3,751 research outputs found

    Sensing technologies and machine learning methods for emotion recognition in autism: Systematic review

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    Background: Human Emotion Recognition (HER) has been a popular field of study in the past years. Despite the great progresses made so far, relatively little attention has been paid to the use of HER in autism. People with autism are known to face problems with daily social communication and the prototypical interpretation of emotional responses, which are most frequently exerted via facial expressions. This poses significant practical challenges to the application of regular HER systems, which are normally developed for and by neurotypical people. Objective: This study reviews the literature on the use of HER systems in autism, particularly with respect to sensing technologies and machine learning methods, as to identify existing barriers and possible future directions. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of articles published between January 2011 and June 2023 according to the 2020 PRISMA guidelines. Manuscripts were identified through searching Web of Science and Scopus databases. Manuscripts were included when related to emotion recognition, used sensors and machine learning techniques, and involved children with autism, young, or adults. Results: The search yielded 346 articles. A total of 65 publications met the eligibility criteria and were included in the review. Conclusions: Studies predominantly used facial expression techniques as the emotion recognition method. Consequently, video cameras were the most widely used devices across studies, although a growing trend in the use of physiological sensors was observed lately. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise were most frequently addressed. Classical supervised machine learning techniques were primarily used at the expense of unsupervised approaches or more recent deep learning models. Studies focused on autism in a broad sense but limited efforts have been directed towards more specific disorders of the spectrum. Privacy or security issues were seldom addressed, and if so, at a rather insufficient level of detail.This research has been partially funded by the Spanish project “Advanced Computing Architectures and Machine Learning-Based Solutions for Complex Problems in Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedicine (RTI2018-101674-B-I00)” and the Andalusian project “Integration of heterogeneous biomedical information sources by means of high performance computing. Application to personalized and precision medicine (P20_00163)”. Funding for this research is provided by the EU Horizon 2020 Pharaon project ‘Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing’ (no. 857188). Moreover, this research has received funding under the REMIND project Marie Sklodowska-Curie EU Framework for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 (no. 734355). This research has been partially funded by the BALLADEER project (PROMETEO/2021/088) from the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Generalitat Valenciana. Furthermore, it has been partially funded by the AETHER-UA (PID2020-112540RB-C43) project from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This work has been also partially funded by “La Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital”, under the project “Development of an architecture based on machine learning and data mining techniques for the prediction of indicators in the diagnosis and intervention of autism spectrum disorder. AICO/2020/117”. This study was also funded by the Colombian Government through Minciencias grant number 860 “international studies for doctorate”. This research has been partially funded by the Spanish Government by the project PID2021-127275OB-I00, FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa”. Moreover, this contribution has been supported by the Spanish Institute of Health ISCIII through the DTS21-00047 project. Furthermore, this work was funded by COST Actions “HARMONISATION” (CA20122) and “A Comprehensive Network Against Brain Cancer” (Net4Brain - CA22103). Sandra Amador is granted by the Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund (CIACIF/ 2022/233)

    Personal State and Emotion Monitoring by Wearable Computing and Machine Learning

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    One of the major scientific undertakings over the past few years has been exploring the interaction between humans and machines in mobile environments. Wearable computers, embedded in clothing or seamlessly integrated into everyday devices, have an incredible advantage to become the main gateway to personal health management. Current state of the art devices are capable in monitoring basic physical or physiological parameters. Traditional health systems procedures depend on the physical presence of the patient and a medical specialist that not only is a reason of overall costs but also reduces the quality of patients' lives, particularly elderly patients. Usually, patients have to go through the following steps for the traditional procedure: Firstly, patients need to visit the clinic, get registered at reception, wait for the turn, go to the lab for the physiological measurement, wait for the medical experts call, to finally receive feedback from the medical expert. In this work, we examined how to utilize existing technology in order to develop an e-health monitoring system especially for heart patients. This system should support the interaction between the patient and the physician even when the patient is not in the clinic. The supporting wearable health monitoring system WHMS should recognize physical activities, emotional states and transmit this information to the physician along with relevant physiological data; in this way patients do not need to visit the clinic every time for the physician's feed-back. After the discussion with medical experts, we identified relevant physical activities, emotional states and physiological data needed for the patients' examinations. A prototype of this concept for a health monitoring system of the proposed solution was implemented taking into account physical activities, emotional states and physiological data

    Recent Developments in Smart Healthcare

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    Medicine is undergoing a sector-wide transformation thanks to the advances in computing and networking technologies. Healthcare is changing from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive and personalized, from disease focused to well-being centered. In essence, the healthcare systems, as well as fundamental medicine research, are becoming smarter. We anticipate significant improvements in areas ranging from molecular genomics and proteomics to decision support for healthcare professionals through big data analytics, to support behavior changes through technology-enabled self-management, and social and motivational support. Furthermore, with smart technologies, healthcare delivery could also be made more efficient, higher quality, and lower cost. In this special issue, we received a total 45 submissions and accepted 19 outstanding papers that roughly span across several interesting topics on smart healthcare, including public health, health information technology (Health IT), and smart medicine

    Improving Quality of Life: Home Care for Chronically Ill and Elderly People

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    In this chapter, we propose a system especially created for elderly or chronically ill people that are with special needs and poor familiarity with technology. The system combines home monitoring of physiological and emotional states through a set of wearable sensors, user-controlled (automated) home devices, and a central control for integration of the data, in order to provide a safe and friendly environment according to the limited capabilities of the users. The main objective is to create the easy, low-cost automation of a room or house to provide a friendly environment that enhances the psychological condition of immobilized users. In addition, the complete interaction of the components provides an overview of the physical and emotional state of the user, building a behavior pattern that can be supervised by the care giving staff. This approach allows the integration of physiological signals with the patient’s environmental and social context to obtain a complete framework of the emotional states

    Reconnaissance de l'émotion thermique

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    Pour améliorer les interactions homme-ordinateur dans les domaines de la santé, de l'e-learning et des jeux vidéos, de nombreux chercheurs ont étudié la reconnaissance des émotions à partir des signaux de texte, de parole, d'expression faciale, de détection d'émotion ou d'électroencéphalographie (EEG). Parmi eux, la reconnaissance d'émotion à l'aide d'EEG a permis une précision satisfaisante. Cependant, le fait d'utiliser des dispositifs d'électroencéphalographie limite la gamme des mouvements de l'utilisateur. Une méthode non envahissante est donc nécessaire pour faciliter la détection des émotions et ses applications. C'est pourquoi nous avons proposé d'utiliser une caméra thermique pour capturer les changements de température de la peau, puis appliquer des algorithmes d'apprentissage machine pour classer les changements d'émotion en conséquence. Cette thèse contient deux études sur la détection d'émotion thermique avec la comparaison de la détection d'émotion basée sur EEG. L'un était de découvrir les profils de détection émotionnelle thermique en comparaison avec la technologie de détection d'émotion basée sur EEG; L'autre était de construire une application avec des algorithmes d'apprentissage en machine profonds pour visualiser la précision et la performance de la détection d'émotion thermique et basée sur EEG. Dans la première recherche, nous avons appliqué HMM dans la reconnaissance de l'émotion thermique, et après avoir comparé à la détection de l'émotion basée sur EEG, nous avons identifié les caractéristiques liées à l'émotion de la température de la peau en termes d'intensité et de rapidité. Dans la deuxième recherche, nous avons mis en place une application de détection d'émotion qui supporte à la fois la détection d'émotion thermique et la détection d'émotion basée sur EEG en appliquant les méthodes d'apprentissage par machine profondes - Réseau Neuronal Convolutif (CNN) et Mémoire à long court-terme (LSTM). La précision de la détection d'émotion basée sur l'image thermique a atteint 52,59% et la précision de la détection basée sur l'EEG a atteint 67,05%. Dans une autre étude, nous allons faire plus de recherches sur l'ajustement des algorithmes d'apprentissage machine pour améliorer la précision de détection d'émotion thermique.To improve computer-human interactions in the areas of healthcare, e-learning and video games, many researchers have studied on recognizing emotions from text, speech, facial expressions, emotion detection, or electroencephalography (EEG) signals. Among them, emotion recognition using EEG has achieved satisfying accuracy. However, wearing electroencephalography devices limits the range of user movement, thus a noninvasive method is required to facilitate the emotion detection and its applications. That’s why we proposed using thermal camera to capture the skin temperature changes and then applying machine learning algorithms to classify emotion changes accordingly. This thesis contains two studies on thermal emotion detection with the comparison of EEG-base emotion detection. One was to find out the thermal emotional detection profiles comparing with EEG-based emotion detection technology; the other was to implement an application with deep machine learning algorithms to visually display both thermal and EEG based emotion detection accuracy and performance. In the first research, we applied HMM in thermal emotion recognition, and after comparing with EEG-base emotion detection, we identified skin temperature emotion-related features in terms of intensity and rapidity. In the second research, we implemented an emotion detection application supporting both thermal emotion detection and EEG-based emotion detection with applying the deep machine learning methods – Convolutional Neutral Network (CNN) and LSTM (Long- Short Term Memory). The accuracy of thermal image based emotion detection achieved 52.59% and the accuracy of EEG based detection achieved 67.05%. In further study, we will do more research on adjusting machine learning algorithms to improve the thermal emotion detection precision

    Differences and common ground in the frameworks of health-related quality of life in traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine:a systematic review

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    Purpose: This systematic review aims to explore the conceptualization of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in China. With HRQoL influenced by both modern medicine (MM) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the study seeks to identify differences and common ground between the frameworks of MM and TCM as defined in the literature. Method: A systematic literature search was conducted across three Chinese databases and four English databases. The data was extracted including title, author(s), publication year, region, aim, method, category, and result. When sorting data, we broke down the HRQoL frameworks into concepts, domains and facets, with a focus on overlapped facets between the frameworks of MM and TCM. Results: A total of 31 studies were included. In the perspective of TCM, HRQoL is centered around three key 'concepts': (1) 'xingshentongyi' (unity of body and spirit), (2) 'tianrenheyi' (harmony between man and nature), and (3) 'qiqing' (seven emotional forms). In contrast, the MM framework comprises 'physical,' 'mental,' 'social,' and 'environment' domains. Out of the 59 unique facets identified, 28 are common to both TCM and MM, 9 specific to TCM, and 22 specific to MM. 'Appetite,' 'sleep,' and 'energy' are the most frequently mentioned facets in both frameworks. Conclusion: The concept of HRQoL in China encompasses frameworks rooted in both TCM and MM. While TCM and MM have distinct healthcare approaches, they share overlapping domains when measuring HRQoL through questionnaires. Furthermore, TCM and MM demonstrate considerable convergence in terms of HRQoL facets, showing the potential for utilizing HRQoL instruments across different cultural settings.</p

    Differences and common ground in the frameworks of health-related quality of life in traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine:a systematic review

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    Purpose: This systematic review aims to explore the conceptualization of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in China. With HRQoL influenced by both modern medicine (MM) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the study seeks to identify differences and common ground between the frameworks of MM and TCM as defined in the literature. Method: A systematic literature search was conducted across three Chinese databases and four English databases. The data was extracted including title, author(s), publication year, region, aim, method, category, and result. When sorting data, we broke down the HRQoL frameworks into concepts, domains and facets, with a focus on overlapped facets between the frameworks of MM and TCM. Results: A total of 31 studies were included. In the perspective of TCM, HRQoL is centered around three key 'concepts': (1) 'xingshentongyi' (unity of body and spirit), (2) 'tianrenheyi' (harmony between man and nature), and (3) 'qiqing' (seven emotional forms). In contrast, the MM framework comprises 'physical,' 'mental,' 'social,' and 'environment' domains. Out of the 59 unique facets identified, 28 are common to both TCM and MM, 9 specific to TCM, and 22 specific to MM. 'Appetite,' 'sleep,' and 'energy' are the most frequently mentioned facets in both frameworks. Conclusion: The concept of HRQoL in China encompasses frameworks rooted in both TCM and MM. While TCM and MM have distinct healthcare approaches, they share overlapping domains when measuring HRQoL through questionnaires. Furthermore, TCM and MM demonstrate considerable convergence in terms of HRQoL facets, showing the potential for utilizing HRQoL instruments across different cultural settings.</p

    Logging Stress and Anxiety Using a Gamified Mobile-based EMA Application, and Emotion Recognition Using a Personalized Machine Learning Approach

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    According to American Psychological Association (APA) more than 9 in 10 (94 percent) adults believe that stress can contribute to the development of major health problems, such as heart disease, depression, and obesity. Due to the subjective nature of stress, and anxiety, it has been demanding to measure these psychological issues accurately by only relying on objective means. In recent years, researchers have increasingly utilized computer vision techniques and machine learning algorithms to develop scalable and accessible solutions for remote mental health monitoring via web and mobile applications. To further enhance accuracy in the field of digital health and precision diagnostics, there is a need for personalized machine-learning approaches that focus on recognizing mental states based on individual characteristics, rather than relying solely on general-purpose solutions. This thesis focuses on conducting experiments aimed at recognizing and assessing levels of stress and anxiety in participants. In the initial phase of the study, a mobile application with broad applicability (compatible with both Android and iPhone platforms) is introduced (we called it STAND). This application serves the purpose of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA). Participants receive daily notifications through this smartphone-based app, which redirects them to a screen consisting of three components. These components include a question that prompts participants to indicate their current levels of stress and anxiety, a rating scale ranging from 1 to 10 for quantifying their response, and the ability to capture a selfie. The responses to the stress and anxiety questions, along with the corresponding selfie photographs, are then analyzed on an individual basis. This analysis focuses on exploring the relationships between self-reported stress and anxiety levels and potential facial expressions indicative of stress and anxiety, eye features such as pupil size variation and eye closure, and specific action units (AUs) observed in the frames over time. In addition to its primary functions, the mobile app also gathers sensor data, including accelerometer and gyroscope readings, on a daily basis. This data holds potential for further analysis related to stress and anxiety. Furthermore, apart from capturing selfie photographs, participants have the option to upload video recordings of themselves while engaging in two neuropsychological games. These recorded videos are then subjected to analysis in order to extract pertinent features that can be utilized for binary classification of stress and anxiety (i.e., stress and anxiety recognition). The participants that will be selected for this phase are students aged between 18 and 38, who have received recent clinical diagnoses indicating specific stress and anxiety levels. In order to enhance user engagement in the intervention, gamified elements - an emerging trend to influence user behavior and lifestyle - has been utilized. Incorporating gamified elements into non-game contexts (e.g., health-related) has gained overwhelming popularity during the last few years which has made the interventions more delightful, engaging, and motivating. In the subsequent phase of this research, we conducted an AI experiment employing a personalized machine learning approach to perform emotion recognition on an established dataset called Emognition. This experiment served as a simulation of the future analysis that will be conducted as part of a more comprehensive study focusing on stress and anxiety recognition. The outcomes of the emotion recognition experiment in this study highlight the effectiveness of personalized machine learning techniques and bear significance for the development of future diagnostic endeavors. For training purposes, we selected three models, namely KNN, Random Forest, and MLP. The preliminary performance accuracy results for the experiment were 93%, 95%, and 87% respectively for these models

    Feature Space Augmentation: Improving Prediction Accuracy of Classical Problems in Cognitive Science and Computer Vison

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    The prediction accuracy in many classical problems across multiple domains has seen a rise since computational tools such as multi-layer neural nets and complex machine learning algorithms have become widely accessible to the research community. In this research, we take a step back and examine the feature space in two problems from very different domains. We show that novel augmentation to the feature space yields higher performance. Emotion Recognition in Adults from a Control Group: The objective is to quantify the emotional state of an individual at any time using data collected by wearable sensors. We define emotional state as a mixture of amusement, anger, disgust, fear, sadness, anxiety and neutral and their respective levels at any time. The generated model predicts an individual’s dominant state and generates an emotional spectrum, 1x7 vector indicating levels of each emotional state and anxiety. We present an iterative learning framework that alters the feature space uniquely to an individual’s emotion perception, and predicts the emotional state using the individual specific feature space. Hybrid Feature Space for Image Classification: The objective is to improve the accuracy of existing image recognition by leveraging text features from the images. As humans, we perceive objects using colors, dimensions, geometry and any textual information we can gather. Current image recognition algorithms rely exclusively on the first 3 and do not use the textual information. This study develops and tests an approach that trains a classifier on a hybrid text based feature space that has comparable accuracy to the state of the art CNN’s while being significantly inexpensive computationally. Moreover, when combined with CNN’S the approach yields a statistically significant boost in accuracy. Both models are validated using cross validation and holdout validation, and are evaluated against the state of the art