managing the performance of their case management system to meet growing case loads efficiently and effectively. There are many different types of technology to help in developing an electronic courtroom, but the underlying technology is the database. Databases are used by courts for maintaining case records, personnel and other court management data. But many conditions such as training and technological infrastructure need to be in place to support successful systems. This work presents the results of a survey of case management operations and practices in Kenya. Current state of technology and court operations as well as a database design plan is examined. The findings of this study present a basis for planning, designing, and implementing a successful case management database system in Kenya

    The use of electronic information resources by postgraduate students at UNISA Regional Learning Centre in Ethiopia

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the use of electronic information resources by postgraduate students at UNISA Regional Learning Centre in Ethiopia and to identify the problems they experience when using the UNISA online library. The literature review focuses on students’ information-seeking behaviour, with a particular emphasis on their usage of electronic information resources. Previous studies indicated that the context in which students’ information needs and their information-seeking behaviour arise can be determined by contextual and personal elements or factors. This study adopted a qualitative case study approach. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted to collect data from eight postgraduate students which were conveniently selected. The data were analysed by using a thematic data analysis technique. The study established that the majority of the respondents used electronic information resources. However, the availability of Internet connections and electricity determined the frequency with which e-resources were used. The students used information resources for various purposes, including for course work, doing assignments, preparing for examination, writing proposals, for literature reviews, for writing Master’s dissertations and doctoral theses, and for research. The study revealed that postgraduate students had basic computer and information literacy skills; however, they lacked more advanced skills and this negatively affected their usage of electronic information resources. The findings also reported that a lack of ICT infrastructure, such as limited Internet access, inadequate Internet connectivity and frequent electric power interruptions were the main factors that affected postgraduate students’ electronic information-seeking behaviour. Besides, the remoteness and poor facilities of the Akaki Branch Library also had a negative impact on students’ information usage. Recommendations are made in order to maximise the utilisation of electronic information resources and address students’ skills deficiencies experienced while they are using electronic information resource.Information ScienceM. A. (Information Science

    A study of lawyers’ information behaviour leading to the development of two methods for evaluating electronic resources

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    In this thesis we examine the information behaviour displayed by a broad cross-section of academic and practicing lawyers and feed our findings into the development of the Information Behaviour (IB) methods - two novel methods for evaluating the functionality and usability of electronic resources. We captured lawyers’ information behaviour by conducting naturalistic observations, where we asked participants to think aloud whilst using existing resources to ‘find information required for their work.’ Lawyers’ information behaviours closely matched those observed in other disciplines by Ellis and others, serving to validate Ellis’s existing model in the legal domain. Our findings also extend Ellis’s model to include behaviours pertinent to legal information-seeking, broaden the scope of the model to cover information use (in addition to information-seeking) behaviours and enhance the potential analytical detail of the model through the identification of a range of behavioural ‘subtypes’ and levels at which behaviours can operate. The identified behaviours were used as the basis for developing two methods for evaluating electronic resources – the IB functionality method (which mainly involves examining whether and how information behaviours are currently, or might in future be, supported by an electronic resource) and the IB usability method (which involves setting users behaviour-focused tasks, asking them to think aloud whilst performing the tasks, and identifying usability issues from the think- aloud data). Finally the IB methods were themselves evaluated by stakeholders working for LexisNexis Butterworths – a large electronic legal resource development firm. Stakeholders were recorded using the methods and focus group and questionnaire data was collected, with the aim of ascertaining how usable, useful and learnable they considered the methods to be and how likely they would be to use them in future. Overall, findings were positive regarding both methods and useful suggestions for improving the methods were made

    A user-centered usability and usefulness evaluation framework of digital libraries in the context of Ethiopia

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    Bibliography: leaves 207-224Abstracts and keywords following the AppendicesThis thesis evaluates Ethiopian higher learning institutes’ digital libraries (DLs) for their usability and usefulness. The outcome contributes knowledge by helping to propel development efforts; satisfy DL stakeholders; provide information and fill information gaps; serve as cross-reference for academicians and researchers in the discipline; make decisions and solve managerial issues in DLs of the developing world; and provide scientific interests and merits for the advancement of information systems. When undertaking usability and usefulness evaluation research in DLs, there is no agreed-upon established conceptual framework that guides researchers in the developing world. Therefore, the overall objective of this research is to propose a framework for DL evaluation that fits into the context of developing countries. As the study is concerned with users’ internal attributes, the interpretive research paradigm is applied. A qualitative research approach is employed and a case study research design is followed. Multiple data-collection techniques, namely semi-structured interviews (17 respondents), open-ended questionnaires (17 respondents) and observations (4 observations) are employed. The study encompasses four public university DLs in Ethiopia. The participants have a positive perception of all attributes of usability. Most of the attributes of usefulness are also perceived positively, except coverage. The major challenges encountered by participants are network accessibility, interruption and speed, and access restrictions imposed on some DL content. DL benefits include easy access to the DL content, enhanced teaching and research, lower cost and easy sharing of contents. The expectations of users are ensuring resource availability and sustainability, overcoming the absence of user feedback and federated search problems, and improving network infrastructure and speed. The interaction triptych framework (ITF), which is used in the current study, is a well-known framework that is commonly implemented by researchers. However, since it does not incorporate the contextual situation of developing countries, ITF has some limitations. Therefore, based on the output of this empirical research and considering the usability and usefulness themes of ITF and its relationships with other socio-technical and contextual themes, a contextual DL evaluation framework is proposed. The proposed framework emphasises the social, institutional and contextual aspects of DLs. The proposed framework has six DL components, namely: DL user; content and collection; system and technology; services and support; user interface; and context. The proposed framework is called a digital library components interaction evaluation framework.Lo mqondo uhlaziya imitapo yolwazi yedijithali (i-DLs) yezikhungo zokufunda ephezulu zase-Ethiopia ngokusebenziseka kwazo nokuba wusizo. Umphumela unikela ngolwazi ngokusiza ukuhambisa imizamo yentuthuko; ukwanelisa ababambiqhaza be-DL; ukuhlinzeka ngolwazi nokugcwalisa izikhala zolwazi; ukusebenza okubhekiswe kukho kwezifundiswa nabaphenyi emkhakheni; yenza izinqumo futhi ixazulule izingqinamba zokuphatha kuma-DL wezwe elisathuthuka; futhi unikeze izintshisekelo zesayensi kanye nokufaneleka ekuthuthukisweni kwezinhlelo zolwazi. Lapho wenza ucwaningo lokusebenziseka neliwusizo okuhlaziya kuma-DL, akukho luhlaka lomqondo okuvunyelwene ngalo oluhola abacwaningi ezweni elisathuthuka. Ngakho-ke, inhloso ephelele yalolu cwaningo ukuphakamisa uhlaka lokuhlaziya kwe-DL oluhambisana nomongo wamazwe asathuthuka. Njengoba ucwaningo luphathelene nezimpawu zangaphakathi zabasebenzisi, inqubo yocwaningo ehumushekayo iyasetshenziswa. Indlela yokucwaninga esezingeni elifanele iyasetshenziswa bese kulandelwa ukwakheka kocwaningo lwesifundo. Kusetshenziswa amasu amaningi wokuqoqa imininingwane, njengezingxoxo ezihlelwe kahle (abaphenduli abayi-17), imibuzo evulekile (abaphenduli abayi-17) kanye nokubhekwayo (okubhekwayo oku-4). Lolu cwaningo luhlanganisa ama-DL amane wemfundo ephakeme yomphakathi wase-Ethiopia. Abahlanganyeli banombono omuhle wazo zonke izici zokusebenziseka. Iningi lezimpawu eziwusizo zibonwa kahle futhi, ngaphandle kokumbozwa. Izinselela ezinkulu ababambiqhaza abahlangabezana ngazo ukufinyeleleka kwenethiwekhi, ukuphazamiseka nejubane, nemikhawulo yokufinyelela ebekiwe kokunye okuqukethwe kwe-DL. Izinzuzo ze-DL zifaka ukufinyelela okulula kokuqukethwe kwe-DL, ukufundiswa okuthuthukisiwe nocwaningo, izindleko eziphansi nokwabelana okulula kokuqukethwe. Okulindelwe abasebenzisi ukuqinisekisa ukutholakala kwezinsiza nokusimama, ukunqoba ukungabi bikho kwempendulo yomsebenzisi nezinkinga zokusesha ezihlanganisiwe, nokwenza ngcono ingqalasizinda yenethiwekhi nejubane. Uhlaka lokusebenzisana lwe-triptych (ITF), olusetshenziswa ocwaningweni lwamanje, uhlaka olwaziwa kakhulu olusetshenziswa ngokuvamile ngabaphenyi. Kodwa-ke, njengoba lungafaki isimo somongo samazwe asathuthuka, i-ITF inemikhawulo ethile. Ngakho-ke, ngokuya ngokukhishwa kwalolu cwaningo olunamandla kanye nokubheka ukusebenziseka nosizo lwezindikimba ze-ITF kanye nobudlelwano bayo nezinye izingqikithi zomphakathi nezobuchwepheshe nezingqikithi zomongo, kuhlongozwa uhlaka lokuhlaziya lomongo lwe-DL. Uhlaka oluhlongozwayo lugcizelela izici zenhlalo, zesikhungo nezingqikithi zomongo zama-DL. Uhlaka oluhlongozwayo lunezingxenye eziyisithupha ze-DL, okuyilezi: Umsebenzisi we-DL; okuqukethwe neqoqo; uhlelo nobuchwepheshe; izinsizakalo nokwesekwa; isikhombimsebenzisi somsebenzisi nomongo. Uhlaka oluhlongozwayo lubizwa ngohlaka lokuhlaziya kokusebenzisana kokuqukethwe komtapo wolwazi wedijithali.Hierdie proefskrif evalueer EthiopiĂ« se hoĂ«r leerinstellings se digitale biblioteke (DBe) ten opsigte van hulle bruikbaarheid en nuttigheid. Die uitkoms dra by tot kennis wat kan help om die ontwikkelingspogings aan te dryf; om belanghebbers van digitale biblioteke tevrede te hou; om inligting te verskaf en inligtingsgapings te vul; deur te dien as kruisverwysing vir akademici en navorsers in die vakgebied; om besluite te neem en bestuursaangeleenthede in digitale biblioteke van die ontwikkelende wĂȘreld op te los; en om wetenskaplike belange en meriete vir die bevordering van inligtingstelsels te voorsien. Wanneer bruikbaarheids- en nuttigheidsevalueringsnavorsing in digitale biblioteke onderneem word, is daar geen ooreengekome, gevestigde raamwerk wat leiding aan navorsers in die ontwikkelende wĂȘreld kan gee nie. Die algehele doelwit van hierdie navorsing was derhalwe om ’n raamwerk vir die evaluaering van digitale biblioteke voor te stel wat in die konteks van ontwikkelende lande pas. Omdat die studie gemoeid is met gebruikers se interne eienskappe, is die vertolkende paradigma gebruik. ’n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gebruik en ’n gevallestudie-navorsingsontwerp is gevolg. Veelvuldige data-insamelingstegnieke, naamlik semigestruktureerde onderhoude (17 respondente), oop vraelyste (17 respondente) en waarnemings (vier waarnemigs), is ingespan. Die studie sluit vier openbare universiteite se digitale biblioteke in EthiopiĂ« in. Die deelnemers het ’n positiewe persepsie van al die eienskappe van bruikbaarheid. Die meeste van die eienskappe van nuttigheid word ook as positief waargeneem, met die uitsluiting van voorsiening. Die grootste uitdagings wat die deelnemers ervaar het, was netwerktoeganklikheid, -onderbrekings en -spoed en die toegangbeperkings wat sommige digitale biblioteke oplĂȘ. Voordele van digitale biblioteke sluit die volgende in: toegang tot digitalebiblioteekinhoud; beter onderrig en navorsing; laer koste; en die maklike deel van inhoud met ander. Die verwagtings van gebruikers verseker hulpbronbeskikbaarheid en -volhoubaarheid, en om die afwesigheid van gebruikersterugvoer en gefedereerde soekprobleme en die verbetering van netwerkinfrastruktuur en -spoed te oorkom. Die interaksietriptiekraamwerk (ITF) wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, is ’n bekende raamwerk wat algemeen deur navorsers geĂŻmplementeer word. Omdat dit egter nie die kontekstuele situasie van ontwikkelende lande inkorporeer nie, het ITF sekere beperkings. Gebaseer op die uitset van hierdie empiriese navorsing en met die inagneming van die bruikbaarheids- en nuttigheidstemas van ITF en sy verhouding met ander sosio-tegniese en kontekstuele temas, word ’n kontekstuele digitalebiblioteekraamwerk derhalwe voorgestel. Die voorgestelde raamwerk beklemtoon die sosiale, institusionele en kontekstuele aspekte van digitale biblioteke. Die voorgestelde raamwerk het ses digitalebiblioteekkomponente, naamlik: digitalebiblioteekgebruiker; inhoud en insameling; stelsel en tegnologie; dienste en ondersteuning; gebruikerkoppelvlak; en konteks. Die voorgestelde raamwerk word ’n interaksie-evalueringsraamwerk vir digitalebiblioteekkomponente genoem.School of ComputingD. Phil. (Information Systems

    The Role of Kuwait University Libraries in Supporting Graduate Students Research

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