4,156 research outputs found

    Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission (ART) program-Boeing helicopters status report

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    The Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission (ART) program is structured to incorporate key emerging material and component technologies into an advanced rotorcraft transmission with the intention of making significant improvements in the state of the art (SOA). Specific objectives of ART are: (1) Reduce transmission weight by 25 pct.; (2) Reduce transmission noise by 10 dB; and (3) Improve transmission life and reliability, while extending Mean Time Between Removal to 5000 hr. Boeing selected a transmission sized for the Tactical Tilt Rotor (TTR) aircraft which meets the Future Air Attack Vehicle (FAVV) requirements. Component development testing will be conducted to evaluate the high risk concepts prior to finalizing the advanced transmission configuration. The results of tradeoff studies and development test which were completed are summarized

    Multi-mesh gear dynamics program evaluation and enhancements

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    A multiple mesh gear dynamics computer program was continually developed and modified during the last four years. The program can handle epicyclic gear systems as well as single mesh systems with internal, buttress, or helical tooth forms. The following modifications were added under the current funding: variable contact friction, planet cage and ring gear rim flexibility options, user friendly options, dynamic side bands, a speed survey option and the combining of the single and multiple mesh options into one general program. The modified program was evaluated by comparing calculated values to published test data and to test data taken on a Hamilton Standard turboprop reduction gear-box. In general, the correlation between the test data and the analytical data is good

    Dynamic Modelling of Power Transmission Systems of Transport Means

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    The article presents the concept and up to now developed stages of the simulation program for the analysis of dynamic phenomena occurring during the operation of power transmission systems of various means of transport. Currently completed stages of work allow simulation of drive systems with cylindrical gear or planetary gear. The starting points for the implementation of the assumed goal were earlier developed by author considering two independent dynamic models of drive systems with a simple single-stage cylindrical gear and with a planetary gear. Naval and vessel power transmission systems are one example of the fields of application of the developed program. The spread of mechanical propulsion in shipping, which occurred in the nineteenth century, led to different research problems. These include, above all, fuel consumption, which resulted, among others from the efficiency of the entire system. The need to ensure proper performance, avoid unplanned voyage breaks or meet environmental requirements, imposed by increasingly stringent emission standards, results in the search for effective power transmission system solutions and optimization methods for existing ones. One of such methods is dynamic modeling of drive systems, and an example tool that enables the use of this method is the simulation program presented in the article. During development of the concept of the simulation program we admitted the assumption that the model shall enable the determination of dynamic phenomena that occurs in various construction designs of power transmission systems in both - constant and variable conditions of their operation. Thanks to this, the simulation program can be used in two directions of research. The first direction of research is the optimization of newly designed and existing drive systems, and especially the optimization of the construction of toothed gears. It is possible, among others by taking into account the actual, not only assumed, nominal operating conditions. Besides, the dynamic model used by the simulation program allows a wide range of modifications to numerous design features of the system, including the geometry of toothed gear elements. The second direction of research is the development of efficient methods for detecting local damages of system components. Simulation of various combinations of defects in the power transmission system, including damages of gears and bearings, allows also for more effective improvement of present diagnostic algorithms of toothed gears working in power transmission systems of various transport means

    An analytical method for designing low noise helicopter transmissions

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    The development and experimental validation of a method for analytically modeling the noise mechanism in the helicopter geared power transmission systems is described. This method can be used within the design process to predict interior noise levels and to investigate the noise reducing potential of alternative transmission design details. Examples are discussed

    Drive train dynamic analysis

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    A method for parametric variations in drive train dynamic analysis is described. The method models the individual components of a drive system, forms the appropriate system interface coordinates and, calculates the system dynamic response at particular frequencies. Application of the method for prediction of the dynamic response characteristics of a helicopter transmission, and a comparison of results with test data are also included

    Study on vibration characteristics and tooth profile modification of a plus planetary gear set

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    The governing vibration differential equation of a plus planetary gear set has derived from the Lagrange method. Its three often neglected components are considered: [1] the meshing damping, [2] the elastic bearing support of the sun wheel, [3] and the angles between the movement direction of the planet carrier and the gear meshing line. A simulation model for a plus planetary gear set is built. The influence that the key components have on vibration characteristics is analyzed. Model validation is performed by comparing the theoretical, simulated and measured natural frequencies. In order to reduce vibration and noise, a comprehensive finite element model of a plus planetary gear set is built. It provides useful information on dynamic transmission errors of the plus planetary gear set. The tooth profile modification is optimized by using the genetic algorithm. The optimal tooth profile modification is validated by the results of the experiment

    Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission (ART) program

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    Work performed by the McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company and Lucas Western, Inc. within the U.S. Army/NASA Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission (ART) Program is summarized. The design of a 5000 horsepower transmission for a next generation advanced attack helicopter is described. Government goals for the program were to define technology and detail design the ART to meet, as a minimum, a weight reduction of 25 percent, an internal noise reduction of 10 dB plus a mean-time-between-removal (MTBR) of 5000 hours compared to a state-of-the-art baseline transmission. The split-torque transmission developed using face gears achieved a 40 percent weight reduction, a 9.6 dB noise reduction and a 5270 hour MTBR in meeting or exceeding the above goals. Aircraft mission performance and cost improvements resulting from installation of the ART would include a 17 to 22 percent improvement in loss-exchange ratio during combat, a 22 percent improvement in mean-time-between-failure, a transmission acquisition cost savings of 23 percent of 165K,perunit,andanaveragetransmissiondirectoperatingcostsavingsof33percent,or165K, per unit, and an average transmission direct operating cost savings of 33 percent, or 24K per flight hour. Face gear tests performed successfully at NASA Lewis are summarized. Also, program results of advanced material tooth scoring tests, single tooth bending tests, Charpy impact energy tests, compact tension fracture toughness tests and tensile strength tests are summarized

    Effect of tooth profile modification on the durability of planetary hub gears

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    Planetary systems offer the advantage of desired speed-torque variation with a lighter, compact and coaxial construction than the traditional gear trains. Frictional losses and Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) refinement are the main concerns. Modification of gear teeth geometry to reduce friction between the mating teeth flanks of vehicular planetary hubs, as well as refining NVH under varying load-speed conditions is one of the remedial actions. However, implementing modifications can result in reduced structural integrity and system durability. Therefore, a contradiction may arise between assuring a high degree of durability and achieving better transmission efficiency, which necessitates detailed system optimisation. An integrated multi-disciplinary analytical approach, including tribology and sub-surface stress analysis is developed. As a preliminary step, Tooth Contact Analysis (TCA) is performed to obtain contact footprint shape of meshing gear teeth pairs, as well as contact kinematics and applied load distribution. Then, an analytical time-efficient Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (EHL) analysis of elliptical point contact of crowned spur gear tooth is carried out to observe the effect of gear tip relief modification upon planetary hub sub-surface stresses

    Microgeometrical Tooth Profile Modification Influencing Efficiency of Planetary Hub Gears

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    Planetary hub systems offer desired speed and torque variation with a lighter, compact and coaxial construction than the traditional gear trains. Generated friction between the mating teeth flanks of vehicular planetary hubs under varying load-speed conditions is one of the main sources of power loss. Modification of gear tooth geometry as well as controlling the contacting surface topography is the remedial action. The paper studies the effect of tooth crowning and tip relief upon system efficiency. It includes an analytical elastohydrodynamic analysis of elliptical point contact of crowned spur gear teeth. The analysis also includes the effect of direct contact of asperities on the opposing meshing surfaces. Tooth contact analysis (TCA) is used to obtain the contact footprint shape as well as contact kinematics and load distribution. A parametric study is carried out to observe the effect of gear teeth crowning and tip relief with different levels of surface finish upon the planetary hubs’ power loss