84 research outputs found

    Data Analytics and Performance Enhancement in Edge-Cloud Collaborative Internet of Things Systems

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    Based on the evolving communications, computing and embedded systems technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) systems can interconnect not only physical users and devices but also virtual services and objects, which have already been applied to many different application scenarios, such as smart home, smart healthcare, and intelligent transportation. With the rapid development, the number of involving devices increases tremendously. The huge number of devices and correspondingly generated data bring critical challenges to the IoT systems. To enhance the overall performance, this thesis aims to address the related technical issues on IoT data processing and physical topology discovery of the subnets self-organized by IoT devices. First of all, the issues on outlier detection and data aggregation are addressed through the development of recursive principal component analysis (R-PCA) based data analysis framework. The framework is developed in a cluster-based structure to fully exploit the spatial correlation of IoT data. Specifically, the sensing devices are gathered into clusters based on spatial data correlation. Edge devices are assigned to the clusters for the R-PCA based outlier detection and data aggregation. The outlier-free and aggregated data are forwarded to the remote cloud server for data reconstruction and storage. Moreover, a data reduction scheme is further proposed to relieve the burden on the trunk link for data uploading by utilizing the temporal data correlation. Kalman filters (KFs) with identical parameters are maintained at the edge and cloud for data prediction. The amount of data uploading is reduced by using the data predicted by the KF in the cloud instead of uploading all the practically measured data. Furthermore, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) assisted IoT system is particularly designed for large-scale monitoring. Wireless sensor nodes are flexibly deployed for environmental sensing and self-organized into wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A physical topology discovery scheme is proposed to construct the physical topology of WSNs in the cloud server to facilitate performance optimization, where the physical topology indicates both the logical connectivity statuses of WSNs and the physical locations of WSN nodes. The physical topology discovery scheme is implemented through the newly developed parallel Metropolis-Hastings random walk based information sampling and network-wide 3D localization algorithms, where UAVs are served as the mobile edge devices and anchor nodes. Based on the physical topology constructed in the cloud, a UAV-enabled spatial data sampling scheme is further proposed to efficiently sample data from the monitoring area by using denoising autoencoder (DAE). By deploying the encoder of DAE at the UAV and decoder in the cloud, the data can be partially sampled from the sensing field and accurately reconstructed in the cloud. In the final part of the thesis, a novel autoencoder (AE) neural network based data outlier detection algorithm is proposed, where both encoder and decoder of AE are deployed at the edge devices. Data outliers can be accurately detected by the large fluctuations in the squared error generated by the data passing through the encoder and decoder of the AE

    Network Topology Mapping from Partial Virtual Coordinates and Graph Geodesics

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    For many important network types (e.g., sensor networks in complex harsh environments and social networks) physical coordinate systems (e.g., Cartesian), and physical distances (e.g., Euclidean), are either difficult to discern or inapplicable. Accordingly, coordinate systems and characterizations based on hop-distance measurements, such as Topology Preserving Maps (TPMs) and Virtual-Coordinate (VC) systems are attractive alternatives to Cartesian coordinates for many network algorithms. Herein, we present an approach to recover geometric and topological properties of a network with a small set of distance measurements. In particular, our approach is a combination of shortest path (often called geodesic) recovery concepts and low-rank matrix completion, generalized to the case of hop-distances in graphs. Results for sensor networks embedded in 2-D and 3-D spaces, as well as a social networks, indicates that the method can accurately capture the network connectivity with a small set of measurements. TPM generation can now also be based on various context appropriate measurements or VC systems, as long as they characterize different nodes by distances to small sets of random nodes (instead of a set of global anchors). The proposed method is a significant generalization that allows the topology to be extracted from a random set of graph shortest paths, making it applicable in contexts such as social networks where VC generation may not be possible.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1712.1006


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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become one of the most important topics in wireless communication during the last decade. WSNs integrates many different technologies such as in hardware, software, data fusion, and applications. Hence, WSNs has received recently special research activities. WSNs have so many applications in different areas such as health-care systems, monitoring and control systems, rescue systems, and military applications. Since WSNs are usually deployed with large numbers of nodes in wide areas, they should be reliable, inexpensive, with very low power consumption, and with high redundancy to preserve the life-time of the whole network. In this M.Sc. thesis we consider one extremely important research topic in WSNs which is the mobility control. The mobility control is analyzed theoretically as well as with extensive simulations. In the simulation scenarios, static sensor nodes are first randomly deployed to the decided area. Then a reference trajectory for the mobile node is created based on the observed point phenomena, and the network guides the mobile node to move along the trajectory. A simulation platform called PiccSIM is used to simulate the scenarios. It is developed by the Communication and Control Engineering Groups at Helsinki University of Technology (TKK). The obtained results from these simulations are discussed and analyzed. This work opens the doors for more real applications in this area in the nearby future.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Application of Wireless Sensor Networks for Indoor Temperature Regulation

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    International audienceWireless sensor networks take a major part in our everyday lives by enhancing systems for home automation, healthcare, temperature control, energy consumption monitoring, and so forth. In this paper we focus on a system used for temperature regulation for residential, educational, industrial, and commercial premises, and so forth. We propose a framework for indoor temperature regulation and optimization using wireless sensor networks based on ZigBee platform. This paper considers architectural design of the system, as well as implementation guidelines. The proposed system favors methods that provide energy savings by reducing the amount of data transmissions through the network. Furthermore, the framework explores techniques for localization, such that the location of the nodes can be used by algorithms that regulate temperature settings


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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are modern technologies used to sense/control the environment whether indoors or outdoors. Sensor nodes are miniatures that can sense a specific event according to the end user(s) needs. The types of applications where such technology can be utilised and implemented are vast and range from households’ low end simple need applications to high end military based applications. WSNs are resource limited. Sensor nodes are expected to work on a limited source of power (e.g., batteries). The connectivity quality and reliability of the nodes is dependent on the quality of the hardware which the nodes are made of. Sensor nodes are envisioned to be either stationary or mobile. Mobility increases the issues of the quality of the operation of the network because it effects directly on the quality of the connections between the nodes

    Visualized Algorithm Engineering on Two Graph Partitioning Problems

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    Concepts of graph theory are frequently used by computer scientists as abstractions when modeling a problem. Partitioning a graph (or a network) into smaller parts is one of the fundamental algorithmic operations that plays a key role in classifying and clustering. Since the early 1970s, graph partitioning rapidly expanded for applications in wide areas. It applies in both engineering applications, as well as research. Current technology generates massive data (“Big Data”) from business interactions and social exchanges, so high-performance algorithms of partitioning graphs are a critical need. This dissertation presents engineering models for two graph partitioning problems arising from completely different applications, computer networks and arithmetic. The design, analysis, implementation, optimization, and experimental evaluation of these models employ visualization in all aspects. Visualization indicates the performance of the implementation of each Algorithm Engineering work, and also helps to analyze and explore new algorithms to solve the problems. We term this research method as “Visualized Algorithm Engineering (VAE)” to emphasize the contribution of the visualizations in these works. The techniques discussed here apply to a broad area of problems: computer networks, social networks, arithmetic, computer graphics and software engineering. Common terminologies accepted across these disciplines have been used in this dissertation to guarantee practitioners from all fields can understand the concepts we introduce

    A supporting infrastructure for Wireless Sensor Networks in Critical Industrial Environments

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    Tese de doutoramento no Programa de Doutoramento em Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra.As Redes de Sensores Sem Fios (RSSFs) têm uma aplicabilidade muito elevada nas mais diversas áreas, como na indústria, nos sistemas militares, na saúde e nas casas inteligentes. No entanto, continuam a existir várias limitações que impedem que esta tecnologia tenha uma utilização extensiva. A fiabilidade é uma destas principais limitações que tem atrasado a adopção das RSSFs em ambientes industriais, principalmente quando sujeitos a elevadas interferências e ruídos. Por outro lado, a interoperabilidade é também um dos principais requisitos a cumprir nomeadamente com o avanço para o paradigma da Internet of Things. A determinação da localização dos nós, principalmente dos nós móveis, é, também ele, um requisito crítico em muitas aplicações. Esta tese de doutoramento propõe novas soluções para a integração e para a localização de RSSFs que operem em ambientes industriais e críticos. Como os nós sensores são, na maioria das vezes, instalados e deixados sem intervenção humana durante longos períodos de tempo, isto é, meses ou mesmo anos, é muito importante oferecer processos de comunicação fiável. No entanto, muitos problemas ocorrem durante a transmissão dos pacotes, nomeadamente devido a ruídos, interferências e perda de potência do sinal. A razão das interferências deve-se à existência de mais do que uma rede ou ao espalhamento espectral que ocorre em determinadas frequências. Este tipo de problemas é mais severo em ambientes dinâmicos nos quais novas fontes de ruído pode ser introduzidas em qualquer instante de tempo, nomeadamente com a chegadas de novos dispositivos ao meio. Consequentemente, é necessário que as RSSFs tenham a capacidade de lidar com as limitações e as falhas nos processos de comunicação. O protocolo Dynamic MAC (DunMAC) proposto nesta dissertação utiliza técnicas de rádio cognitivo (CR) para que a RSSF se adapte, de forma dinâmica, a ambientes instáveis e ruidosos através da selecção automática do melhor canal durante o período de operação. As RSSFs não podem operar em isolação completa do meio, e necessitam de ser monitoradas e controladas por aplicações externas. Apesar de ser possível adicionar a pilha protocolar IP aos nós sensores, este procedimento não é adequado para muitas aplicações. Para estes casos, os modelos baseados em gateway ou proxies continuam a apresentar-se preferíveis para o processo de integração. Um dos desafios existentes para estes processos de integração é a sua adaptabilidade, isto é, a capacidade da gateway ou do proxy poder ser reutilizado sem alterações por outras aplicações. A razão desta limitação deve-se aos consumidores finais dos dados serem aplicações e não seres humanos. Logo, é difícil ou mesmo impossível criar normas para as estruturas de dados dada a infinidade de diferentes formatos. É então desejável encontrar uma solução que permita uma integração transparente de diferentes RSSFs e aplicações. A linguagem Sensor Traffic Description Language (STDL) proposta nesta dissertação propõe uma solução para esta integração através de gateways e proxies flexíveis e adaptados à diversidade de aplicações, e sem recorrer à reprogramação. O conhecimento da posição dos nós sensores é, também ele, crítico em muitas aplicações industriais como no controlo da deslocação dos objectos ou trabalhadores. Para além do mais, a maioria dos valores recolhidos dos sensores só são úteis quando acompanhados pelo conhecimento do local onde esses valores foram recolhidos. O Global Positioning Systems (GPS) é a mais conhecida solução para a determinação da localização. No entanto, o recurso ao GPS em cada nó sensor continua a ser energeticamente ineficiente e impraticável devido aos custos associados. Para além disso, os sistemas GPS não são apropriados para ambientes in-door. Este trabalho de doutoramento propõe-se actuar nestas áreas. Em particular, é proposto, implementado e avaliado o protocolo DynMAC para oferecer fiabilidade às RSSFs. Para a segunda temática, a linguagem STDL e o seu motor são propostos para suportar a integração de ambientes heterogéneos de RSSFs e aplicações. As soluções propostas não requerem reprogramação e suportam também serviços de localização nas RSSFs. Diferentes métodos de localização foram avaliados para estimar a localização dos nós. Assim, com estes métodos as RSSFs podem ser usadas como componentes para integrar e suportar a Futura Internet. Todas as soluções propostas nesta tese foram implementadas e validadas tanto em simulação com em plataformas práticas, laboratoriais e industriais.The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has a countless number of applications in almost all of the fields including military, industrial, healthcare, and smart home environments. However, there are several problems that prevent the widespread of sensor networks in real situations. Among them, the reliability of communication especially in noisy industrial environments is difficult to guarantee. In addition, interoperability between the sensor networks and external applications is also a challenge. Moreover, determining the position of nodes, particularly mobile nodes, is a critical requirement in many types of applications. My original contributions in this thesis include reliable communication, integration, localization solutions for WSNs operating in industrial and critical environments. Because sensor nodes are usually deployed and kept unattended without human intervention for a long duration, e.g. months or even years, it is a crucial requirement to provide the reliable communication for the WSNs. However, many problems arise during packet transmission and are related to the transmission medium (e.g. signal path-loss, noise and interference). Interference happens due to the existence of more than one network or by the spectral spread that happens in some frequencies. This type of problem is more severe in dynamic environments in which noise sources can be introduced at any time or new networks and devices that interfere with the existing one may be added. Consequently, it is necessary for the WSNs to have the ability to deal with the communication failures. The Dynamic MAC (DynMAC) protocol proposed in this thesis employs the Cognitive Radio (CR) techniques to allow the WSNs to adapt to the dynamic noisy environments by automatically selecting the best channel during its operation time. The WSN usually cannot operate in complete isolation, but it needs to be monitored, controlled and visualized by external applications. Although it is possible to add an IP protocol stack to sensor nodes, this approach is not appropriate for many types of WSNs. Consequently, the proxy and gateway approach is still a preferred method for integrating sensor networks with external networks and applications. The problem of the current integration solutions for WSNs is the adaptability, i.e., the ability of the gateway or proxy developed for one sensor network to be reused, unchanged, for others which have different types of applications and data frames. One reason behind this problem is that it is difficult or even impossible to create a standard for the structure of data inside the frame because there are such a huge number of possible formats. Consequently, it is necessary to have an adaptable solution for easily and transparently integrating WSNs and application environments. In this thesis, the Sensor Traffic Description Language (STDL) was proposed for describing the structure of the sensor networks’ data frames, allowing the framework to be adapted to a diversity of protocols and applications without reprogramming. The positions of sensor nodes are critical in many types of industrial applications such as object tracking, location-aware services, worker or patient tracking, etc. In addition, the sensed data is meaningless without the knowledge of where it is obtained. Perhaps the most well-known location-sensing system is the Global Positioning System (GPS). However, equipping GPS sensor for each sensor node is inefficient or unfeasible for most of the cases because of its energy consumption and cost. In addition, GPS is not appropriate in some environments, e.g., indoors. Similar to the original concept of WSNs, the localization solution should also be cheap and with low power consumption. This thesis aims to deal with the above problems. In particular, in order to add the reliability for WSN, DynMAC protocol was proposed, implemented and evaluated. This protocol adds a mechanism to automatically deal with the noisy and changeable environments. For the second problem, the STDL and its engine provide the adaptable capability to the framework for interoperation between sensor networks and external applications. The proposed framework requires no reprogramming when deploying it for new applications and protocols of WSNs. Moreover, the framework also supports localization services for positioning the unknown position sensor nodes in WSNs. The different localization methods are employed to estimate the location of mobile nodes. With the proposed framework, WSNs can be used as plug and play components for integrating with the Future Internet. All the proposed solutions were implemented and validated using simulation and real testbeds in both the laboratory and industrial environments

    A Survey of System Architecture Requirements for Health Care-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have emerged as a viable technology for a vast number of applications, including health care applications. To best support these health care applications, WSN technology can be adopted for the design of practical Health Care WSNs (HCWSNs) that support the key system architecture requirements of reliable communication, node mobility support, multicast technology, energy efficiency, and the timely delivery of data. Work in the literature mostly focuses on the physical design of the HCWSNs (e.g., wearable sensors, in vivo embedded sensors, et cetera). However, work towards enhancing the communication layers (i.e., routing, medium access control, et cetera) to improve HCWSN performance is largely lacking. In this paper, the information gleaned from an extensive literature survey is shared in an effort to fortify the knowledge base for the communication aspect of HCWSNs. We highlight the major currently existing prototype HCWSNs and also provide the details of their routing protocol characteristics. We also explore the current state of the art in medium access control (MAC) protocols for WSNs, for the purpose of seeking an energy efficient solution that is robust to mobility and delivers data in a timely fashion. Furthermore, we review a number of reliable transport layer protocols, including a network coding based protocol from the literature, that are potentially suitable for delivering end-to-end reliability of data transmitted in HCWSNs. We identify the advantages and disadvantages of the reviewed MAC, routing, and transport layer protocols as they pertain to the design and implementation of a HCWSN. The findings from this literature survey will serve as a useful foundation for designing a reliable HCWSN and also contribute to the development and evaluation of protocols for improving the performance of future HCWSNs. Open issues that required further investigations are highlighted
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