3,194 research outputs found

    When Service Ecosystems Collapse: Understanding the Demise of the UK Green Deal

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    The concept of the service ecosystem is increasingly being drawn upon to explain the drivers, occurrences and consequences of socio-economic actors’ service exchanges towards value creation. Existing research has proposed how service ecosystems may successfully transform, but no work to our knowledge has examined how transformations may fail. To address this gap, this paper examines how a service ecosystem fails to transform and survive by developing a conceptual framework based on the concept of entropy from systems theory. A series of propositions are formulated, linking inadequate management of entropy to a service ecosystem’s subsequent state of disorder and collapse. The conceptual framework is illustrated through a unique case: the introduction and demise of the Green Deal in the UK. We propose that entropy is intrinsically embedded in systems’ trajectories and can be understood as the tendency towards loss of value co-creation. The viability of a service ecosystem depends on its capacity to reduce entropy, which requires continuous action to import resources from the environment, achieve heteropathic resource integration and/or re-institutionalise. Where systemic actors and networks of actors within the system fail to manage increasing entropy, resources from the system are dissipated back to the environment and institutional arrangements collapse

    Advanced ultrawideband imaging algorithms for breast cancer detection

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    Ultrawideband (UWB) technology has received considerable attention in recent years as it is regarded to be able to revolutionise a wide range of applications. UWB imaging for breast cancer detection is particularly promising due to its appealing capabilities and advantages over existing techniques, which can serve as an early-stage screening tool, thereby saving millions of lives. Although a lot of progress has been made, several challenges still need to be overcome before it can be applied in practice. These challenges include accurate signal propagation modelling and breast phantom construction, artefact resistant imaging algorithms in realistic breast models, and low-complexity implementations. Under this context, novel solutions are proposed in this thesis to address these key bottlenecks. The thesis first proposes a versatile electromagnetic computational engine (VECE) for simulating the interaction between UWB signals and breast tissues. VECE provides the first implementation of its kind combining auxiliary differential equations (ADE) and convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) for describing Debye dispersive medium, and truncating computational domain, respectively. High accuracy and improved computational and memory storage efficiency are offered by VECE, which are validated via extensive analysis and simulations. VECE integrates the state-of-the-art realistic breast phantoms, enabling the modelling of signal propagation and evaluation of imaging algorithms. To mitigate the severe interference of artefacts in UWB breast cancer imaging, a robust and artefact resistant (RAR) algorithm based on neighbourhood pairwise correlation is proposed. RAR is fully investigated and evaluated in a variety of scenarios, and compared with four well-known algorithms. It has been shown to achieve improved tumour detection and robust artefact resistance over its counterparts in most cases, while maintaining high computational efficiency. Simulated tumours in both homogeneous and heterogeneous breast phantoms with mild to moderate densities, combined with an entropy-based artefact removal algorithm, are successfully identified and localised. To further improve the performance of algorithms, diverse and dynamic correlation weighting factors are investigated. Two new algorithms, local coherence exploration (LCE) and dynamic neighbourhood pairwise correlation (DNPC), are presented, which offer improved clutter suppression and image resolution. Moreover, a multiple spatial diversity (MSD) algorithm, which explores and exploits the richness of signals among different transmitter and receiver pairs, is proposed. It is shown to achieve enhanced tumour detection even in severely dense breasts. Finally, two accelerated image reconstruction mechanisms referred to as redundancy elimination (RE) and annulus predication (AP) are proposed. RE removes a huge number of repetitive operations, whereas AP employs a novel annulus prediction to calculate millions of time delays in a highly efficient batch mode. Their efficacy is demonstrated by extensive analysis and simulations. Compared with the non-accelerated method, RE increases the computation speed by two-fold without any performance loss, whereas AP can be 45 times faster with negligible performance degradation

    Development of the framework for a lean, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly port: umm qasr port as a Case Study

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    The research focus is to examine rigorously how the implementation of Lean within the Umm Qasr Port improves the operation processes and to explore the Lean impact on environment improvement and energy efficiency management. In this research, the ROPMEE model has been developed by the researcher to evaluate the service quality in the cargo delivery process in the Port of Umm Qasr as it covers all the functional and non-functional areas in the cargo delivery process compared to other quality dimensions. The findings confirm that the process quality dimension is the most influential factor in service quality in the Port of Umm Qasr. The reasons for the poor performance of current practices adopted by the port are the use of traditional ways of information flow and a decision-making process that requires more time and steps within the whole process. The lack of smooth process flow is a potential cause of bottlenecks within port operation that create serious problems not only for the customer but also for the port itself. In this research, a visual representation is created of how the current value stream map for different port processes has been established on the identification and elimination of non- value-added activity or “waste” involved in delivering services in Umm Qasr port for customers. A VSM tool was applied to visually map the cargo handling flow, ship entrance, ship maneuvering and cargo clearance to display the current and future states of processes in a way that highlights opportunities for improvement. Based on the defined and classified waste according to the seven deadly wastes of Lean, this research suggests a future value stream map for port processes. The impact of the identified wastes has been quantified in terms of cost, carbon dioxide emissions working time efficiency, and energy consumption cost. This research is the first attempt to develop a Lean port model for improving port processes, as there have been no previous studies aimed at providing a holistic framework for improving port performance, which can be used by other ports. Implementing the Lean approach requires a gradual shift in work culture by involving all port employees and customers in the continuous improvement process and changing the service delivery from a push to pull system

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography, supplement 122

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    This bibliography lists 303 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1980

    Transportation Systems Analysis and Assessment

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    The transportation system is the backbone of any social and economic system, and is also a very complex system in which users, transport means, technologies, services, and infrastructures have to cooperate with each other to achieve common and unique goals.The aim of this book is to present a general overview on some of the main challenges that transportation planners and decision makers are faced with. The book addresses different topics that range from user's behavior to travel demand simulation, from supply chain to the railway infrastructure capacity, from traffic safety issues to Life Cycle Assessment, and to strategies to make the transportation system more sustainable

    Symmetry in Chaotic Systems and Circuits

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    Symmetry can play an important role in the field of nonlinear systems and especially in the design of nonlinear circuits that produce chaos. Therefore, this Special Issue, titled “Symmetry in Chaotic Systems and Circuits”, presents the latest scientific advances in nonlinear chaotic systems and circuits that introduce various kinds of symmetries. Applications of chaotic systems and circuits with symmetries, or with a deliberate lack of symmetry, are also presented in this Special Issue. The volume contains 14 published papers from authors around the world. This reflects the high impact of this Special Issue

    Australian water security and Asian food security: complexity and macroeconomics of sustainability

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    The thesis focuses on the macroeconomics of sustainable development and the extension to energy, water and food security, using a system dynamics approach, i.e. the methods of differential equations systems with initial values. The work is divided into three related parts that build a narrative concerning the interaction between economics, policy, natural resources and society. First, after reviewing the concepts of complexity in environmental security, a simple system comprising three coupled differential equations is used to explain the effects of macroeconomic business cycles on the exploitation of ecological resources, and from this is inferred an implied importance of averting business cycles. The concept of entropy production is used to represent the exploitation of ecological resources. The second part establishes a system methodology inspired by Post Keynesian economics to develop the Murray-Darling Basin Economy Simulation Model that links food production/water users and food consumers at the micro scale, to the macroeconomic system dynamics. The goal of this study is to integrate and analyze the ecological-economic system in the Murray-Darling basin. The concepts of entropy production, useful work and income distribution are used as a bridge between the micro and macro subsystems. The system parameters are estimated using an ecological-economic data set for the Murray-Darling basin and for Australia (where data of the Basin are unavailable) from 1978-2005, and the model is validated using data from 2006-2012. The results reveal important structural linkages between the two subsystems and are used to predict the consequences of business cycles and government intervention for the coordination of growth and sustainability. The third, and final, part presents the development of an ``Asian Food Security Risk Engine'' that predicts the threat of civil unrest from food insecurity in Asian developing countries. A basal characteristics index for each developing country in Asia is defined and evaluated. Based on these measures, and introducing the concept of flow of anger, we use a differential equation system to integrate the threat of food security, the trigger for food riots, and food policy. The system parameters are estimated using a data set tracking indexes for threat, trigger and policy for Asian developing countries from 2006-2008, and the model is validated using data from 2009-2012. The results show the possible alternative approaches to simulating threat severity from food insecurity and are used to predict the threat of social unrest due to food security for a given country one month ahead

    Higher dimensional time-energy entanglement

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    Judging by the compelling number of innovations based on taming quantum mechanical effects, such as the development of transistors and lasers, further research in this field promises to tackle further technological challenges in the years to come. This statement gains even more importance in the information processing scenario. Here, the growing data generation and the correspondingly higher need for more efficient computational resources and secure high bandwidth networks are central problems which need to be tackled. In this sense, the required CPU minituarization makes the design of structures at atomic levels inevitable, as foreseen by Moore's law. From these perspectives, it is necessary to concentrate further research efforts into controlling and manipulating quantum mechanical systems. This enables for example to encode quantum superposition states to tackle problems which are computationally NP hard and which therefore cannot be solved efficiently by classical computers. The only limitation affecting these solutions is the low scalability of existing quantum systems. Similarly, quantum communication schemes are devised to certify the secure transmission of quantum information, but are still limited by a low transmission bandwidth. This thesis follows the guideline defined by these research projects and aims to further increase the scalability of the quantum mechanical systems required to perform these tasks. The method used here is to encode quantum states into photons generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). An intrinsic limitation of photons is that the scalability of quantum information schemes employing them is limited by the low detection efficiency of commercial single photon detectors. This is addressed by encoding higher dimensional quantum states into two photons, increasing the scalability of the scheme in comparison to multi-photon states. Further on, the encoding of quantum information into the emission-time degree of freedom improves its applicability to long distance quantum communication schemes. By doing that, the intrinsic limitations of other schemes based on the encoding into the momentum and polarization degree of freedom are overcome. This work presents results on a scalable experimental implementation of time-energy encoded higher dimensional states, demonstrating the feasibility of the scheme. Further tools are defined and used to characterize the properties of the prepared quantum states, such as their entanglement, their dimension and their preparation fidelity. Finally, the method of quantum state tomography is used to fully determine the underlying quantum states at the cost of an increased measurement effort and thus operation time. It is at this point that results obtained from the research field of compressed sensing help to decrease the necessary number of measurements. This scheme is compared with an adaptive tomography scheme designed to offer an additional reconstruction speedup. These results display the scalability of the scheme to bipartite dimensions higher than 2x8, equivalent to the encoding of quantum information into more than 6 qubits.Es ist in den letzten Jahren immer deutlicher geworden, dass weitere Forschung zur Untersuchung von quantenmechanischen Systemen durchgeführt werden muss um die wachsenden Probleme in der heutigen Informationstechnologie zu adressieren. Insbesondere sticht hier die exponentiell wachsende Nachfrage nach Computerressourcen und nach sicheren Kommunikationsprotokollen mit hoher Bandbreite hervor, um der weiter wachsenden Datengenerationsrate standzuhalten. Dies stösst auf fundamentale Grenzen, wie die erforderliche Miniaturisierung von Prozessorstrukturen (CPUs) auf atomare Dimensionen demonstriert. Von dieser Perspektive her ist es erforderlich weitere Forschung zur Kontrolle und Manipulation von Quantenzuständen durchzuführen, wie sie zum Beispiel im Feld der Quanteninformation erfolgt ist. Diese Strategie ermöglicht es von weiteren Eigenschaften der Quantenmechanik, wie zum Beispiel der Präparation von Superpositionszuständen, Gebrauch zu machen. Dies ist insbesondere relevant, da es ermöglicht NP harte Probleme zu lösen, die durch klassische Computer nicht effizient gelöst werden können. Allerdings sind bisher experimentell realisierte quantenmechanische Systeme noch nicht skalierbar genug um den Anforderungen der klassischen Technologie gerecht zu werden. Ähnlichen Argumenten folgend sind Quantenkommunikationssysteme, die die Sicherheit von Kommunikationsprotokolle zertifizieren können, noch nicht in der Lage angemessene Bandbreiten zu gewährleisten. Diese Doktorarbeit gliedert sich diesen Forschungsprojekten an, mit dem Ziel die Skalierbarkeit von quantenmechanischen Systemen zu vergrössern und entsprechend den genannten Anforderungen gerecht zu machen. Die Strategie die hier verfolgt wird basiert auf die Kodierung von Quantenzuständen in Photonenpaare, die durch den Prozess der Spontanen Parametrischen Down-conversion (SPDC) erzeugt werden. Dieses Verfahren bringt allerdings eine limitierte Skalierbarkeit der Quantensysteme mit sich, da die Detektionseffizienz von kommerziell erhältlichen Einzelphotonendetektoren limitiert ist. Dieses Problem wird in dieser Arbeit umgangen indem die Quantenzustände in höher dimensionale Hilberträume eines Zweiphotonenzustands kodiert werden, was einen deutlichen Vorteil gegenüber der Kodierung in einen Mehrphotonenzustand darstellt. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Kodierung der Quantenzustände in den Emissionszeit Freiheitsgrad der Photonen intrinsische Vorteile bei ihrer Anwendung auf die Quantenkommunikation. Hier ist insbesondere der Vorteil gegenüber der Kodierung in den Impuls- und Polarisationsfreiheitsgrad gemeint, die durch deutliche Einschränkungen bei der Transmission über lange Strecken gekennzeichnet sind. Mit einem Augenmerk auf diese Ziele wird in dieser Arbeit die experimentelle Umsetzbarkeit des beschriebenen Schemas gezeigt. Dies wurde durch die Anwendung von geeigneten Maßen wie die Verschränkung, Dimension und Präparationsfidelity auf die generierten Zustände quantifiziert. Insbesondere bei der Abschätzung der Fidelity wurde von Forschungsergebnissen rund um Compressed Sensing Gebrauch gemacht und weiter mit einem adaptiven Messschema kombiniert, um die effektive Betriebszeit dieser Systeme zu verringern. Dies ist für die weitere skalierbare Anwendung zur Quanteninformationsverarbeitung von Vorteil. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass eine Skalierbarkeit der Dimension des Systems auf grösser als 2x8 Dimensionen, äquivalent zur Dimension eines 6-Qubit Zustands, in der Reichweite einer experimentellen Umsetzung liegt