23 research outputs found

    The relationship between thermoregulatory and haemodynamic responses of the skin to relaxation and stress

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    The present study investigated the effects of stress and relaxation on (1) EEG coherence and (2) peripheral blood flow. EEG coherence of two meditators in two different but adjacent rooms was measured during eyes opened, eyes closed, single meditation and group meditation. The skin temperatures of the subjects together with their room temperatures were also recorded. EEG coherence plots (Cospar) showed a spread out of the alpha band to the beta, theta and occasionally to the delta wave bands during group meditation. The area above the 0.98 coherence threshold in the alpha band was greater during group meditation than during single meditation and eyes closed. The peripheral blood flow study included measurement of arterial and venous blood volume, and temperature of the fingertips. Finger blood flow and temperature were measured by photoplethysmography and thermistor, respectively. The mean of the peak cross correlation between the blood volume and the temperature of the fingertips of the nine cases studied was 0.9236 ± 0.0408. The finger temperature closely followed that of the finger blood flow but at a slower rate. It was also observed that the finger blood flow and the temperature increased during eyes closed relaxation, but decreased during stressful state. Changes in venous blood volume (temperature), corresponded to changes in the amplitude of the arterial blood volume. Thus, during relaxation the finger arterioles are vasodilated, and during stress they are vasoconstricted

    Survey of Machine Learning Techniques in the Analysis of EEG Signals for Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review.

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    Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects 7–10 million people worldwide. Its diagnosis is clinical and can be supported by image-based tests, which are expensive and not always accessible. Electroencephalograms (EEG) are non-invasive, widely accessible, low-cost tests. However, the signals obtained are difficult to analyze visually, so advanced techniques, such as Machine Learning (ML), need to be used. In this article, we review those studies that consider ML techniques to study the EEG of patients with PD. Methods: The review process was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, which are used to provide quality standards for the objective evaluation of various studies. All publications before February 2022 were included, and their main characteristics and results were evaluated and documented through three key points associated with the development of ML techniques: dataset quality, data preprocessing, and model evaluation. Results: 59 studies were included. The predominating models were Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In total, 31 articles diagnosed PD with a mean accuracy of 97.35 ± 3.46%. There was no standard cleaning protocol for EEG and a great heterogeneity in EEG characteristics was shown, although spectral features predominated by 88.37%. Conclusions: Neither the cleaning protocol nor the number of EEG channels influenced the classification results. A baseline value was provided for the PD diagnostic problem, although recent studies focus on the identification of cognitive impairment.post-print1392 K

    Signal Processing Of An Ecg Signal In The Presence Of A Strong Static Magnetic Field

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of elevation of the T wave of an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the MRI, due to the strong static magnetic field the interaction of the blood flow with this strong magnetic field induces a voltage in the body. This voltage appears as a superimposition at the locus of the T wave of the ECG signal. This looses important information required by the doctors to interpret the ST segment of the ECG and detect diseases such as myocardial infarction. This dissertation aims at finding a solution to the problem of elevation of the T wave of an ECG signal in the MRI. The first step is to simulate the entire situation and obtain the magnetic field dependent T wave elevation. This is achieved by building a model of the aorta and simulating the blood flow in it. This model is then subjected to a static magnetic field and the surface potential on the thorax is measured to observe the T wave elevation. The various parameters on which the T wave elevation is dependent are then analyzed. Different approaches are used to reduce this T wave elevation problem. The direct approach aims at computing the magnitude of T wave elevation using magneto-hydro-dynamic equations. The indirect approach uses digital signal processing tools like the least mean square adaptive filter to remove the T wave elevation and obtain artifact free ECG signal in the MRI. Excellent results are obtained from the simulation model. The model perfectly simulates the ECG signal in the MRI at all the 12 leads of the ECG. These results are compared with ECG signals measured in the MRI. A simulation package is developed in MATLAB based on the simulation model. This package is a graphical user interface allowing the user to change the strength of magnetic field, the radius of the aorta and the orientation of the aorta with respect to the heart and observe the ECG signals with the elevation at the 12 leads of the ECG. Also the artifacts introduced due to the magnetic field can be removed by the least mean square adaptive filter. The filter adapts the ECG signal in the MRI to the ECG signal of the patient outside the MRI. Before the adaptation, the heart rate of the ECG outside the MRI is matched to the ECG in the MRI by interpolation or decimation. The adaptive filter works excellently to remove the T wave artifacts. When the cardiac output of the patient changes, the simulation model is used along with the adaptive filter to obtain the artifact free ECG signal

    The modelling and control of remotely operated underwater vehicles

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    This thesis considers the design and evaluation of autopilots for Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles (ROVs), unmanned submarines used in offshore oil, salvage and military applications. A very comprehensive hydrodynamic model of a ROV produced by the National Maritime Institute, Feltham, Middlesex, is subjected to an extensive verification study. It is concluded that conventional hydrodynamic modelling techniques are very expensive and uncertain and hence any ROV autopilot must be, in some manner, adaptive; that is, independent of 'a priori' knowledge of the vehicle. The theory, implementation and simulated performance of three different adaptive autopilots is presented, based on the NMI model. Two of these systems use multivariable recursive system identification techniques to estimate the performance of the vehicle on-line. These methods are also discussed as an alternative route to ROV models. A summary of the thesis is given along with recommendations for areas which require further study. An appendix is included which describes a series of tank trials at Admiralty Research Establishment (Haslar); one of the goals of these tests was to validate this simulation study

    Assessing Variability of EEG and ECG/HRV Time Series Signals Using a Variety of Non-Linear Methods

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    Time series signals, such as Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Electrocardiogram (ECG) represent the complex dynamic behaviours of biological systems. The analysis of these signals using variety of nonlinear methods is essential for understanding variability within EEG and ECG, which potentially could help unveiling hidden patterns related to underlying physiological mechanisms. EEG is a time varying signal, and electrodes for recording EEG at different positions on the scalp give different time varying signals. There might be correlation between these signals. It is important to know the correlation between EEG signals because it might tell whether or not brain activities from different areas are related. EEG and ECG might be related to each other because both of them are generated from one co-ordinately working body. Investigating this relationship is of interest because it may reveal information about the correlation between EEG and ECG signals. This thesis is about assessing variability of time series data, EEG and ECG, using variety of nonlinear measures. Although other research has looked into the correlation between EEGs using a limited number of electrodes and a limited number of combinations of electrode pairs, no research has investigated the correlation between EEG signals and distance between electrodes. Furthermore, no one has compared the correlation performance for participants with and without medical conditions. In my research, I have filled up these gaps by using a full range of electrodes and all possible combinations of electrode pairs analysed in Time Domain (TD). Cross-Correlation method is calculated on the processed EEG signals for different number unique electrode pairs from each datasets. In order to obtain the distance in centimetres (cm) between electrodes, a measuring tape was used. For most of our participants the head circumference range was 54-58cm, for which a medium-sized I have discovered that the correlation between EEG signals measured through electrodes is linearly dependent on the physical distance (straight-line) distance between them for datasets without medical condition, but not for datasets with medical conditions. Some research has investigated correlation between EEG and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) within limited brain areas and demonstrated the existence of correlation between EEG and HRV. But no research has indicated whether or not the correlation changes with brain area. Although Wavelet Transformations (WT) have been performed on time series data including EEG and HRV signals to extract certain features respectively by other research, so far correlation between WT signals of EEG and HRV has not been analysed. My research covers these gaps by conducting a thorough investigation of all electrodes on the human scalp in Frequency Domain (FD) as well as TD. For the reason of different sample rates of EEG and HRV, two different approaches (named as Method 1 and Method 2) are utilised to segment EEG signals and to calculate Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient for each of the EEG frequencies with each of the HRV frequencies in FD. I have demonstrated that EEG at the front area of the brain has a stronger correlation with HRV than that at the other area in a frequency domain. These findings are independent of both participants and brain hemispheres. Sample Entropy (SE) is used to predict complexity of time series data. Recent research has proposed new calculation methods for SE, aiming to improve the accuracy. To my knowledge, no one has attempted to reduce the computational time of SE calculation. I have developed a new calculation method for time series complexity which could improve computational time significantly in the context of calculating a correlation between EEG and HRV. The results have a parsimonious outcome of SE calculation by exploiting a new method of SE implementation. In addition, it is found that the electrical activity in the frontal lobe of the brain appears to be correlated with the HRV in a time domain. Time series analysis method has been utilised to study complex systems that appear ubiquitous in nature, but limited to certain dynamic systems (e.g. analysing variables affecting stock values). In this thesis, I have also investigated the nature of the dynamic system of HRV. I have disclosed that Embedding Dimension could unveil two variables that determined HRV

    Aeronautical Engineering, A Continuing Bibliography With Indexes

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    This bibliography lists 693 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in September 1984

    Intelligent Transportation Related Complex Systems and Sensors

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    Building around innovative services related to different modes of transport and traffic management, intelligent transport systems (ITS) are being widely adopted worldwide to improve the efficiency and safety of the transportation system. They enable users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and smarter decisions on the use of transport networks. Current ITSs are complex systems, made up of several components/sub-systems characterized by time-dependent interactions among themselves. Some examples of these transportation-related complex systems include: road traffic sensors, autonomous/automated cars, smart cities, smart sensors, virtual sensors, traffic control systems, smart roads, logistics systems, smart mobility systems, and many others that are emerging from niche areas. The efficient operation of these complex systems requires: i) efficient solutions to the issues of sensors/actuators used to capture and control the physical parameters of these systems, as well as the quality of data collected from these systems; ii) tackling complexities using simulations and analytical modelling techniques; and iii) applying optimization techniques to improve the performance of these systems. It includes twenty-four papers, which cover scientific concepts, frameworks, architectures and various other ideas on analytics, trends and applications of transportation-related data

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 1

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. Topics addressed include: redundant manipulators; man-machine systems; telerobot architecture; remote sensing and planning; navigation; neural networks; fundamental AI research; and reasoning under uncertainty

    Future Computer Requirements for Computational Aerodynamics

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    Recent advances in computational aerodynamics are discussed as well as motivations for and potential benefits of a National Aerodynamic Simulation Facility having the capability to solve fluid dynamic equations at speeds two to three orders of magnitude faster than presently possible with general computers. Two contracted efforts to define processor architectures for such a facility are summarized

    Technology 2001: The Second National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, volume 2

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    Proceedings of the workshop are presented. The mission of the conference was to transfer advanced technologies developed by the Federal government, its contractors, and other high-tech organizations to U.S. industries for their use in developing new or improved products and processes. Volume two presents papers on the following topics: materials science, robotics, test and measurement, advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, electronics, and software engineering