670 research outputs found

    Soil compaction loosener

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    Soil compaction is a potential problem in many agricultural soils due to the increasing mass of agricultural vehicles and equipment and tendency of farmers to work fields when soil is wet. A review of literature showed that some control measures can be taken such as controlling traffic to reduce compaction or use of tillage to remove the effects of compaction. Many implements have been used to loosen compacted soil, but in their design compaction depth was not considered and also these implements are designed for full width tillage as opposed to tillage only in the zone that has been compacted by traffic. A controllable device that would remove soil compaction immediately after being trafficked by the agricultural vehicle is needed;A relationship between compaction depth and sinkage depth was developed from literature describing previous research. Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to verify this relationship. In the laboratory experiment soil at varying water contents was compacted with a metal plate made to simulate the tractor tire. Different stresses were used to create different sinkage depths. Bulk density and sinkage depth formed as a result of stress applied were measured. Bulk density of the control soil was subtracted from bulk density of the compacted soil and the difference was used to determine the depth at which the stress applied increased bulk density by 0.05 Mg/m[superscript]3. In the field experiment, a tractor with different tire inflation pressures and with different axle loads was used to traffic plots to create different sinkage depths. Bulk density samples were taken and analyzed as in the laboratory experiment to determine the compaction depth. A curve fitting technique was used to determine the best curve to represent the data. Results showed that compaction depth, Y, can be related to sinkage depth, X, by the empirical relationship, Y = bX[superscript] m where b and m are constants. The laboratory experiment on Webster silty clay loam soil showed compaction depth to be related to sinkage depth by Y = 52.5X[superscript]0.32 with R[superscript]2 of 0.82. The field experiment on Nicollet loam soil showed compaction depth to be related to sinkage depth by Y = 13.9X[superscript]0.73 with R[superscript]2 of 0.50;A double layer soil compaction loosener was developed. The design chosen was selected from three models tested on dry and wet soil in an indoor soil bin. A field experiment to measure sinkages formed by a tractor with different inflation pressures on the rear tires and different axle loads was conducted to evaluate the performance of the loosener. Depth of tillage with the loosener was controlled by the equation Y = 13.9X[superscript]0.73. Tillage of the trafficked soil with the soil loosener reduced bulk density from 1.48 to 1.26 Mg/m[superscript]3 and cone index from 406 to 55 kPa

    Site-Specific Conditions Change the Response of Bacterial Producers of Soil Structure-Stabilizing Agents Such as Exopolysaccarides and Lipopolysaccarides to Tillage Intensity

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    Agro-ecosystems experience huge losses of land every year due to soil erosion induced by poor agricultural practices such as intensive tillage. Erosion can be minimized by the presence of stable soil aggregates, the formation of which can be promoted by bacteria. Some of these microorganisms have the ability to produce exopolysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides that "glue" soil particles together. However, little is known about the influence of tillage intensity on the bacterial potential to produce these polysaccharides, even though more stable soil aggregates are usually observed under less intense tillage. As the effects of tillage intensity on soil aggregate stability may vary between sites, we hypothesized that the response of polysaccharide-producing bacteria to tillage intensity is also determined by site-specific conditions. To investigate this, we performed a high-throughput shotgun sequencing of DNA extracted from conventionally and reduced tilled soils from three tillage system field trials characterized by different soil parameters. While we confirmed that the impact of tillage intensity on soil aggregates is site-specific, we could connect improved aggregate stability with increased absolute abundance of genes involved in the production of exopolysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides. The potential to produce polysaccharides was generally promoted under reduced tillage due to the increased microbial biomass. We also found that the response of most potential producers of polysaccharides to tillage was site-specific, e.g., Oxalobacteraceae had higher potential to produce polysaccharides under reduced tillage at one site, and showed the opposite response at another site. However, the response of some potential producers of polysaccharides to tillage did not depend on site characteristics, but rather on their taxonomic affiliation, i.e., all members of Actinobacteria that responded to tillage intensity had higher potential for exopolysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide production specifically under reduced tillage. This could be especially crucial for aggregate stability, as polysaccharides produced by different taxa have different "gluing" efficiency. Overall, our data indicate that tillage intensity could affect aggregate stability by both influencing the absolute abundance of genes involved in the production of exopolysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides, as well as by inducing shifts in the community of potential polysaccharide producers. The effects of tillage intensity depend mostly on site-specific conditions

    Development and Performance Evaluation of Instrumented Subsoilers in Breaking Soil Hard-Pan

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    Four instrumented subsoilers were developed for alleviation of compaction on agricultural land.  Draughts and soil disturbance of the subsoilers were measured during operation at the outdoor soil bin. Straight shank subsoiler (SSS), semi-parabolic subsoiler (SPS), parabolic ‘C’ shank subsoiler (CSS) and winged subsoiler (WSB) were designed and constructed for use by the tool carrier in loosening soil hard pan. Soil cone penetrometer (CP40II, 333 mm3, 60o cone tip angle) and electronic moisture meter were used to take readings at various locations and depths on the soil bin before and after subsoiling. Soil samples were taken to laboratory for analysis for physico-chemical properties. Each of the shanks was hitched to the tool bar of the carrier. A 100 kN calibrated load cell was connected to the tool carrier via the drawbar of a 31.6 kW (MF 415) Massey Fergusson tractor. The load cell was connected to the data logger via instrumentation amplifier. Laptop computer system was connected to the data logger to download the draught data for each shank which was operated at four levels of depth - 20, 30, 40 and 50 cm. Profilometer of dimension 80 by 75 cm height and width respectively was used to measure the area of soil disturbance by each subsoiler. Data collected were analyzed to establish relevant relationships between subsoiler draughts and tillage parameters in the form of correlation, regression models and graphs. Results showed that the best subsoiler in terms of draught reduction was parabolic C-shank subsoiler (CSS) with 4.581 kN, followed by semi-parabolic subsoiler (SPS) with draught of 4.905 kN at depth of 40 cm. At this working depth the SSS, WSB and SSS37 had draughts of 6.874, 7.003 and 7.385 kN respectively. Thus WSB had the highest power requirement followed by straight shank subsoiler at 370 rake angle (SSS37), both had 34.09 and 31.20 kW at 50 cm depth respectively. Thus at 20 cm depth of operation WSB and SSS37 subsoilers had 13.95 and 14.29 kW respectively. CSS had the lowest power requirement followed by SPS with 5.55 and 7.76 kW respectively. Straight shank subsoiler at 370 rake angle, SSS37 showed the highest soil loosening ability at all the depths followed by WSB, SPS, SSS and CSS respectively. Thus, at 50 cm highest working depth SSS had 0.0451 m2 followed by SPS with 0.0487 m2, while CSS, WSB and SSS37 had 0.0403, 0.0683 and 0.1061 m2 respectively. Regression equations were established for the draught of each subsoiler. They all had R2 of more than 99 %. Draught of subsoilers had high positive correlation with depth, cone index (CI) and bulk density (BD), and negative correlation with soil moisture (MC) and porosity (PR)

    Design and development of subsoiler-cum-differential rate fertilizer applicator

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    A subsoiler-cum-differential rate fertilizer applicator was designed and developed by selecting the best parameters from previous studies.  The equipment consisted of a rectangular frame, a main winged tine, two shallow leading winged tines, a depth control device, a fertilizer box of 100 kg capacity, positive feed type fertilizer metering devices and a ground wheel with chain and sprockets for transmitting power to the metering mechanism.  The equipment had the option to place fertilizers up to a 500 mm soil depth by the main winged tine and delivering fertilizer up to 250 mm deep using the leading tines, thereby helping place fertilizer at different depths in vertical soil profile in a single pass.  All three tines had independent metering systems.  Options were provided to meter and deliver either 33.3% or 25.0% or 20.0% of the total recommended fertilizers with the main tine and the remaining amount through two shallow leading tines.  The laboratory evaluations indicated a coefficient of uniformity of more than 90% for application rates of 250, 500, 750 and 1,000 kg/ha.  The equipment was tested in the field to observe its performance on sugarcane with results showing an increase of 16.2%, 16.4% and 35.4% in yield as compared to conventional ploughing with in-furrow fertilizer application (Control).  Subsoiling alone increased the cane weight, number of millable cane and cane yield by 4.3%, 11.4% and 15.9% compared to the control.Keywords: Subsoiling, differential rate fertilizer placement, sugarcane Citation: Mandal S., and T. C. Thakur.  Design and development of subsoiler-cum-differential rate fertilizer applicator. Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal, 2010, 12(1): 74-83

    Soil Fragmentation and Friability. Effects of Soil Water and Soil Management

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    Soil fragmentation is a primary aim in most tillage operations in order to create a soil environment favourable for crop establishment and growth. Soils vary around the world from those exhibiting a self-mulching nature to those of a hardsetting nature. These extremes have been reported for Australian and other tropical and subtropical soils. In humid temperate climates, soil tillage is generally needed in order to produce a favourable environment for crop establishment and growth. The ease of preparing a favourable arable layer depends on complex interactions between climate, soil and the tillage implement. Especially soil water affects soil strength and fragmentation properties and thereby the ease of preparing a suitable arable layer. Soil management affects soil fragmentation and friability indirectly through effects on soil structure formation and stabilization and directly through the influence of soil tillage and traffic. The overall purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of soil fragmentation and friability as affected by soil management and soil water regime. The reaction of the soil upon tillage was evaluated within the concept of soil tilth as defined by Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) "the physical condition of soil as related to its ease of tillage, fitness as a seedbed, and its impedance to seedling emergence and root penetration". The study involved soils from two case studies, the Askov long-term experiment on animal manure and mineral fertilizers, a field experiment with non-inversion tillage and a field experiment on compaction and intensive tillage. All the soils included in the study were humid sandy loams predominantly developed on Weichselian glacial moraine deposits. The soils were classified as Oxy aquic Agriudolls/Glossic Phaeozems according to Soil Taxonomy/WRB except for the Askov soil that was classified as Ultic Hapludalfs/Dystric Luvisols according to Soil Taxonomy/WRB. For all soils the clay content ranged from about 12 to 21 g per 100g-1 and soil organic matter ranged from 1.8 to 3.9 g 100g-1. The case studies included two long-term forage cropping system soils with a grass ley in the crop rotation (DFG(1) and DFG(2)), which were compared with a neighbouring counterpart. DFG(1) was compared with a forage cropping system soil without grass ley in the crop rotation (i.e., only annual crops), labelled DFA, whereas DFG(2) was compared with a continuously cash cropped soil with very low input of organic matter (no animal manure and straw removed), labelled CCC. An unfertilized (UNF), animal manured (AM) and a mineral fertilized (NPK) soil was included from the Askov long-term experiment on animal manure and mineral fertilizers established in 1894. The tillage experiment included a non-inversion tilled soil, labelled NINV, (non-inversion subsoil loosening to 35 cm depth and seedbed preparation with rotovator) and a conventionally tilled soil, labelled CONV, (mouldboard ploughing to 22 cm and secondary tine cultivation). The experiment on soil compaction and intensive tillage involved two "extreme" tillage and traffic treatments and a reference treatment (REF). The extreme treatments were soil compaction (PAC) and intensive tillage (INT) that were performed on wet soil just after spring ploughing and prior to seedbed preparation. The field experiments on non-inversion tillage, and soil compaction and intensive tillage were both conducted at the organically managed Rugballegård Research Station. Ease of tillage is commonly extrapolated from measurement of tensile strength in a compression test using air-dry or oven-dry aggregates. This procedure may lead to erroneous conclusion on soil behaviour of moist soil in the field. Therefore a multi-level analytical strategy was followed, i.e., soil fragmentation and friability were characterized using qualitative and quantitative in situ, on-field and laboratory methods. Soil fragmentation and friability were assessed in the field qualitatively by visual examination and quantitatively by employing a simple drop-shatter fragmentation test, denoted soil drop test. The energy input in the soil drop test was low in comparison with the energy input in typical seedbed cultivation. However, the soil drop test was sensitive enough to display significant differences between treatments in most cases. In the laboratory soil fragmentation and friability were evaluated by measuring tensile strength and specific rupture energy on field-sampled aggregates. In general, tensile strength was determined on air-dry aggregates and in some cases on aggregates adjusted to pressure potentials in the range -100 hPa to -166 MPa (air-dry). In addition, a direct tension test was developed to measure tensile strength of moist soil without making assumptions on the mode of failure. Undisturbed field-sampled soil cores were used in the test. The method was applicable at high matric potentials (-50 and -100 hPa) but not at -300 hPa. The direct tension test results corresponded well with the predicted values determined from the indirect measurements of aggregate tensile strength. In general, a fairly good agreement was found between the different methods in the hierarchy of methods applied. This indicates that sophisticated laboratory methods for assessing soil strength and fragmentation characteristics may well be used for evaluating soil behaviour under conditions prevailing in the field at the time of tillage. Nevertheless, it is recommended that laboratory methods are evaluated by using simple field methods at times and soil conditions appropriate for tillage. The friability index showed in general a low sensitivity to long- and short-term differences in soil management. However, a clear effect of soil water was found, i.e. maximum friability index values at -300 to -1000 hPa pressure potential. The effect of soil water on tensile strength and specific rupture energy of aggregates and on estimation of friability was investigated. As expected the study revealed the paramount influence of soil water. Interactions between soil water regime and treatment were found for cropping system soils (DFG(2) vs. CCC) and the fertilization treatments (UNF, NPK and AM) but not for the compaction treatments (PAC vs. REF). It was concluded that it might be hazardous to characterize soil fragmentation and friability properties of different treatments based on measurements at a single pressure potential and significant influence of pore characteristics was detected. Macroporosity was found to correlate to tensile strength and friability index. However, a clear correlation between tensile strength properties and pore geometry characteristics (e.g. tortuousity and continuity) was not shown. This may be due to large small-scale variations in these properties, i.e. the samples for tensile strength determination were taken next to the samples for pore characterization. Marked long-term effects of cropping systems and fertilization were found. For two neighbouring soils with a high input of organic matter, poorer soil mechanical characteristics were found for a soil with grass in the rotation (DFG(1)) than for a soil solely grown with annual crops (mainly cereals). This difference in strength and friability characteristics may be related to a higher amount of biological structural binding and bonding agents in the soil with grass included in the rotation. Two soils with high inputs of organic matter (DFG(2) and AM) displayed more desirable aggregate strength and soil fragmentation characteristics than their counterparts (CCC and UNF, respectively) receiving low inputs of organic matter. Evidence suggests that cementation of dispersed clay was a determining factor for the stronger increase in aggregate tensile strength with increased dryness (decreased pressure potential) found for the CCC and UNF soils receiving low inputs of organic matter compared with DFG(2) and AM. An early-stage effect of non-inversion tillage treatment (NINV) resulted in a poorer soil tilth in the topsoil layer (i.e., higher soil strength and lower ease of fragmentation and friability index) than for a conventionally mouldboard ploughed soil (CONV). Surprisingly, the effect of tillage on topsoil tilth was clearer by the end of the growing season in September than in May. This indicates that natural soil processes occurring during the growing season were not able eliminate the differences between the primary tillage treatments. Soil compaction (PAC) resulted in strongly increased aggregate tensile strength at all the investigated water regimes (i.e., pressure potentials: -100 hPa to -166 MPa) in comparison with a reference treatment (REF). Surprisingly, soil compaction did not significantly affect the specific rupture energy of the aggregates. This was related to a clear difference in the stress-strain relationship for the soils. Aggregates from the compacted soil failed at higher stress but at lower strain than aggregates from the reference soil (i.e., higher Young modulus, (Y/()). This was characteristic for all size-classes and at all pressure potentials. The results obtained in this study indicate that the prediction of soil fragmentation from tensile strength properties of soil elements may be very complex. We need more basic understanding of the fragmentation of "unconfined" soil at the different size-scales (aggregates to bulk soil) and the correlation between the different scales in order to be able to predict soil fragmentation in tillage (mainly superficial tillage) from a priori information. More specifically, the role of soil biology and soil water and pore characteristics needs to be studied in further detail. The development of new methods and the application of well-know methods to quantify soil fragmentation and friability of soil at conditions similar to soil conditions at tillage (including water content) has been a primary aim in this thesis. However, there is still a strong need to develop new methods and modify existing methods to quantify soil fragmentation and friability under controlled conditions. This study shows that soil compaction and intensive tillage significantly influence soil fragmentation and friability. Increasingly heavier machinery and - to some extent - more intensive seedbed preparation (PTO-driven implements) are being used in Danish agriculture. A thorough evaluation of this development on soil fragmentation and friability is needed. Furthermore, the accumulated knowledge of soil fragmentation and tensile failure in soil ought to be implemented in the design of new tillage implements

    Modelling soil-sweep interaction with discrete element method

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    dimensional (3D) discrete element method (DEM) model for the simulation of soil-sweep interaction. The aim was to understand the effects of the sweep rake angle (β) and speed on draught and soil loosening. It implements computer aided design (CAD) systems to simulate the sweep geometry. The DEM model output was validated by comparing simulated and corresponding actual soil bin measurements using a cohesive wet sandy soil. Cohesion of the wet sandy soil was assigned using a parallel bond contact model, where the normal and shear stiffness of the bond, the normal and shear strength, and the size of the connecting geometry were the main parameters. Following the comparison between the simulated and measured draught based on input parameters measured with a direct shear box test, virtual DEM triaxial compression analyses were performed to refine the DEM model parameters including cohesion, internal friction angle, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio, using the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Results showed that the comparison between the measured and predicted draught of a sweep tine with a 30° β provided good match, with rather small error range of 4-15% for selected speed interval of 0.5-2.4 m s-1. A further refinement of the model parameters with the DEM triaxial test led to improved prediction accuracy of draught to be in the range of 4-9%. The displacement vectors of the soil in front of the sweep showed a similar soil failure pattern to a wedge-shape failure. Both soil loosening and draught increased with the travel speed and the sweep rake angle, where the largest porosity (0.489) and draught (4452 N) were calculated for a rake angle of 45° and a tool speed of 4 m s-1. It can be concluded that the developed DEM model is a useful tool to simulate the interaction between soil and sweep tines accurately

    Effect of paraplowing on soil properties and crop yield under irrigated management

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    Limitations on water infiltration and soil aeration through compaction processes have the potential to limit production in irrigated agricultural fields. This project was conducted to determine the impact of sub-soiling with a paraplow (Howard Rotavator) on soil physical properties and processes that are important in affecting soil-water relations and productivity. The paraplow was the subsoiler selected for use in this study because of its ability to loosen the soil at the depth of plowing while producing minimal surface disturbance. The research plots were located on Chernozem and Vertisol soils in the Brown soil zone in the Lake Diefenbaker irrigation district near Birsay, SK. Irrigated and dryland sites were used for comparison. Sub-soiling was able to consistently reduce bulk density of the soil and effects persisted for one to two years under normal precipitation conditions. Excessively wet conditions (2010 and 2011) reduced the effectiveness of the sub-soiling. Tillage induced porosity in the soil was associated with a greater infiltration capacity measured in the field. Yield benefits in crops grown (canola, flax, wheat) from sub-soiling were variable under the wet conditions of 2010 and 2011. A greater benefit was observed under the normal precipitation conditions of 2012 on sites that were paraplowed in 2011. Subsoiling at a depth of 45cm and a row spacing of 45cm (manufacturer’s recommended configuration) was more effective than shallower depth and wider row spacing treatments. A significant yield benefit was only observed at the dryland site established in 2011, and limited yield benefit was observed in the irrigated sites. Over the three years of the study, annual yields from sub-soiling were on average about 5% higher than the un-tilled control. However, yield benefits were variable depending on crop and year. Given an estimated cost of subsoiling of ~$30 per acre, a benefit of sub-soiling that lasts one year would produce close to break-even conditions, and sub-soiling benefits that are consistent and last longer than one year are needed to be cost effective

    Subsoil improvement for sustainable intensification : impact of loosening with straw incorporation or liming on subsoil properties, crop performance and water quality

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    Subsoil has a high capacity for nutrient and water retention, but arable subsoil is often nutrient poor, carbon-deficient and compacted, affecting both root growth and yield. In field and lysimeter experiments, this thesis investigated the effects of subsoil loosening and loosening with cereal straw incorporation (24-60 Mg ha-1) (loosening + straw) on crop yield, soil properties (bulk density, penetration resistance, moisture characteristics) and leaching. A rectangular metal tube welded behind each tine of a deep loosener was used to inject straw as a slurry in the field, while subsoil was loosened and mixed manually with milled straw in lysimeter studies. In laboratory experiments, subsoil was limed with different amounts of CaCO3 and CaO to increase soil pH from 7.0 to 7.5, 8.0 and 8.4 and incubated for 22 months to examine changes in soil structural stability and dissolved reactive phosphorus. Field subsoil loosening + straw significantly increased soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and water holding capacity. It also decreased bulk density, from around 1.5 Mg m-3 in the control to about 1.0 Mg m-3. The effects of loosening + straw persisted for at least three years, but loosening alone had weak and short-lived effects. Loosening + straw significantly increased grain yield in the first cropping season (6% higher than the control), but not in the following two years. Nitrogen balance calculations of lysimeters showed that short-term nitrogen losses were lowest in the subsoil loosening + straw treatment and that nitrogen leaching was reduced by about 62%. In incubations, subsoil liming decreased clay dispersion. Wet aggregate stability and concentration of dissolved reactive phosphorus increased and peaked around pH 7.8 and 7.5, respectively. Combining loosening with straw incorporation into subsoil appeared to improve soil properties and water quality, but not crop yield on the experimental soil. On other soil types, this practice may have more beneficial effects

    A multi sensor data fusion approach for creating variable depth tillage zones

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    Efficiency of tillage depends largely on the nature of the field, soil type, spatial distribution of soil properties and the correct setting of the tillage implement. However, current tillage practice is often implemented without full understanding of machine design and capability leading to lowered efficiency and further potential damage to the soil structure. By modifying the physical properties of soil only where the tillage is needed for optimum crop growth, variable depth tillage (VDT) has been shown to reduce costs, labour, fuel consumption and energy requirements. To implement VDT it is necessary to determine and map soil physical properties, spatially and with depth through the soil profile. In this research a multi-sensor and data fusion approach was developed that augmented data collected with an electromagnetic sensor with a standard penetrometer, and conventional methods for the measurement of bulk density (BD) and moisture content (MC). Packing density values were recorded for eight soil layers of 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-25, 25-30 30-35 and 35-40 cm. From the results only 62% of the site required the deepest tillage at 38 cm, 16% required tillage at 33 cm and 22% required no tillage at all. The resultant maps of packing density were shown to be a useful tool to guide VDT operations. The results provided in this study indicate that the new multi-sensor and data fusion approach introduced is a useful approach to map layered soil compaction to guide VDT operations

    Влияние глубокого рыхления междурядий на физические свойства дерново-подзолистой почвы и урожайность органического картофеля

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    The purpose of this research is to study the effect of deep loosening of row spacings on the physical properties of the soil and yield of organic potatoes. Two variants of soil cultivation were used in row spacings: usual and 25 cm deep. The soil cultivation was carried out with a row-crop chisel cultivator. Its design was developed at the institute. Analysis of the data obtained as a result of experimental studies showed that deep loosening of row spacings had a positive effect on soil compaction both in the inter-row width and directly in the plough ridge. The soil compaction in the row spacing during normal tillage was in average above 20 %, and in the ridge by an average of 13 % compared to deep tillage. The assimilation of moisture by the soil with when using of deep loosening of row spacings also had a positive trend, especially under condition of a large amount of precipitation in a short period of time. Thus, with a loss of 34 mm, the soil in the variant with loosening the row spacings in a larger volume absorbed moisture and the moisture indicators increased sharply in layers, at 15 cm by 27 %, at 25 cm by 20 %, at 35 cm by 5 %. Potato yield increased by 8.7 % when using deep loosening of row spacings. The obtained results of experimental studies should be used as recommendations when carrying out technological operations aimed at caring for potato plantings.Целью данного исследования является изучение влияния глубокого рыхления междурядий на физические свойства почвы и урожайность органического картофеля. В междурядьях использовалось два варианта обработки почвы: обычный и на глубину 25 см. Обработка почвы проводилась с помощью пропашного культиватора-глубокорыхлителя, конструкция которого разработана в ИАЭП. Анализ данных, полученных в результате экспериментальных исследований, показал, что глубокое рыхление междурядий положительно сказалось на уплотнении почвы как по ширине междурядий, так и непосредственно в гребне. Уплотнение почвы в междурядьях при обычной обработке почвы было в среднем выше 20 %, а на гребне в среднем на 13 % по сравнению с глубокой обработкой почвы. Усвоение влаги почвой с использованием глубокого рыхления междурядий также имело положительную динамику, особенно в условиях выпадения большого количества осадков за короткий промежуток времени. Таким образом, при выпадении 34 мм почва в варианте с рыхлением междурядий в большем объеме усвоила влагу и показатели влажности резко повысились в слоях, на 15 см – на 27 %, на 25 см – на 20 %, на 35 см – на 5 %. Урожайность картофеля увеличилась на 8,7 % при использовании глубокого рыхления междурядий. Полученные результаты экспериментальных рекомендуется использовать при проведении технологических операций, направленных на уход за посадками картофеля