A Systematic Review of Information Seeking Behavior & Information Needs in Female Lawyers


Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to determine the legal information-seeking behavior of female lawyers. The study explores the legal information needs, methods, and barriers faced by female lawyers while seeking legal information. Methodology: In this quantitative study survey design is used. The population of this study consists of female lawyers from which a sample (n=305) is taken. A structured questionnaire was distributed among the female lawyers of Punjab province in Pakistan. The questionnaire collected data regarding demographic information, information-seeking behaviors, information needs, and barriers faced by female lawyers while seeking legal information. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS V-23) is used for data interpretation. Data presented in tables and comprised of percentages, mean, modes, standard deviation, and frequencies. Findings: The study found out that law libraries, internet, and online legal resources are available for female lawyers at the workplace. The study reported that female lawyers seek legal information for the preparation of professional cases and prefer printed material over electronic data while seeking legal information. Non-availability of a separate law library for females and lack of training to obtain digital information are among the major barriers faced by female lawyers while seeking legal information

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